Clinton Library

June 21 2005

photo from CaraByrd

So this weekend I had to go to Little Rock for a wedding. It was an interesting town. One of the places I visited was the Clinton Library. There were two type of people there; ones who hated him, and those who adored him. Nobody in the middle like. It was an amazing place with a nonparstian view of the time he was president. It even mentioned the scandal. The picture above is from the first time Lance Armstong won the Tour de France. I got overly excited about this.

Props To Those In The Know!

June 21 2005
One question:

When you're driving down a highway and you see a sign that reads "Blasting Zone Ahead" ... shouldn't that read "Road Closed"?

Hello phusebox

June 21 2005
So i found this and found out the infamous Nathan Moore created it, so i must support him and start one myself. I must say, this beats xanga, myspace and all others.

Title? Who needs titles?

June 21 2005
Dude my sister has a site now! Michele [click it! go ahead, it's okay...just go ahead, just click know you want to, it's okay, you won't get in trouble, just do it] That's some totally wicked stuff right there!

And you know what else is wicked?

I finally got text messaging put on my phone AND opened up my checking account.

Now all I need is a job. That is a pretty big chunk of detail there

I really need to clean my car

but i'm just too much of a lazy lazy fella

i played soccer today though

but my ankle still hurts

o'well, healing is for the weaklings

we're going to fazoli's tonight

if you're not there
then you must be a square

i'll leave you children today with a quote from the great wise chelebelle

"smurfs smile sexy so smile smurf style"


June 21 2005
well i finally got my new cell phone...the number is 556-7144!!! haha i am so happy

life is great right now!! i am so happy we go to camp on sunday!! haha

& today is the 1st day of summer!

Grace's Amazing Hands

June 21 2005
Grace's amazing hands, they hold me.
They are soft as a feather bed.
She would never strike or scold me,
Cause she knows the words that will work instead.

I always thought that love was frightening,
I always thought it'd be so rough.
Love has sent me down an angel, baby
I knew it was Grace, just by a touch.
Just by her touch.

Grace's amazing hands, they're ugly,
They're bruised by the blows that I have blown.
She knows well I don't deserve her,
But she laughs and says, That's the way love goes.

I always thought that love was frightening,
I always thought it'd be so rough.
Love has sent me down an angel,
And I knew it was Grace, just by her touch.
Just by her touch.

What did I do,
What did I say?
For love to smile down on me,
And show me amazing grace.
Show me amazing grace.

Grace's amazing hands are they hold me,
They are soft as a feather bed.

Sometimes, like today, we just need some grace to reassure us that God is in control! In my heart, the promise of Romans 8:28 holds steadfast, for that I'm thankful!

i think i'll go find something to eat now.

June 21 2005
one of the classes i'm in right now is a grammar class. yes, it's just as much fun as it sounds. so today we were learning something, though i'm not sure what because i hadn't really been listening, and the teacher brought up the phrase "might could" as an example. she, then, proceeded to tell us how ingenious it is that a group of people came up with such a phrase. after the entire class laughed at her for this assertion, she filled us in on why in the world she felt this way. she explained that using "might" or "could" provided a given amount of certainty to the sentence. but what if you wanted to give just a bit less certainty? use them both! apparently, this is a quite remarkable concept. in fact, my teacher even used the word innovative to describe these words being used together. so the next time you hear people saying that they might could do something, don't for one second think that they have a poor grasp on what is considered proper grammar. instead, congratulate them on their superior creativity and inventive use of the english language.

Hey Belle Aire people...

June 21 2005
I am not Baptist, but I was thinking of trying out your church sometime, since it is almost across the street from where I live and cause I need more good in my life. Is there a Wed. night service I could go to? If so, are new people allowed to go, and if so, when and where is it? I have just been a little overwhelmed and lost a little focus, I thought this might help. Anyone?

