
January 30 2006

Some people define it as the realization that it's God's life, and not yours. Personally, I don't like that definition. I think that God has given us a life of our own, he just wants us to turn all control over to him. At least that is the way I see it.

Tonight at bibe study, was nothing short of amazing. I could really feel the presence of God in that place. Here is a kind of a long story that I told my brothers in my bible study group that I felt might be a good idea to post on phusebox, just because I am so fired up about it. It's a little long, but I hope you will be blessed by it.

Last week I was sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring and for 3rd period to end. I am just brainstorming and then I look up and a girl walks in through the door. This girl, (although I will not mention a name) looks like she has been to hell and back. Hair is a mess, mascera (sp) running down face, etc. You paint the picture. So she sits down at her desk, secluded at the back of the room where no one else sits, and begins to cry. I really felt I should pray for this girl, so I did just that. I prayed that God would send me an opportunity to encourage this person. I waited, and nothing came to mind. I think it was just one of those times where God was just telling me to pray, and there was nothing else I could do. Sometimes, being a guy, I fail to show emotion and how much I truly care. But this time, I think God was just telling me to yield to him and let him have control. Anyway, after that the bell rang, and I got up and left with the rest of the class. But then something happened. I began to think about that girl...that girl that was hurting. I started to think about all the crap she is probably going through, and I painted a mental picture in my head of her life. Then I began to look at the people around me. As I walked through the crowded hall of my school to proceed to my 4th period class, I began to think about all of the lost souls in my school. Right then and there it hit me...THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL GOING TO HELL FOR AN ETERNITY . My classmates, the people that I see, many of my friends, a few of my aquaintances, and many of my teachers. And guys, there is no way to water that down. I began to make mental x's on people's heads of all of the people that I knew would burn for eternity with the smell of sulphur and eternal separation from Jesus Christ. Then I began to cry. Tears poured down my face as I walked through the halls of my school, just looking around at people and prayer walking my school, just like I have done so many times before. I felt the burden of the sins of the Siegel High School student body. And I felt so helpless. It makes me think of what Jesus had to go through, when he was nailed to that cross. This man actually took on the sins of the entire world, something we could never even begin to fathom. But it doesn't stop there. I want to encourage every one of you to have a burden for your school, no matter where you go. Siegel, Oakland, Blackman, Riverdale...we are all one body in Christ. We cannot save souls on our own, but only THROUGH THE SPIRIT, BY FAITH. And we have a great cloud of witnesses to do it with. The facts are that we have all the tools, but the job is not getting done. So I encourage you to ask yourself where your witness is this week. Make the most of every opportunity, for His glory. At all costs.


eddie sally

January 30 2006
gosh garrett, that was some great stuff. you hd me going for a minute. thats why im becoming a younglife leader. i too did realize that there are too many people roaming the halls of our high schools that dont know Jesus. i plan to make them aware of Him but its up to them if they are willing to accept Him.


January 30 2006
amen garrett!

Ben Moser

January 30 2006
good post man, i agree


January 31 2006
that burden is not human man, that's some stuff that's straight from the Spirit... God is going to do big things through you Garrett, you can count on it!

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

January 31 2006
This morning I think God showed me a little of what He showed you that, it just breaks your heart. I wish that the Spirit could let me be burdened for a while. I think I need a shock to my system.

Rachael Vance

February 01 2006
amen, garrett...i know what u mean...just keep living for God, and the rest will come in time.

ami driver

February 01 2006
garrett-- i can see God working so much in your life. that is def. something i should be aware of.. love you muffinhead..


February 02 2006
Garrett is my hero!

kaitlin gay

February 02 2006
garrett is a fruit cake

kaitlin gay

February 02 2006
i just put in that remark.. and then went back and read your entry (a little backwards) but anyways, garrett IS NOT a fruit cake. he is an AMAZING guy with such a heart for Jesus Christ. the fact that you can take that whole thought into perspective blows my mind. you are so wise and God is going to use you so greatly. you are definately a role model to me. you are just incredible. thank you for <b>blessing</b> my day with that entry! im praying for you and i love you!!! -kaitlin


February 02 2006

meredith taylor

February 03 2006
WOW! That is so amazing and God is doing wonders in your life! It is so amazing to know you and be your friend. I can always count on you to talk to about things and you keep it to your-self. Thanks for always being there! I know God will show you things at the student life confrence!!! I wish i could go! talk later!!! Merbear!