Tour de Lance....

July 30 2005
Lance Armstong, everyone is familiar with the name. He is no longer confused with that guy who went on the moon. He is known from by winning seven tours, and most of all coming back from cancer. Cancer that was so bad he was coughing up blood. It wasn’t till he was coughing up blood though he actually went to the doctor. I think that we endurance athletes never want to actually admit there is something wrong with us. Then after chemo and many treatments he came back to win seven tours. It took this much to attract Americans to this sport.

The question now is, are Americans going to continue watching cycling? Perhaps if there are other great American Cyclists. Last year a gold medal was won by an American in the time trials but Tyler Hamilton is suspended for two years for blood doping (though there is evidence to refute this claim). There are others to step up to the plate; Bobby Julich, Levi Leipheimer and Floyd Landis were both in the top twenty of this Tour. We must not forget David Zabriskie who wore yellow until crashing in the team time trial. None will dominate the Tour like Lance. No, the real question is if Americans are hook on the sport? Mia Hamn did it with women’s soccer, and the team is still drawing fans after her retirement. I suppose we can’t predict this now. We will have to wait till next year’s tour and the tours after that.

There might never be anybody like Lance, but just think somewhere out there is a kid on his bike dreaming of winning the Tour de France.

As for me, I am having Tour withdrawals. I still consider cycling a great cross trainer, and perhaps one day I will enter a bike race.



July 31 2005
you should.


July 31 2005
me, im having camp withdrawls. you should enter a race.


August 03 2005


August 03 2005
i agree with Julie, you should enter a bike race. That would be super cool!