John Reuben

June 21 2005

his new cd comes out today. i've already heard it, and it is amazing. definitely his best. and it really seems to parallel a lot going on in my life right now. [and for you Relient K fans, the single "Nuisance" features Matt Thiesson]
you can hear two tracks on purevolume [here]

batman begins
tomorrow 12:45
big theater
be there
or i'll be very sad

I need to stop watching free movies.

June 21 2005
I like the movie. Can't wait till the next one comes out.
Nothing much is going on now. Barely online so thats good. Too much of an adict anyway. Going out more but only after 4 o'clock or so. :-P
This thing has no music or smileys? Dang!

Photo From emilydarby

June 21 2005

photo from emilydarby

Prayer Needed

June 21 2005
The best things in life are worth fighting for, and right now I'm fighting pretty hard.

The spiritual warfare I feel is intense...

Please, please, please pray for me and what I am going through right now. I need all the prayer I can get.

Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true." -Luke 1:38

I finally read the last chapter of Captivating. I really needed it...


June 21 2005
last night was awesome! me kallie courtney and erin camped out. it was only on courtneys deck...but hey it was still camping. lol

i think i get to paint my room friday and i get a new digital camera saturday and going to the beach on next yeah life is like great!


Photo From stephen

June 21 2005

photo from stephen


The Chimps Attack

June 21 2005
Once there was a chimp named Marco he'll be important throughout this story so pay attention to him. Well his girlfriend MEME was pickin up her kids (they were adopted) from skool when this crazily huge bat attacked them. Now her childeren were chinese so they knew wat to do. They sprung into a kung-fu action poses in an attempt to ward off the evil...they failed. In fact they were such a disgrace i had to take them out of this story by making the bat grasp them in his Talons and fly off and eat them. MeME was not sad at all after all the kids were annoying. O i forgot to mention Chicago did blow up like 5 minutes ago. Anyway MeMe throws everyone a party and they all drown in a punchbowl. Finally, (yes i know youve been waiting for Marco) Marco comes in and explodes making a ginormous black hole in which the universe is sucked in disrupting the time space continuim. In closinng everyone anywhere died.

as you can c im bored outta my mind if u wanna do sum10 this weekend call me

I'm so sore

June 21 2005
okay last night I felt an urge to run. Well that was a good idea and a bad idea. The good news is that I felt refreshed and energized. The bad thing is that I am soooo sore. I ran 1.8 miles there and 1.8 back. but i didn't run the whole time which that would be impossible for me.

ministry went okay today. nothing really happened and i really didn't get to talk to people but i know that there will be days like that. But I haven't felt God so strongly in my whole life. I feeling of contentment has come over me. I am at peace that I am single and am in love with God. I'm LOVING it!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. love you all

what's happenin

June 21 2005
here's a quick update. Life is pretty good, not doin' much of anything right now. I'm still waiting on salt and pepper to call me back, to see if i have a job or not. I'm prolly goin by there today. I miss all my friends that are out of town. Hopefully we can play flashlight tag tonight with the ones that r in town. Well that's pretty much it. Later ~Garrett

My Building

June 21 2005

photo from nathan

By the way, this is my building, THE EXCHANGE. I guess you would call me lucky.


just updatin

June 21 2005
hey yall well not that much has been goin on lately except yesterday me and tj boxed at my house idk how won though umm my pool is like being switched chemicals so i can tswim in it and umm o ya im loosing my gf well i guess ill talk to u guys later



June 21 2005
So everyone else had one so of course as cool as I am I have decided to start one as well. So booyah!

Tuesday Morning

June 21 2005
So, yesterday I didnt have to go to work, (big yay), because my parents went to a college thing with my sister for college freshmen. Since my mom and dad were both gone last night, they said I couldent stay alone at home. So, I went to Tylers house. So, I asked my boss for Monday off, because, "It would be much easier on my parents and me." So, he let me off! YAY!

Not a whole lot else to say, except, TENTMATE!!!
That was for you, Katie.

Inside joke.

I'll talk to you kids later.


June 21 2005
okay i got nothing...

Wedding stuff!

