The next time you realize that you are blessed...

January 17 2006

Remember that all blessings are blood bought through Christ Jesus our lord.

Rember that all we deserve from God is condemnation, and hell.

Remember that the only thing we should exalt in, is the cross. (Galations 6:14)

Now if that doesn't blow your socks off, u really should examine yourself.

That just makes me super happy


January 17 2006


January 17 2006
praise jesus brotha ....haha :) , ur awesome

eddie sally

January 17 2006
dude im going to try my best to be a leader at siegel.

Rachael Vance

January 17 2006
amen to that, brother! it's easily forgotten how much we truly deserve...everyone is so caught up in their lives, that we often forget our purpose. the price that was paid for our lives is one that is taken adantage, it's good to know that there are people like u around!


January 18 2006
true true