It's SO new!

June 08 2005
Yay, kiddos! I'm finally here.. Who knew that "fuse" could be spelled "phuse"?! ha ha!

Well, just wanted to play around with an entry.. Love all you people out there!

I Don't Know!!!

June 08 2005
yeah i had a pretty cool day today i guess....babysat and then had to go in to my real job but hey that was more fun than babysitting but you know it's all good.....yeah life is pretty sweet right now i really don't have any complaints about anything so yeah
well you guys I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

JROTC Soap Box Time

June 08 2005
Celebrating Tennessee Secession Day is really amusing and all...

But I don't see why anyone would want to celebrate it.

I personally like being a citizen of the United States of America. I may not always (or very often, for that matter) agree with my government, but overall, I'm glad I was born under the law of the US Constitution.

But I have to admit that I giggle at a lot of my friends went to Old Fort Park today to have a party in TN Secession Day's honor. ^_^ I hope they had a blast! (I was sitting on my butt at home watching some old anime I hadn't seen in two years.)

Calm down, the Rotcie is getting off her respect-the-government soap box. So you can go on to more interesting things now.


June 08 2005
Hey! Well, I have no idea what this is but hey thats cool! I'll eventually figure it out. So yeah....visiti my xanga sometime!

Where I Live Now

June 08 2005
So, Bethany and I just got back from walking around near my building. For a relation for those I have not already told, I am living in a tall building in the financial district of NYC called THE EXCHANGE (on the 11th floor, for those who care). And no, I do not have a great view... it is just a view of the building across the street, but what do you expect in NYC?). However, the building is AMAZING!

I live a few blocks away from where the twin towers used to reside (lower tip of Manhattan). I live just down the street from the New York Stock Exchange and right around the corner from THE TRUMP TOWER, in fact, I can look right into it from my roof.

Oh yeah! I have a roof... well, most people have a roof, but atop my 23-story apartment building, there is an observation deck. Lane and I went up there last night. WOW. The NYC night lights from the ground are amazing, but from atop a tall building... AMAZING. It is almost as good as looking at the stars. ;-)

And the weather was perfect last night. Not too cool, not too hot, with a slight breeze. I love New York.

My older sister, bethany is here for the rest of the week, so I look forward to hanging out with her until Saturday.

I miss EVERYBODY back at home. Right now, Diversion at Belle Aire is starting in about an hour back home. I will miss being there in the tech booth, but I guess God had bigger plans for me!

photo from nathan
my bathroom

photo from nathan
my kitchen

photo from nathan


-Nathan Moore

This is what happens. . .

June 08 2005
Today was Tennessee Seccession Day, and a group of us gathered under a pavilion at Old Fort to celebrate. After awhile, Brian, Aimee, Sara, and I treked through the Greenway creek for about half an hour. None of us came out dry:

photo from BeautyFromPain

I have more pictures from the journey, so be sure to check them out.

Cory and Topanga

June 08 2005
Everyone knows Cory and Topanga the star couple of the show "Boy Meets World". I always wished I had my own Topanga... Someone I had known since infancy who I knew better than anyone else. I wanted someone I could love my entire life and spend the rest of my life with. I wanted a "Cory and Topanga relationship", of course for me it's not exactly possible since I haven't really known any one for more than 3 years at a time. No one from my younger childhood is even around... So I guess that wish is virtually impossible, but that's ok, I still hope there is someone out there for me. Those of you who know me really well might know that I'm not sure I'll ever get married, the life I think I'm to live is NOT the kind of life for a wife and family... sadly... But I still have hope and love "and the greatest of these is love".

Gloria Patri
the OTHER nathan

About the Previous Entry

June 08 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

Y'all asked for it... LOL...
01. Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.
CLINT: You're dramatic and fun.
NATHAN: You're just awesome. You can do everything I wish I could do and hope to learn to do in college.
KAYLEI: You have such a sweet spirit.
AMY: You strive to be a good friend.
BECKY: You're sweet.
STEPHEN: You're mature for your age and earnest to learn.
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
CLINT: Beverly Hillbillies... because of Siegel drama.
NATHAN: A Beautiful Mind... I know you like it, and we saw the mansion in NJ. It's also deep and pyschological, like you... lol.
KAYLEI: The Phantom Menance... it was literally your first Star Wars movie!
AMY: Any chick flick... lol... oh and Whisky Lullaby!
BECKY: I guess The Notebook, since both you and Amy like it.
STEPHEN: Well, I know that you're into like all the different Passion stuff... I think... lol... so I yeah I guess worship songs.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, I'll tell you what it would be.
ALL OF YOU seem like night owls. Midnight. Except STEPHEN. You seem like a 5 AM guy to me... lol... well maybe not yet.
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
CLINT: dramatic
NATHAN: cool
KAYLEI: sweet
AMY: dedicated
BECKY: friendly
STEPHEN: mature
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
CLINT: When you finally wore the red Chucks to a football game.
NATHAN: Having our college talk. And the first time we met at the 03 fall retreat... "you go to Riverdale?!"
KAYLEI: Talking about relationships @ 2 AM.
AMY: Hmmm... so many memories... how about riding in your car with balloons in the backseat while you're talking to Graham on the phone and driving... I seriously thought I wouldn't live to see my 18th b'day!
BECKY: Eating at Chili's when you were very angry with a certain someone... lol I don't know why that stands out!
STEPHEN: New Jersey trip
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
CLINT: Um... an animal?! What animal do you want to be?! I'll be random... polar bear!!!
NATHAN: Your dog Callie
KAYLEI: Um... I dunno... random generator says you are like a... turtle.
AMY: Something skinny... how about a giraffe?
BECKY: Um... goodness another random generator... you can be a toucan.
STEPHEN: Random generator says you are a... frog?
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
CLINT: What it will take you to become Republican.. lol...
NATHAN: Hmmm... how can anyone can be so artsy and scientific? Not fair!
KAYLEI: I don't think I really have a wondering about you... at least not that I can think of...
AMY: I wonder about you all the time... ha ha.
BECKY: I don't really know you well enough... I guess I wonder how you and Amy act at home together.
STEPHEN: I wonder how you survived through junior high not acting like a typical junior high boy... believe me... that's a compliment!


June 08 2005
need i say more?


June 08 2005
i got my braces. ouch.