June 21 2005
Charles and I went to a friend's wedding this past weekend. It was beautiful. Weddings are awesome. :) There were some surreal moments though-- things just didn't seem real. Charles was a groomsman, and the bride (who is from Taiwan) had her Taiwanese friends as bridesmaids, so somewhere there are going to be a lot of pictures of Charles with a cute Asian girl and I'll just have to try not to be jealous.
There was a lot of stress over the weekend, due to talk of bachelor parties, and the occassional evil person trying to force Charles to see strippers, boobies, or porn when his turn comes around. It really hurts my feelings when people that are supposed to be our friends want to corrupt us, or when they disregard my obvious unhappiness with the bachelor party situation. So Charles and I had a series of long talks and lots of stress. Well, there were several uncomfortable moments, but all in all I count the weekend as a success. Seeing Michael and Jiun-Fei get married makes my own wedding seem so much more real! I am looking forward to it so much. :)
The introductions of Frodo and Kenobi are going slowly but well. Hopefully that will keep up so that eventually we can all sit happily in the same room together. :)
I have been thinking a lot lately about creepy things- ghosts and things like that. I have been wondering whether the devil really takes an active role in trying to misguide us, or if it is more of a passive stance. The bridesmaid that Charles escorted at Michael's wedding had a severe injury from Taiwan- she was walking through the city, and a woman jumped out of a high building to kill herself, and landed on this girl. She was in the hospital for weeks, is traumatized, and has nerve damage. It really bothered me to hear that, because suicide is so harmful anyways, but to hurt someone else is so careless. :( That poor girl. It has been on my mind a lot, so I am trying to be more positive. Some things are so sad. :/
Well I'd better wrap this up and get ready for the day.

Yesterday in my boredom and negativity I decided to make a list of thigs I like just to prove that I had no reason to be sulky. It's a bit lengthy but then I guess I didn't realize all the good things there are in life.

June 21 2005
Things I like:
1. Being alive
2. Coffee
3. Warm sweatshirts
4. Vanilla ice cream
5. Stars
6. Laughing uncontrollably
7. Nail polish
8. Cats
9. Feeling loved, by God and others
10. Tacos
11. Singing
12. Kind people
13. Babies
14. Chocolate
15. John Denver
16. Rice cakes
17. Swings
18. Signing my name
19. Beethoven
20. Love letters
21. Inside jokes
22. Cool technology
23. Green beans
24. Being warm and sleepy
25. Bonfires
26. Writing
27. Guys with dark brown eyes and hair
28. Being immature occasionally
29. The feeling after a good cry
30. Old friends
31. Cheese soup
32. Rich Mullins
33. Latin
34. Butterflies in your stomach
35. Cool breezes on warm days
36. Reading
37. Puppies
38. Worshipping God
39. Good-natured people
40. New friends
41. Billy Joel
42. Piano
43. Driving
44. Homemade fudge
45. Fresca
46. The early morning
47. Popcorn
48. Making people smile
49. Feeling like I’ve accomplished something
50. Reminiscing about the good old days
51. Warm socks
52. Flip flops
53. Bright sunshine
54. Random crushes
55. Laughing at yourself
56. Being Polish
57. The smell of pine needles
58. Silent understandings
59. Marshmallows
60. Whipped cream
61. Being on stage
62. Watching my favorite movie for the 100th time
63. Smores
64. Good news
65. Silence
66. Attempting art
67. Attempting poetry
68. Easy classes
69. Venice, Italy
70. Cheesecake
71. Common interests
72. Long, deep conversations
73. Innocence
74. Making a fool of myself for the sake of fun
75. Sad movies
76. Back massages & scratches
77. No homework
78. Feeling elated
79. Snow
80. Dimples
81. Sleeping
82. Cute old people
83. Rocking chairs
84. Brilliant flowers
85. Taffy
86. Diet Pepsi
87. Fancy dresses
88. The smell of baking bread
89. Coming home after a long absence
90. Stability and routine
91. Ireland
92. Easygoing teachers
93. Books and movies that make you think
94. Fireflies
95. Hugs
96. Lifetime friendships
97. Christmas
98. Birthday parties
99. Autumn
100. Fireworks
101. Watching the clouds
102. Pizza
103. Comments/remarks on xanga/phusebox
104. Hilarious conversations
105. Hot cocoa
106. Full moons
107. The color green
108. Intellectually stimulating activities
109. Being easily amused
110. McFadden
111. Pot roast
112. Small children
113. Dancing wildly in private
114. Handel’s “Messiah”
115. Driving around randomly
116. Girls’ nights out
117. Feeling happy for no reason
118. New York, New York
119. String quartets
120. When things go better than you hoped
121. Enormous earrings
122. Shaggy hair on guys
123. Not having tests
124. My bedroom
125. Being female
126. Laughing at stupid jokes
127. Candy
128. Writing for hours at a time just for fun
129. Taking walks with one other person
130. Helping other people
131. Biscuits and jelly
132. Madeleine Peyroux
133. Cute redheaded guys
134. Thunderstorms
135. Snuggling
136. Staying up until I’m delirious
137. Baking cookies
138. Big words
139. Earl Gray tea
140. The Lord of the Rings
141. Mint gum
142. Stilettos
143. My family
144. Taking walks alone
145. Sitting in the rain
146. When cats lick your ears
147. Belle Aire Baptist Church
148. Siegel High
149. Murfreesboro, TN, USA
150. The world