June 08 2005
When I'm lonely, I think of mayonnaise. I think people don't like it because it's pasty, it has bad people skills, and it has to be neutralized with hot sauce.And sometimes that's how I feel except not really.

phusebox is being mean

June 08 2005
so this thing is pretty cool..

it's being mean though & won't save my "favorite movies".. like ill type them all in there & then i press save & all that shows up is the word "you".. kinda odd..

& the groups are messed up too.. it won't let me join some of them..

but anyway.. enough complaining..

ive had a good day..
hope yall have too

thanks for the "remarks" haha im used to writing comments..

"it's not quite evening and it's not New York..."

June 08 2005

photo from rachael

ok ok finally!!! my internet is now restored after like almost two days with out it. praise God!

anyway... i went to the airport yesterday with the moore's. it was extremely hard. but! [thank you nathan for making me feel a little better by giving my long lost friend, mr. moose! that was great! and not only thank you for that but thank you for all the memories and good times in the boro...sitting under the stars, andy davis & mustard dragons, playing catch, picnics, movie nights, playing games, late night talks, playing on playgrounds, silliness, randomness, the rain, pushing me to be better, being patient with me, appreciating me, laughing at me in a good way for being delerious or just plain silly, starbucks, understanding me, that look, waiting, and all that jazz.]

last night instead of going to the hampton's house we all met up at thomas's baseball game. man, some of those parents get REALLY invovled in the game... it was rather scary at times.

so yeah, work was far more involved then my normal cleaning thing. they are actually teaching me things now. so i will know how to care better for special needs children. it is kinda stressful now, but i guess i will get the hang of it.

well, i gotta get ready for church. and then two more days and it is off to big stuf!!! yay! i hope that everyone has a great day!

[i am a child of the i must hope]

will I ever be able to post pictures?

June 08 2005
ah pooh, I give up trying to put pictures on this thing.
It'll never work for me. :(

Photo From UntilLater

June 08 2005
thas me and amy p. at prom. what a wonderful night...

photo from UntilLater


June 08 2005
so i guess i have one of these now toooo. following in the footsteps of those before me.

well J-Camp went awesome, i have to say that playing Chinese Fire Escape around the Siegel Voyager is mucho fun. oh and piling 10 people in a 5 person booth at applebee's, yeah maybe that's why my feet hurt.

anyways have a great rest of the day!!


A New Mindset

June 08 2005
Hello everyone! You know, I've been doing some thinking about my relationship with the Lord. He truly is amazing to me and I do truly love Him with all of my heart. After all, He loved me first and died for me. But I have been taking on the mindset that He should help solve my problems with no help from me. Now I see I was wrong to think that way. He wants me to get up and stop being lazy and do something with my life and fix the things that I have been iritated by. He wants me to have a better mindset and to not get down about certain things that I can't control. He doesn't want me to sit around and mope, He wants me to get up out of bed and live each day as if it were my last. I've been thinking so much about how Kyle McCabe lived his life the last days he was here. He truly lived his life to the fullest and lived up to his potential. I honestly cannot say I have lived that way, but I am starting anew and hope to be all I can be for God.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12: 11-12

-Kaylei :)

June 8th is...

June 08 2005
Today is my birthday!


i love you!



June 08 2005


June 08 2005
Alright, so I finally figured out this thing. Now I officially have three blogs. Grand? I think not.A lot to keep up with, but I suppose I could try. It is the summer afterall.

Oh look, three friends. I am oh so popular.

if you go to MTSU then check me out

June 08 2005
I get to work at Phillip's bookstore. it is located in the KUC. so come check me out for all of your MTSU textbook needs. also Garret Shaw will be working there with me, so you can imagine the chaos that will ensue from random things that we will do and say that will most definately get us fired but because i can talk my way out of a pickle, we will be able to stay...


June 08 2005


June 08 2005
so it is my birthday today, and I guess I am officially not a teenager anymore.

I am going to the Braves game tonight with my friend anna, which should be a lot of fun...I just hope it doesn't rain (I bought tickets like a month and a half ago).

A big group of us (me, anna, britta, dan, meredith, cami and elise) went to go see charlie hall last night at north point like I said in my previous post. he is always amazing and last night was no exception. the way he can lead you to the throne of God and let the spirit move through sometimes such simple songs is really cool. brad horton (used to be 2nd in command at passion) is north point's college minister, and he spoke on identity and upgrading who we are to be in line with who God is rather than downgrading ourselves to be in line with things of the world that take up our time and passions. they split up into small groups after charlie played again, but we didn't know anybody, and the groups were setup for people who go to the georgia colleges, so we decided not to go. charlie came up to me after the set and started talking to me, which was cool, because he really knew me and remembered that I went to ao. we are trying to get them to come again next semester, and he was really excited about the possibility, even though they may be in the middle of recording their next album at that time. I also got to talk to dustin and brian for a bit, which was cool because we talk on their message board quite a lot. there are like only 6 people, including the three of us, that are on there all the time, so it was cool for us because we knew that we had talked about certain things on the message board. anyways, yeah I am pretty much a dork.

God is amazing and never ceases to show me new things. I have been unable to sleep well the past week or so, because there has been a lot on my mind...not bad stuff, its all good, there's just a lot of it...but anyways, God really put on my heart to open up to 2 Cor. a couple nights ago, so I got outta bed at about 2:30 and opened up to chapter 3. the chapter really has nothing to do with what I was thinking about, but it was really really cool anyways. here are a few verses that i love:

4-6 Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant -- not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

9-12 If a ministry that condemns men is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was fading away came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.

16-18 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit

bye bye

June 08 2005
i already miss my friends from school...especially the seniors who i will never get to the one i danced with at prom, the same one who has a very nice voice...sadness

Here We Go...

June 08 2005
well here we go, Ive started another one of these... and I must agree with Miss Tenpenny... I think I like it better. Well not much to say. This summer has ben pretty awesome so far. Ok I'll write something of actual meaning in here later!!!

You know your from kentucky when...

June 08 2005

You Know You're From Kentucky When...

No matter how much you think you talk normally, when you head up North they all think you talk like a redneck

Your English teacher says things like "Y'all" and "Ain't Got None"

The best restaurant in town is the Cracker Barrel

No matter how bad UK's basketball team is, you still belive they'll pull it off and make it to the Final 4

You still believe the South should be it's own nation

You believe the Civil War was not a far fight

It's not an uncommon site to see a fat man in overalls and a cowboy hat drivin' down the road in a beat up Chevy with a confederate flag hangin' off the back with music from Johhny Rebel blastin' out of his radio

Biscuits, gravy, and grits is your favorite breakfast

Wakin' up with coons and squirrels on your back porch is not an uncommon thing

To you, huntin' aint killin', its sorta like grocery shoppin'

You own at least 10 country or southern rock cd's

You only own a pair of church shoes and winter shoes

In the summer you don't wear shoes

Even your grandmother chews tobacco

You consider the northern part of the country "The Union"

A rebel flag doesn't simbolize racism to you

Your church parking lot is filled with pickups

The first words out of your mouth every time you see friends are "Howdy!", "HEY!" or "How Y'all Doin'?"

You actually know who Toby Keith, Brooks& Dunn, Keith Urban, Montgomery Gentry, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, and George Straight are.

A carbonated soft drink is a COKE, regardless of brand or flavor.

You refer to Louisville as "The Ville."

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Kentucky.

Get Your Own "You Know You're From" Meme Here

More cool things for your blog at

Photo From kelly

June 08 2005

photo from kelly

it's here

June 08 2005



old fort park.

bring food.

be there.


June 08 2005
so while eating ice cream late last night, aimee and i compiled the ultimate list for summer. as you can imagine lots and lots of fun.

1.Go skinny dipping. We don't know where or when, but that's what makes it fun.

2.Stay up for a whole 24 hours. this goes without exclamation.

3. Have a massive food fight.

4. Try all 31 flavors of Baskin Robins ice cream.

5. Watch the complete series of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter in one sitting.

6. Try everything on the Starbucks menu.

7. Create our own full length feature film about our summer.

the last two are super confidential, and all in all just a big secret. so you probably wouldn't want to know anyways...


June 07 2005
well today has been gay.. came home got in trouble.. i swear this summer sucks all i been doing is gettin in trouble.. and the sad thing is this time im not even trying to get into trouble.. but yah last night michael and ashley broke up for some gay reasons but thats not my shit just as long as me and megan are still together thats all im concentrating on right now . i really love her alot . just hope we stay together for real.. she doesnt have to get surgery so tahts cool too but i should go its like 2 in the morning and im stuck at the hosue so holla.. i love you so much megan... go check out the xanga.. Ford_Ranger_2005.. holla

i love you megan

Tuesdays Are Cooler Than You

June 07 2005
Well, they're probably not, because I know of some VERY cool people who read this blog. ^_^

But they kick ass, all the same.

I thought that last tuesday was the pure essence of summer (loitering at Fazoli's, loitering at Go USA, playing mini golf at Go USA, loitering at Go USA some more). Oh, but no. I'm pretty sure THIS tuesday has it beat.

Left Fazoli's kind of early this week. We all transferred to Starbucks for some post-fresh-Italian-goodness caffination. Had a tall caramel macchiato or whatever it's called. And a chocolate peanut butter THING. Mmmmmmm. . . *gets lost in memory of peanut buttery goodness*

Then we decided to go run around Grace's neighborhood and hang at her house. Grace accompanied me back to my house (and Lubie followed) to drop off my car. Then Lubie drove Grace and I back to her house (Grace giving directions.) But her mom was sick. And her dad threw a fit. So we decided to go to Jane's instead.

We sat on the hood of Michael's car, laid in Jane's back yard, stood around yammering. Just whatever. Until midnight or so. Michael and Jordan had to leave. And Jane, Grace, and Rachel decided to go in for the night (Grace was not feeling entirely well.) And Lubie gave me a ride home.

Nobody used air conditioning in their cars... nobody complained about being outiside.

It was just that PERFECT outside.

This tuesday currently holds the title of pure essence of summer.


I think I miss my hair... I'm not sure. I wanted something different, but I'm not sure if chose a good cut. I need feedback! And I don't have a picture to put up. So I guess you'll just have to make arrangements to see me. ^_^

Photo From WonderWall

June 07 2005

photo from WonderWall

Haha, that party was too much fun! I have yet to figure out why my legs look like that but they're supposed to be tan on the bottom too, not white.

my brother nathan is gone

June 07 2005
my brother nathan is gone. this means i'm sad.

walmart amazingness

June 07 2005
while at walmart i saw 2 people with relient K shirts on it was simply amazing i wanted to hug them


June 07 2005
had fun biking around town today went to walmart where i ran around in a batman mask annoying people!!! it was quite fun then at petsmart i talked to this lady in the cat room while smuggeling cats out of there not-so-well-"locked" cages got some jones at barnes and [k]noble and talked really loudly about how i would never buy anything from jacks pet land while walking through it

oh and i wanted to buy a polarizer for my nikon but i found out that id cost 40+ for what i needed *cries* so no polarizer for me so ya i see the amazingly abundant messages im getting lol LOVE - me

"I miss my friend."

June 07 2005
It seemed like such a simple statement - I was merely expressing my thoughts concerning some of my recent posts and, in the middle of my ramblings, those words came out. But, somehow, the simple utterance of these words - "I miss my friend" - unlocked the flood of tears that I have managed to keep at bay for weeks, maybe even months. I had no idea that four little words could completely expose the core of the issue and prick my heart so intensely.


June 07 2005
So hey.

Was pressured to join. I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

So I'm weak. Who cares?

Opinions are like...

June 07 2005
This is drama:
A series of arguements centered around a pair of friends (more than friends?) where one side's family has grown a violent dislike toward this other.

This is Graham Wells:
One of the people in this world I trust with anything on my mind. I would tell him anything, and more, I would trust him to keep it to himself unless I told him otherwise; I know this because he's doing it now with numerous ideas, thoughts, and opinions of mine. I continue to do the same for him.

This is Amy Amonett:
A delightful person who is a joy to be around, but...sometimes she hurts those she cares about the most. I fear that this is the decision that will end up hurting people no matter what; if she stays by her family, she's earned little, and if she stays by her friend, she earns less.

This is Becky and Christi Amonett:
I don't know why they've taken this stance...but I haven't talked to them, so I don't know much outside what I've read and heard; which isn't too much. They tell Amy that this is for the best, that she should move on, but she finds it hard to decide, and probably impossible in her heart.