June 21 2005
Welcome to the new Phusebox's site of Proxy521. A ministry of Belle Aire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, TN. This site will have info on upcoming events and announcements. Hope you enjoy!!! -Proxy521

seersucker in the sun

June 21 2005
do you ever think about people and what makes them who they are? I have been thinking a lot lately about people's mannerisms and idiosyncrasies. There was this kid i met this past weekend who grunted inbetween thoughts and said nice so many times. When I left to go home i walked outside with a friend and started noticing my quirks. Perhaps I wont verbalize them now but i will mention my awareness. very interesting i must say- what happens when you are void of the eccentricities and foibles of your own charecter? is that when you are normal?


June 21 2005
so I went to the doctor and thank goodness it wasn't my appendix. She was like.."we're gonna do an ultrasound on you jus to make sure everythings ok" The ultrasound is on wednesday. I'm feeling a lot better today. I can actually like sit up without being in pain. But I g2g finish gettin ready. ByE!!!


June 20 2005
So today was a hoot...

I started out by getting my tags for the car and realizing that they cost a whole lot...but I did get a cool UTK vanity plate out of the deal.

Then after I got home from the gym, I got my package in the mail that I had been waiting on for like 3 part for my car. That was fun putting that on, but it looks great.

But I got a letter in the mail saying that I was a counselor for the annual Tenn. Association of Student Council's leadership camp later on in the summer. My council (group of kids) is given a place (its part of the theme) that we will make our council's theme. We got Washington, DC. If you guys would not mind helping me out, could you give me ideas on how I could use this theme (decorations, costumes, ideas)? Anything would be useful...thanks in advance. But I have to say that I am a little nervous about being a counselor... I am just wondering about how the campers will respond to know that I am not that much older than they are...but I am just going to leave it with God and I know that the best will turn out.

On a totally different note:
Chris and I went and saw the new Batman movie.... which absolutely rocks!!! And I just got home.

But I have been thinking lately about life (I know what your thinking: Jason's THINKING!!!).
I have always been told that once you give everything you are to God, the devil want what he THINKS is his back and will do anything to get it. I now know this to be true. My life over the past week has made a complete 180 degree turn in God's way, and the devil is trying so hard to get me back. God has been showing me lately parts of my life that need working on and I am proud to say that I have been free of one personal sin for well over a week (which is the longest ever). Praise GOD!!! I am so unbelieveably happy that I can step out on faith and lean on God to get me through life.

There are two verses that have been helping me out lately:

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2 NAS

"And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father."