This is Jake Huff:
An identity I've come to terms with, though not on a face-to-face basis. This hasn't made Graham happy, as he feels this is the breaking point of his relationship with not just Amy, but the remainder of the Amonetts. I don't hate him anymore, but I won't say he's a good friend, because I certainly don't hang out with him.

This is the moment that defines them.


June 07 2005
OK you know what Im tired of all this crap...


June 07 2005
katie made me get one.


i kinda like it.

way cooler than xanga. fo sho.

nathan has left the building

June 07 2005

photo from bee136

photo from bee136

photo from bee136

photo from bee136

photo from bee136

photo from bee136

photo from sarah

photo from bee136

that sums it all up...

daggum...i miss you...


June 07 2005
Hey yall!

I have been really busy! I mean I have to be at work every mornin at like 6:45 which means I leave my house at 6:20 and get up at 6am! It is SOOOOO CRAZY! Well i went out tonight and chilled w/ my friend Erica! We had a blast!

Im so ready to go to Panama City! I mean I can't wait! I just want to get away from everything and just relax! I need some relaxin time! We leave really early on Saturday Mornin! I mean gosh that is a little EXTREME! But thats cool cause it is worth it!

Im goin to get my senior pictures made on Friday! That is so SCARY! Im excited but then it also makes me really sad!

Well gotta go to BED!!

Love yall
Ali May

chelsea's phuse box

June 07 2005

my sisters best friend chelsea got a new phuse box and I want you all to check it out her address is

well later


My Apratment Photo 2

June 07 2005

photo from nathan

This will be my room...
The whole apartment is really nice... especially with high ceilings! fun!


My Apartment

June 07 2005

photo from nathan

So this is the main room in my apartment.
Lane brought his futon, big screen tv, sound system, etc... very nice!

June 7 2005

June 07 2005
My brother is gone...... for good...... It is so wierd thinking about that. If you read this Nathan, I hope you are having a great time up in the BIG apple. I know you will fit in just fine. You know with you i-pod and all hehe. But yea other than my brother leaving, I am doing aright. I received the chance to honor Kyle today with some of my friends by being interviewed by the DNJ. I am really excited about the artical because I know that God will be glorified through it. Kyle was such an AMAZING Christian guy. For those of you who didn't know him, he was one of the guys who I looked up to as a spiritual leader in my life. His life was spent running the race to become more and more like Christ every day. He suceeded in this. He touched so many lives around himself. No matter if you knew Kyle as a close friend or just as an aquantance, you couldn't help but know he was seeking after God in everything he did. Just one clear example of the type of person Kyle was is this... I talked with Kyle many times about his future plans and where he wanted to go to college. It wasn't so much the decision of what he wanted to do than where he wanted to go to college. All in all he decided that he was planing on being a missionary and going to Harding University in the fall to get a Bible degree. It is very rare to find a person so early in life that is already so devoted to God that he would hand his future to God even when it is not what the world views as successful. Kyle was an amazing friend and an amazing christian. John 3:30 - He must become greater. I must become less. This was Kyles favorite verse that he signed many of his letters with. I thought this would be an appropriate way to close my entry.

Photo From natalie

June 07 2005

photo from natalie

hey guys NEW YORK is great I just went there for the 1st time over spring break and can't wait to go back. I just joined the I love NY group. lol



sarah's lack of facial control

June 07 2005
today sarah has been giving me strange and sometimes mean looks for no aparrent reason. onces she realizes that i do not understand the reason for the look, she says, "i didn't mean to be giving you a weird look, i'm sorry." which is strange, even for sarah. but alas, i still loves her, that is until she gets mad that i beat her at Scene It four times in a row. she is almost as competitive as i am. it makes me happy to know that she likes to win as much as i do...
but anyway, peace out my home slices

Kelly told me to do this or die...

June 07 2005
01. Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, I'll tell you what it would be.
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.

I'll try the best I can with this if you want to reply! I think this will be kind of fun... hee hee...

Typing today's events would take too long....

June 07 2005
01. Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, I'll tell you what it would be.
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
08. Put this in your journal -- or die.

Pretty sure Elizabeth and I stayed up until 1:00 AM talking.... And apparently the bursts of giggles managed to permeate the cement block walls and herald our neighbours.

Oh crap -- I still have philosophy homework to do! Meh, I'll do it when we have to be on our floor (silly me, who thought having thrird floor would be fun.... Until I had to climb the stairs after using the elliptical machines....!! Feel the burrrn.)

Damn stalkers. And fie on people who move away and don't tell you until the day before or THE day they take off for New York City. Led to one very upset Kelly for about twenty minutes (and then I got distracted. Ooh, people!!)

I'm off to play frisbee in the dark. It makes things more exciting that way.


June 07 2005
um hey

. . . .

June 07 2005
sometimes, i can't believe how self centered some people can be.


and so nobody is getting mad and pointing fingers, this doesn't involve anybody y'all know.

you love music? do something about it!

June 07 2005
totally just watched the movie Beyond the Sea just now and it was really good. Bobby Darin was such a cool guy. had no idea he married Sandra Dee. hah. Kate Bosworth is so pretty as her. but he did such good music.

I love these biography movies they've been doing lately of all the good music people that have passed on. but it's sad, because you get to know the person's life, and then they die in the movie, even though you know they are already dead. it's still sad.

I wish that music now a days was that good. i mean, he was as big as all these crappy people "singing" today then. I totally want to live back then. when jazz was the cool music and big band and such. ugh. that makes me sick how people have completely left it in the dust and have moved on.

I believe that is now one of my accomplishments i want to do before I die. bring back good music. like, jazz. I may listen to some of today's music sometimes, but i wish for the times when jazz was the big music at all the clubs and coffee houses. i wish today was like that. and i will make it like that if I have to die doing so. I want good music to be back on all the radio stations. to be played at all the restaurants. to be blasting from people's huge stereo systems. please help me with this. I really want to see it done. listen to something good. expand your horizons. learn an instrument for pete's sakes! it's summer. you've got loads of free time. and you can appreciate music more than ever before. ugh. I'm rambling. so that means I feel strongly about this. which i do.

so go with me on it. God Bless


June 07 2005
hmmm hey christi ur my only friend

Hey Hey

June 07 2005
Hey guys well I just got this so yea

I don't know...

June 07 2005
What's the point in letting other people know you're hurting? I don't really know how to convey my feelings without worrying that I sound like I'm whining. Like right now. This sounds like whining, doesn't it?


I need to figure out what the lies are and what the truths are about who I am.

so long comcast

June 07 2005
so the other day chas and i were talking about how much we do not watch television. we decided that it was probably a huge waste of money to pay for cable each month when we really don't use it all that much. about 2 minutes later we had decided to get the cable cut off. so chas called comcast the next day, and they said they'd take care of it on tuesday. well, today is tuesday, and i was just sitting here watching some tv when all of a sudden the show was gone! it was so exciting. right in the middle of a tv show and BAM! the cable was out! i'm very excited about saving nearly $13 a month. besides, cable tv is completely overrated. and so i must say goodbye to comcast. i was only using you for tbs anyway.

Finally Home!!!

June 07 2005
oh it's great to be really it's just great to get away from two little girls who scream way to you know it's all good i love it just the same.
so yeah im not doing anything tonight so if anyone wants to do something give me a call or leave me a comment....

This One's for the Girls........

June 07 2005
Rachael and I are going to do a Bible Study this summer with some girls. I have no clue where it will be (my house possibly) but we are going to do The Sacred Romance by John Eldridge. It's kinda intense but really good.
Anyway, if you think it would be fun to have fellowship and study God's word and grow in your relationship with Him on Tuesday nights all summer long (after Big Stuf) then you are invited. Actually, if you don't think it would be fun but think you might wanna come anyway, you're still invited.

I'm excited...come play with us!


June 07 2005

I am going to see Charlie Hall tonight at North Point's college group. There are a bunch of us going. Yeah.

A Tribute to Nathan

June 07 2005

photo from bee136

So, in honor of Nathan leaving today for NY, I am tributing this entry to him. I was going to write a cheesy ode that rhymed and such, but decided against it. I may be pretty good with words, but I'm much better at just saying what I mean than coming up with poetry or limeriks or anything of the like. So with all that in mind... Nathan... it's going to be tough at first, for us in the Boro and for you there. But we'll all adjust. I suppose I'm just speaking frankly because I know what it's like to move and I also know what it's like for friends to leave. I'm going to miss you, but I'm soooooo happy for you because I know that what's ahead of you is going to be so great and awesome because God's got plans for you. He has taken your hand and led you to a city that desperately needs to see Him. What an awesome responsibility! Know that you are dearly loved... you have to keep in touch and let us know what God is doing over there... Jeremiah 29:11...


June 07 2005
You know how most people get tired of being at home doing nothing after most of the summer.... I'm already at that point and I have been at that point for like a week or two now... *sigh* so I'm defineately ready for some fun...

Gloria Patri
the OTHER nathan


June 07 2005
so i was bored and took a look of how many users we now have on phusebox and the number was yesterday 123 users. today it is 165 users. wow this going to be the bigger and better than xanga before long!

Happy Now?

June 07 2005
I did this for Mady

almost . . .

June 07 2005
it's getting closer . . .

you know you wanna celebrate . . .


June 07 2005

The Beginning

June 07 2005
I woke up this morning
On the right side of my bed
all these crazy thoughts
screaming through my head
i can't wait to see
what this world holds for me
oh, it's a new day


June 07 2005
so whats goin on with everybody?


June 07 2005
i love summer! its so much fun, however, i dont like wen i dont c all my friends from school for mor than 2 months! it makes me sad, i miss everyone sooo much!

Swimming is my fav. thing to do in the summer. i get to hang out w/ friends, and try to get a tan, even tho its impossible for me to get one! o well. any one who knows me, knows tha im white all year round, and its never gona change! but i like to try! haha

i always go on a mission trip in the summer w/ my church, i've been to colorado, brazil, im goin to texas this summer! there's one mor, i jus can't think of it! we also go to a camp called passport! it is the funnest thing i've ever dun in my life, u learn a lot and grow a lot closer to christ. u meet many new people from different states and u help people tha are in need. its awesome! its for a week, and u wont ever forget nething u do there. o and ther's a dance party (always a dif. theme), a rec. party (where u get down and dirty), and many mor fun things to do.
if u wana go to passport, email me, and ill send u the information!


June 07 2005
casting crowns is awesome! my favorite song is voice of truth...
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves

To step out of my comfort zone
holding out His hand

But the waves are calling out my name
And they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out my name
And he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"

But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them lookin' down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me

I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

i also love the song If We Are The Body...
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
The girls teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know

But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way

A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances
Tells him that his chances are better out on the road

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ

Jesus is the wayInto the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out His hand

But the waves are calling out my name
And they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy, you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out my name
And he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again. "Boy you'll never win!"
"You'll never win!"

But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them lookin' down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me

I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

i also love the song If We Are The Body...
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
The girls teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know

But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way

A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances
Tells him that his chances are better out on the road

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ

Jesus is the way


June 07 2005
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:05:13 PM): your bout retateded
cheering gal 90 (12:05:43 PM): so are can't even spell retarted
cheering gal 90 (12:05:47 PM): lol
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:01 PM): retartedededtded
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:06 PM): : )
cheering gal 90 (12:06:09 PM): dedededd?!?!
cheering gal 90 (12:06:09 PM): lol
cheering gal 90 (12:06:12 PM): that is me!!!!!!!!
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:36 PM): yes
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:40 PM): thats is
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:40 PM): you
St3v3o0HSo8 (12:06:40 PM): lol

yes so now we have decided that kayla is retartedededtded lol thanks steven

have a great day


June 07 2005
well, my mom officially became the Permit Nazi today. just kiddin. i went to go get my permit, but we ended up not even going in because a long line of Mexicans was clogging up the DMV. poop. i probably woulda failed the test anyways. went to the library. woot. i love the library. except on those days where they have special guests in the children's section. The library transforms from the quiet haven i love, to the insane hell hole of doom. Every "conscientious" (overbearing) soccer mom brings all 10 of her kids to come listen to some washed up magician or old-hippie woman tell stories or pull rabbits out of books or something. Gosh. But today was not that day. Today was happy-quiet-peaceful time. Yeah, so i went to to look at Silas Marner...and it officially sounds like Crapcity. I don't think i'll read it. But being the goody-two-shoes i am, i probably will before the end of the summer. Man, why can't we have good books for our summer reading? next year is like Oprah's Book Club books, (A Raisin in the Sun, and They're Eyes Were Watching God) plus The Great Gatsby (which i am excited about). Senior year is gonna be a long one. I have to read Frankenstein, Crime and Punishment, and The Picture of Dorian Grey (which i already read). But that's ok. At least i won't have to take Freshman Comp. in college. i am currently watching 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood". i love that show with all my heart. Mr. Roger's is so cool. And i don't mean that in that super annoying way (you know what i'm talking about. those kids who wear Mario and My Little Pony t-shirts because they think childhood fetishes make them hardcore.) i really have a genuine respect for that man. so. i'm hungry. pantry-raid time. yay rah. bye guys.