Colossians 3:17 NLT

I think that these two are my new life verses.

*Just remember that I am a random thinker. Things just always pop out of my head.

My iPod has been very helpful lately in keeping me close with God... I decided that when I got it, I would only fill it with songs that will keep my focus on God and his awesome power and beauty. I have songs that remind me of the good time that I have had and also lots of worship songs. It is nice to always have worship songs with me, because now I am always singing to my God.

I am about to hit the sack but I would like to tell everyone that Cranium in Starbucks when your bored is a great way to waste time. I saw so many people in Starbucks tonight.

I hope that everyone has a great night and day tommarow.

Later >

Unreached Peoples Fact
China has the largest number of individuals whose primary language does not have Bible portions (181,475,000 individuals).

Missions Scripture
"And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations"
Mark 13:10

photo from Tack

Look at God's Beauty.....


June 20 2005
so .. i just randomly decided to make one of these when i saw stacys so .. here you go .. haha well i hope everyone is having a fabulous summer.. mines been interesting.. we can leave it at that .. ha but hopefully it will get better but until then ..

[ummm. yeah, i got nothin' for here]

June 20 2005
work=boring & long (sometimes... like today)

oh and pretty sure i can only either take off for paint the town or my aunt's wedding! urg! i only need off TWO days for my aunts wedding in delaware. just two! and i want to go to paint the town, which is pretty much a done i guess i might not being going to delaware which equals conflict


tonight was great fun! becca and i went to marble slab and then to starbucks. it is far too cold inside starbucks, the tables were taken outside, so it was to the crime scene area for us! we had a great conversation! then we went to her house to watch a movie. this never happened. let me tell you why: two indecisive girls. not a big deal though...we looked at pictures and talked more! if only i would of hung out with her more before! and now she is leaving in like 2 months! sad. i love you becca!

so yeah, tonight was loads of fun! just exactly what i needed! God knew that would just lift me up so much! praise God for all that he is doing in my life! he totally revealed things to me through becca that i couldn't even see because of being so blind to situations! wow. God. wow. speachless.

it is off to quiet time and sleeping time for me! i hope everyone has a great day!

loser arsonist..

June 20 2005
this makes me really sad, you guys....

Cannonsburgh coordinator Fred Trujillo ached when he learned arsonists burned the "World's Largest Cedar Bucket" Sunday at the pioneer village near downtown Murfreesboro.

"It's a sad day in history," Trujillo said. "It's 118 years of history burned down. It was very sad for me to go down there and look at the bucket. It's a lot of history gone down in smoke."

Murfreesboro Arson Investigator Carl Peas said it appeared the bucket was intentionally ignited. Fire heavily damaged the bucket and the pavilion housing it and spread to part of the adjacent Anderson's Shop for blacksmiths. The department closed Cannonsburgh Sunday, so Peas could investigate.

Commander Cumbey Gaines said a motorist saw flames at Cannonsburgh, a replica 1800s pioneer village on Front Street just off Northwest Broad Street, about 2 a.m. and notified the fire department, which extinguished the blaze.

"They did a good job in confining it" and keeping the fire from causing considerable damage to the blacksmith shop, Gaines said.

that bucket was cool! i took pictures infront of it when i went to mary's sixteenth with stephen and carly :pout:
what kind of loser would set fire to Cannonsburgh!? that sweet little place...

read more about it AND pictures

Whoops... wrong movie.

June 20 2005
So my aunt totally got the wrong showtime and hour movie started about and hour before we thought it did. Whoooops. >_


June 20 2005
Bible study at my house tomorrow night at 7:30! We are doing The Sacred Romance by John Eldrege (he's awesome). We aren't technically starting tomorrow night since no one has the books, but we will be discussing stuff.
COME! You (yes you) are invited.

Directions to my house:

From Haynes:
-turn into regency park (regency park drive)
- go all the way back (almost to seigal elementary)
-pass regal, princess, and majesty drive (s)
-my street is palisade and the address is 615.
-(it's the 3rd [or so] on the left with two white columns on the front

from memorial:
-pass sports com and state farm and that one church that always has something interesting on their sign (carpenter's house?)
-turn left after afore-mentioned church onto regal drive
[- if you pass subway/hot spot you went too far]
-go to stop sign
turn right onto regency park drive
-pass regal, princess, and majesty drive (s)
-my street is palisade and the address is 615.
-(it's the 3rd [or so] on the left with two white columns on the front

[if you know where kay and bill and sarah jane and will taylor live it's 2 houses down]


June 20 2005
i finally finished a freaking song!!! i technically have had the song for about 9 months now, but i changed the chorus and added a bridge because i was never happy with the flow of the first one...anyways i like it and will probably be playing it a lot now. yeah...i know you have no idea what i am talking about


June 20 2005

photo from mitchell

me driving = very scary...

like dont like cookies

June 20 2005
we were at the mall today (in ohio) people watching in the food court and we noticed how cookie cutter this town is its not like we never had it was just so pathetic i mean every chick had on the size 2 deconstruction jeans and her bf had on a striped button up or polo its so sad the boro is soooooooo(ooooooooo) much more divese than this town its sad *cries*

Short verison:...

June 20 2005
I heard a story today from a friend and it was very hard for me to keep listening....I'm an idiot. I can't change anything and it will always be the same thing. If only I can change the past. If only...

Gosh......Sorry, I won't tell everything/anything really.Most of you know what's it about, most likely. Next year better be wonderful.

Dana, you better go "a huntin' ".

*sighs* I'm okay now...

Love was made to forget it

June 20 2005
^ The Arcade Fire ^

Today I feel really ugly........Bleh.

I added pictures. One is of me and my bathing suit [ew gross, I know.] But it actually kinda looks okay. *shrugs* I still feel ugly.

Maegan's mad at me. Cuz last night she told me she wasnt gonna volunteer at the discovery center this week when she already told the lady she would and she commited to it and the night before she changes her mind just becuz she kinda doesnt want to do it. It just seems so selfish. I dunno, I was mad. But now shes mad at me. And I feel bad about voicing my opinion but oh well. Im sick of biting my tongue around everyyyyyyyyone.

Today I volunteered with the 3-5 year olds. It was hard work but it was fun.

wooo hooo!!!

June 20 2005

photo from rachelann948

Senior Football Players and Mangers!! Class of 2005!!!!

i miss these guys!! and all tha stupid stuff we do!!! lol!! they are my brothers it seems like!!! i will miss some of them but they know i love them!!!!

Heres my heart Lord
Take and Seal It
Seal if for thy Courts above

love through Christ,
Rachel Ann


June 20 2005
got state tournament this weekendin oak ridge//
grandparents totaled there car near rivergate, there alright :)


June 20 2005
I would just like to say "Congrats" to Jody on her nursing scholarship! Yeahhh, Jody with a J! :)

Random Question..

June 20 2005
If you could date any character from any book who would it be?
I am going with Sirius Black or Mr.Darcy...


June 20 2005
I have the most wonderful life! I have hope no matter what happens because I have Jesus in my heart! That is the best feeling in the world. I dont know what I would be or where I'd be or what I'd be doing if I didnt have Jesus in my life. What an awesome God I serve!

Tori Amos and Norma Jean.... lol

June 20 2005
One of the coolest things I've ever heard (and fully agree with) about a sound check!