....bring on the rain

June 07 2005
Ya'll wanna hear something cool! And one thing that might be small to some, but I think that's really cool cuz it was a God-thing! Well y/d i was mownin' the lawn...i'm trying to raise money for YWAM! But anyways! And it was pretty durn hot! and i was like, "Man, God, bring on the rain! it's hot and i'm dyin' out here!" No more than 5 min.'s later, i was walking to do the back yard, i felt a rain drop on my forhead! then i heard thunder and it started to rain!!!!! i pushed the mower under the carport thingy....went and layed down on the ground, and thanked God as I let the rain hit my face! To me....that was awesome!! God's always doin' some awesome things!!! I love Him so so much! And ya'll if ya'll could be praying for me, cuz i'm starting to miss my friends pretty bad! and though they are all doin' awesome Jesus things! and sharing the word, sometimes I still miss them! But i wouldn't want them doin' anything else!!

I learned a lot today!

June 07 2005
I'm sitting in my room right now now doing much of anything...there is so much that I am feeling inside, so much that I want to accomplish, so much that I wish I understood!

Sometimes I feel like a bunny rabbit running back in forth on an advertisement at the top of the computer screen. Why is he running? Is it for nothing? I wonder. Is there something that needs to be accomplished or of more importance that he could be doing, yet he finds himself doing everything that he can except the one thing that matters? It isn't even like there is a race. He isn't racing a tortoise, he is just running back and forth, back and forth. Ahhhh...I hate that feeling of doing the same thing everyday, day after day.

You know what I hate more than that? I hate waiting for something to happen, waisting precious time. For example, I am leaving for college in 74 days. And I feel as though life has become a giant waiting room. I mean, the meaning of my life isn't to attend Belmont in the fall. For all I know, I could come down with an illness that keeps me from attending this fall...who am I to say what is going to happen? I don't mean to sound morbid, or pessimistic, it is just that I don't want to sit on my butt any longer...why am I waisting my life waiting to leave Powder Springs? I need to live day at a time.

And while I am on the subject of waiting...I have recently discovered that I have become the very thing that I have always taken pride in not being. (I'm not sure if that sentence made any sense, so let me explain). Let it be known by all that I am a hopeless romantic. In past years, I wouldn't have admitted this, but there is no denying it...I swoon when watching chick flicks and I dream of being pursured and falling in love. Now I think this is completely healthy and normal. The thing that I hate, and want to kick myself in the shin for is not being content with waiting for it to happen. You see, I am 18 years old and have never been in a serious be honest, emberrassingly honest, my last boyfriend was in middle school. I'm not so sure this is normal, though I don't feel that it is a bad thing.

This evening I was sitting with a good friend of mine at Waffle House and I got off on a tangent concerning my feeling about love/relationships, more specifically my love life (or lack there of...haha). I guess I never expected to meet anyone that I would feel completely comfortable around and love at the same time. I thought that there would be some kind of game that had to be played. But, tonight something clicked...or maybe it has been in the process of clicking for some time now. I am completely wrong! What if there is someone out there who will think that you are great, just being you? The good and the bad. For me, that is a nice thought. And in recent months I have had glimpses that have given me a new hope. I am thankful for the friendships I have been given that are genuine! There is nothing like being able to have a conversation with someone and feeling that they really care. Whether it be a goofy banter, a good ol' cry, or a serious discussion. I need those! I need to be myself. I'm not someone who is very secretive...if you ask me something I will usually tell. The thing is, I don't think there are too many people who actually want to know what is going on with you if they ask. Oh, I can't tell you how much it means to me when someone really wants to know about my life. Don't get me wrong, I honestly don't enjoy talking about myself all the time (I don't think that I have that much worth saying all the time), I think it is important to share the floor...a balanced converation is the way to go!

In conclusion, I do know that I no longer want to try and make things happen in my life that are out of my control. It is foolish and a waist of my time. I also, want to be proactive in life. I want to live out what I believe and stop being a lazy bum. And I want to trust God more...I want to fall deeply in love with Him. And lastly, I want to follow God and actively do what He tells me more heedless listening for me, just reckless following! (James 1).


June 07 2005
hey kids so yes i gave in and got a phusebox im so proud of myself ! lol so ya its so small theres no random ppl from halfway across the world lol so ya ill ttyl love -milly


June 07 2005
oh yes look it's 10 in the morning and I'm up??? yeah pretty sure im babysitting and it sucks but you know it's all good because im getting payed for it and i love the little girls i babysit for.well i hope everyone has an awesome day today i'll update again later.


first entry!

June 07 2005
hey everyone! i'm still getting the hang of all this but i do like it alot! i hope everyone has been having a great summer so far!
dont forget to let God bless your day!

Photo From captainkira

June 07 2005

photo from captainkira

Here is Kenobi after we got him home yesterday. He was still drugged up from being neutered. He has livened up quite a bit since this was taken. He is great so far. :) I'll post more later about some other things. Have a nice day!

You know what...

June 07 2005
It's amazing what chocolate milk can do for your not so great moments.