"You need to have a really good sound check everywhere you go. It's not just sound checking. It's about being part of a tradition of musicians and realizing why you're there. You can go through nutty things that you wouldn't normally go through in your life, SUV's blocking fire lanes so you can't get in, kids surrounding the car and they can't get hurt. Therefore your sound check is your grounding. Talk about a get out of jail free card, a free roll, a free spin. Collect 500 dollars, not just two. It's where you reclaim your soul and remember you're a musician."
-Tori Amos, in an interviex with Keyboard magazine (July 2005, page 26)


June 22nd, 2005 // WEDNESDAY
NORMA JEAN VIDEO SHOOT: Come hang out and BBQ with Norma Jean and be in their music video!!!! The First 50 people get free BBQ with Norma Jean. Enter to win "Original Norma Jean BBQ Sauce."
Norma Jean will shoot their music video and play a show after.
The Chariot
The Plague, The Plague, The Plague

Tickets: $5
Doors: 6pm


Gloria Patri
the OTHER nathan


June 20 2005
THANKYOU GOD FOR SUMMER!! So yeah I really haven't been able to esperience it alot because of work but its been very entertaining!! BRAINS UNLIMITED!! Haha sorry inside joke....yup so I saw High Tension the other was very interesting...One of the better "scary" movie I guess....Oh and like two weeks ago I was in Illinois for a church trip...which was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Oh and I found my soul name is Eric and he is from December Radio...he is so freaking hott!! DANG!! I am so ready for the beach!! Only a couple more weeks!! THANKYOU JESUS!! Oh and I think I'm going to the Green Day concert or the Weezer concert...I can't wait!! Well tomorrow and Wednesday I have customs which is going to suck so can't wait for that!! I really wish I could have a dorm or an apartment...I think I will go crazy in this wacked up place!!

I really really REALLY LOATHE Customs now!! Grrrrr!!

Aspiring Novelist at Work

June 20 2005
Well, I literally spent most of the day writing (yes, for fun). It's been a long time since I've spent most of the day working on my novel... it was cool to revisit my old friends. (Yes, I am a dork because my characters are my friends, but oh well).
When Mom came home we went to Target, Chik-fil-a (I saw Amber!), Hasting's, and Blockbuster. At Hasting's we bought three used DVDs for $21. Pretty good. You gotta love Hasting's. I'm still on the lookout for either a used or clearance Creed the Greatest Hits CD. Anyhow, we bought Phantom of the Opera (which neither of us have never seen but felt compelled to buy), Lemony Snickett's A Series of Unfortunate Events (which we are watching now), and Finding Neverland.
Well that was my exciting day... maybe I'll have something more interesting to say tomorrow...

Those who can't do, teach.....

June 20 2005
I taught Gracie to drive stick shift today.
But I wasn't a very good driver earlier.
Ooooooops. :-p
We were searching for jobs and I was all hungry and distracted and Grace was like, "Jane, maybe we should go get my car."
So we did.
And we applied to several jobs.
We also found a speed limit in a parking lot fo 13 miles per hour.
That made my day. :)

The Start of Something New

June 20 2005
I officially started my "job" today at New Hope New York. My first assignment is planning/producing a series of videos that will be presented during the rallies at Paint the Town at the end of July.

I have to set up several interviews. I think I am going to go shoot some footage from around the city tomorrow.

I love the city. I love living here and riding the subway uptown to work in the morning. I love being able to walk down the block and being able to eat anything from chineese to authentic italian food. The city just seems like a perfect fit for me.

I am currently sitting in my apartment watching FRIENDS on TBS... which is much different when you are actually IN the city. (so is SEINFELD)...

There is a BORDER'S right around the corner... i think i will go hang out there for a while.


Sleeping till 3..

June 20 2005
Well today was interesting to say the least I slept till 3:30 then jumped in the shower then went to Verizon to set up for unlimited texts for 5$ bc my text bill this month was 70$ hahaha now im just sittin on my bum doin nothin lol you gotta love summer hopefully can get out of the house later so if you wanna do anything later give me a call! Love ya!


June 20 2005
Well. Florida was awesome. I had a great time hangin with my family and eating way too much.

I miss all my church buddies.

I miss all my school buddies. I haven't really seen anyone from school since... the last day. Hah.

People. Yall deffinately need to call me... and we need to hang out. You know you want to.

Call me.