Late night blog

June 07 2005
Well, I finally finished uploading photos from Nathan's going away party. I of course did not upload all of them since I took so many, so if there is one I did not upload that you want to see, let me know. Also, if anyone wants me to send an e-mail with one as an attachment, I can do that. I am leaving in a few short hours to go to NYC with my bro. He told us yesterday that no one was going to be able to meet him at the airport. I was sad and decided that that just wouldn't do. So, I purchased a glide pass from Independance Air, fought with the customer service people about flights, thought I was just going for a day, and now I am going for 5. It all worked out well. I will feel better being with Nathan, helping him settle in, get the things he needs, etc. I am staying with Ellie, who I haven't seen for awhile, so I am excited. Gotta go to bed now.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the guy in my profile pic is the lead singer from Something Corporate. Nathan wanted me to put a profile pic up the day I siged up and I don't really have any of me by myself. I chose that one because I thought Nathan would get a kick out of it. I am planning on changing it soon, but thought I would clue those of you who do not love Something Corporate in on the secret. And if you have never listened to them, you should. Later gators

The Devil in Me

June 07 2005
Ok everybody needs to leave me a comment and tell me what they think about this AMAZING song by Ryan Horne. It talks about Jesus' point-of-view of the crucifixion. I know readin song lyrics can get annoying but please this song is worth it!!!!

Ryan Horne "The Devil In Me"

I can hear a baby crying in the crowd that stares at Me
They all lift their middle finger as they yell "Just make him bleed"
And it kills me when I see a child ask their daddy why
Then he turns and whispers softly that this man deserves to die

So I scream out "Father God, take the Devil out of Me."

I can see the men are cursing while they shake their fist in hate
As they cry out "Damn you God I wish that You were not this late."
I can see night thru their bodies at their souls with which I made
Then I yell out "Father help Me, I will die for them today."

So I scream out "Father God, take the Devil out of Me"

As I carry this old rugged cross here down this dusty road
I can see the hill where I will hang, it's where I need to go
It's been so hard to say "I love you" when you spit all on My face
but I'll hang here all alone to die to show Amazing Grace

So I scream out "Father God, take the Devil out of Me"

I am all alone, I here to die
I've seen your face just pass Me by
I watch My children stare while I just bleed
I am on My own, unbroken bones,
But My bodies been so bruised and stoned
By men who seem to think that don't need Me

But I am alive, yes I am alive

" a long goodbye"

June 06 2005

i finally won a game of scene it. yay for jonathan and i!!! i also had home-made ice cream!!! oh, and i got some cool shirts!!! always fun times at the moore house. love it.

i am getting up bright and early to go to the airport. i took some medicine to help me sleep tonight... but because it is so late, i know that i will still have the effects in the morning. i guess that is what starbucks is for....

well buh bye

[i'm going to miss you]

Boro Goodbyes

June 06 2005
Well, guys. I am guessing this will be my last post from the Boro that I have known as my home for almost 11 years. Tomorrow morning, I leave for New York City. Tomorrow really begins a new chapter in my life. It is an opportunity that I embrace fully.

I am going to miss almost everything about Murfreesboro including my wonderfull family, my great friends, the Belle Aire Youth group, etc...

things i will miss the most:
- hanging out with my siblings late at night and laughing so hard we cry or until mom comes out in her nightgown to scold us for waking up the neighbors
- making joke after joke with jason taylor... while WE and we alone laugh and coming up with great insiders like the Napoleon Dynamite Gospel
- stars
- sitting under the stars, talking with amazing people
- driving down a country road with my windows down, music blarring, and the sun approaching sunset status
- youth trips
- the tech team at diversion
- chris madison and his randomness
- yards of green grass
- not knowing if murfreesboro is too small or too big
- sunday meals... friends... random discusions... and throwing food
- turtle-man
- my mom caring for me when a girl breaks my heart
- my brother and his randomness
- listening to andy davis while with someone that appreciates it as much as i do
- late-night starbucks with friends
- acclaim
- hanging out on the steps... anyone that has been to my house knows what this means
- my huge window in my room
- seeing my family every day
- living with my family
- living in a city where people know me almost wherever i go
- creative team
- taking a break from work and playing piano on the grand at church
- my big back yard
- scene-it
- throwing a baseball with my dad or brother
- roller-blading
- eating on the deck in the summer time
- birthday parties
- my little sister's randomness
- bethany's late-night hyper moods
- my jaguars
- wednesday night meals at belle aire with tech talk
- knowing that there is always someone there for me if i need them

Yes, tomorrow will be the biggest change of my life. I am leaving everything I have known since I was in 4th grade and entering a new life.

Pray for me as I go.

You guys mean the world to me. I will see you soon!
-Nathan Moore

Time After Time

June 06 2005
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick
And think of you
Turning in circles confusion
Is nothing new
Flashback to warm nights–
Almost left behind
A suitcase of memories
Time after–

Sometimes you picture me–
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me I can't hear
What you have said–
And you say–go slow–
I’ve fallen behind–
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look–and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you–I'll be waiting
Time after time

If you fall I will catch you–I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time

After your picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows–I'm wondering
If you're okay
And you say–go slow–
I’ve fallen behind
The drum beats out of time–

Time after time
Time after time
Time after time

I'll be missing you

June 06 2005
I am having a lot of fun with the people here at GSchool. A new camp came in's called ACE Camp. It is for inner-city youth....and they are loud! There is only one caucasian in the entire group, and it happens to be one of the two counselors...for 40 kids. hehe. They play loud music late at night too. its funny. we have three indian (India) guys here and when the ACE Camp kids are around they use indian accents, but they really dont have any at all. its hilarious. especially when they talk about hip hop. ....

My toe is feeling better, i have learned to walk and run on it without too much pain. I found out that i did actually break it though. so it will hurt for a while but i think its all good. I've played four basketball games and three volleyball games on it. it still hurts to move it around though.

I miss you guys a lot. I get to see my family this weekend, but i wish i could see you guys too. We are taking a trip to Opry Mills if any of you want to meet me there ;) hehe.

My birthday is in two days. Wednesday i turn 17. fun fun. i dont know what they do here for birthdays, but ive heard they do something. i hope that it isnt Well i have learned that internet radio comes in handy often. I better head on though, i slept through most of my second class today. hehe. im bad. but i am learning how to program websites with html and ASP.NET...(i know most of you out there did not understand that at all...but some of you might. before i got here, i didnt know either...but it sounded fun).

I miss you.

I love you.



June 06 2005
when you see the spiral turning for you alone
and you feel so heavy that you just can't stop it
when the sea of madness turns you into stone
picture of your life shines like a rocket
all the time

put me in the equation it's alright
i've seen you moving in and out of sight
my friends tell me it's all cut through you
from nowhere, to nowhere
cut together, cutting through

i'm island-bound, a mote inside my eye
and i can't see you breathing as before
i am airless, a vacuum child
and i can't stand to reason at your door
in this time

put me in the equation it's alright
i've seen you moving in and out of sight
my friends tell me it's all cut through you
from nowhere, to nowhere
come together

i'm down in the daytime out of sight
comin' in from dreamland I'm on fire
I can see it's all been here before
dream a dream that lies right at your door

when the seasons circle sideways out of turn
and words don't speak just fall across the carpet
you're just in time to watch the fire burn
it seems a crime but your face is bright you love it
all the time...

i wish it weren't so hot, but i'm glad to be out of school. take care.

it's a blog.

June 06 2005
look at me. i'm blogging. yay blogs. woo-hoo!


June 06 2005
So yea, I was supposed to get off at 10 last night. At like 8 something 2 managers walk over to me and their all like "we need you to stay till 10:30" I didn't really want to but I like had to. So I stayed. At 10:30 I had like 3 big orders and so did the other checker. I didn't leave till close to 11. It sucked. I now know to never agree to stay late again.

June 6 2005

June 06 2005
Well I finally joined. You would think that the brother of the guy who created this thing that I would have jumped on the wagon a long time ago..... hehe


June 06 2005
soo.. this thing is pretty cool.. i had no idea so many people had one of these things..

but yeah.. anyway..

everyone have a great night :)

Random Requests

June 06 2005
I finally caved - after 26 years of curls, I paid the big bucks for the only straigtener that works on my hair. The only thing that will justify spending this much money is actually using the darn thing - so if you see me on a day when it has not and is not supposed to rain (trust me, humidity and natural curls are not a good combination and any attempts at straightening on said days are futile) - please remind me that I need to straighten my hair.

Oh, one more favor, as much as I have played the role of the stubborn child determined to have things my way - I think I have finally realized that it is time to walk away from a relationship that I have held so dearly (loooong story). Until God is rightfully restored as number one in his life, he cannot be "number two" in mine (please read that last sentence carefully, it would be very easy to misunderstand what i am trying to say). So, if you could pray for his heart to be right with God and for mine to be okay with the current state of things, I would be greatly appreciative.


June 06 2005
I'm so excited. I have no work tomorrow! I think Megan and I might go work out at the Rec Center. I'm beginning to get tummy pudge and I don't like it at all. Must fix this problem...among others hehe.

"that's it. i quit college."

June 06 2005
making schedules is such a pain. . . .

Another day in Paradise

June 06 2005
hey guys i just got this and wow this is totally awesome i hope you all like my site and stuff.thanks becky for telling me about this place it's pretty awesome. well i had an awesome day today it was pretty movies the pool dinner and marble slab it was awesome.....


rain rain go away....come again tomorrow

June 06 2005
truthfully, i love rain. i just don't love the way it gives me migraines. But it also makes my eyes look really pretty! (weird, i know). so. my initial sadness is waning. i'm getting excited about Big Stuf. i had a pretty good day, even though i woke up at 1:00 PM...good Lord...i'll probably reupdate this thing at around 4 AM when i'm still awake and there's nothing on TV. just kiddin. i think my cold medicine is gonna finish me off. just finished watchin a movie called "Just Cause". man o man. it's good as a mug. wouldn't recommend watching it with parents or small children, cause it's kinda graphic, and the language is pretty bad. but man. it's a really good movie. i love psychological thrillers. I hate scary movies that are all chainsaws, telephone calls @ 1 AM, and bloodyness. I love a movie that makes you think. So. Pretty sure today was the "Pasty Nintendo Nerd/ Mexican/ Electronics Stalker/ Angry Soccer Moms/ Angry Lesbian Discount Day" at Wal-Mart. i hate going to wal-mart these days. It's quite depressing. It's just this swelling mass of angry people who obviously don't want to be there. Shopping and driving must bring out the worst in people. I swear, when i'm a soccer mom, i will smile at every Joe Blow who walks my way, because i hate not seeing a single person that looks non-homicidal when i go places. Nayways, on the not-so-negative side, i think i'm starting to figure out how to fix my God-problems. yay. I think admitting was the first step. man, Nathan, i wish you were here right now. I'm trying to create a cover page for a "Bruce-brochure" (sounds like something from a travel agency) and i'm having a heck of a time trying to design it. I have zero artistic talent. maybe Kelsey can help. well, i'm thinkin this is gonna be an okie dokie kinda week. Yay for Big Stuf. Hey, if anyone has a copy of Silas Marner, could you possibly lend it to me? i really don't wanna go buy it from Hastings. woot. thanks guys. ya'll are cool.---C-Unit

The Sega Dreamcast

June 06 2005
The sega Dreamcast is the best system in the world as of 6/6/05.
I love you all.

there ain't no cure for the summer time blues

June 06 2005
My brother is at Governor's school. Never thought i would actually miss him, but i do. it's kinda nice to have the little guy around to take my frustration out on. But i get to see him this weekend so i should get over the missing him bug soon. On a lighter and less gay note, i'm bored out of my mind with summer, i think my dad and i are going to stain our deck tomorrow, and for anybody who has ever done that before knows, zoo animals are kinda hard to come by.

Photo From bee136

June 06 2005

photo from bee136

aww yay! friends since the 5th grade rock!! ;)


June 06 2005
I do not understand the mysterious ways of the blogging world. I have on several occasions gotten xanga, lj, and phusebox friends who I have NO IDEA who they are.

Maybe I'm just that cool?

((This is the part where you say "Why yes you are!" You know, just in case you didn't know. :p))

Anyways, today's been good. Hanging out with relatives I haven't seen in years, hanging out with Michael, getting new hair cut, getting Far East for dinner. MMMMM.

Jordan, Mady, are you burning with jealousy yet? *wags eyebrows* Just kidding, dearies. But we absolutely MUST do our Far East day again some time.

Lalalala... I should go pick up the food now. It'll be ready by the time I get there. But wait! I thought of something ELSE to say!

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Michael & Sarah vs. Sarah's House battle. It will begin with the assembly of book shelves and the cramming of books onto those book shelves. Then shall commence the the great loads of laundry and furniture moving and box unpacking and . . . maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!


June 06 2005
thanks for praying guys my test went fantastic!! my throat doesn't even hurt! you guys are they greatest and i don't know what i'd do without you! love you!