June 20 2005
so the palate expander doenst hurt as badly as i thought it would...but it annoys the crap out of me...and prolly everyone around me...i cant eat...again...and i keep making smaking and slurpy sounds...i cant help it...i hate this!!! and now even milkshakes arent as fun to eat...they make the thing cold...really cold...and then my teeth freeze. arggg.

My new jorb...

June 20 2005
Well, today i started my new jorb. It is a pretty easy jorb. From about nine a.m. to one p.m. i sat in the back stock room and ripped apart old books that are no longer in use. I inquired if we considered donating any of the books to like the library or other schools in the area, but my manager said, "NO!" This made me a little upset because we were tearing apart entire class sets of "Treasure Island" "The Narrative of Sojourner Truth" and "Poems by Oscar Wilde." Then i asked if i could take them to some of my old teachers to see if they wanted them, and my manager said, "NO!" I don't know why though, it doesn't make much sense to me.
Then we had to count and sort a bunch of books on pallets that we were not going to sell anymore, that was pretty easy but pretty boring also. So Amy Powers if you read this, relay the amazing easyness of this jorb to Garrett. Thank you come again!

emo day in cariland

June 20 2005
have you ever ripped a band-aid off a wound when it's not ready to come off yet? and it just hurts and bleeds, almost worse than when you got injured? that's how i feel right now. so many emotions right now. but most i feel like crap. i was having an okay day. but man. I MISS BRUCE. gah. and i was such a butthead to him. it really is true that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. i was just starting to come to terms with the fact that he's dead. and i just ripped that protective band-aid right off. i was reading his journal and gosh. he was so amazing. and i was such a jerk to him. he was my best friend, and my rock, and i scolded him for the dumbest things. he wrote this on april 20th, 04. "...out of all my closest friends, i always thought Cari was the one who would never give up on me. I always thought she would be the one to understand. The one to see me through thick and thin. I never would have thought, but i guess i was wrong. She told me I was melodramatic and she was tired of it. I am melodramatic and i am a freaking emotional warhead about to blow. But no matter how bad i got, i always thought she would be there and never get tired of my stupid senseless crap. But like more times than not, i was wrong. Out of all my disappointments I have to say that this one is the worst.".....GOD!....i am just sitting here crying because that breaks my heart. i was such a bad friend to him, and this really makes me realize that i need to buck up and get over myself. i love you all so much, and i wouldn't trade anything for you. i take so much for granted...


June 20 2005
wow. i think i like this thing better than xanga. its pretty cool. none of that "you have to pay to put pictures on" crap.

The Subway...

June 20 2005

photo from Ed_The_Angry_Jew

i always did love the subway. i think one day i am going to live in a big city.

wish me luck with that.


and a nice quote...

"dreams aren't perfect. they come true, not free."


June 20 2005
I want to do something fun. I'm bored. And hungry. And popsicle. Ish.

Ya know, it's really kinda funny how much God can speak to and encourage me by speaking to and encouraging someone else.

I absolutely love that.

Oh, and another thing, it was absolutely awesome to have my old Sunday School class in AO with me on Sunday morning again. I love you all and I dont think I realized how much I missed some of you being around until then. :-) I know it'll be a transition, but I know you'll be as blessed by it as I will be by your presence :-)

it feels good

June 20 2005
working out... wow, i forgot how much fun it can be. but oh boy am i going to be sore tomorrow. Tonight is my last night for spanish summer class and I am stoked. plus today i went in to the concourse and signed the papers that officially means i am now employed and pretty much owned by landry's corporation. but hey i get 50% off food... woohoo! let's hear it for a 12 dollar filet mignon. aight homeskillets i'm OUT! pz

Ok, I love Roger Federer!

June 20 2005

photo from dana_the_best

I'm bored and he's so awesome. So I have decied to do a whole post on him. Isn't that genius!

Roger Federer:

Country: Switzerland (I don't know why I said Sweden below)
DOB: 8 August 1981 (he's not too old)
Height: 6 ft. 1 in,
Weight: 177 lbs. (I bet it's all muscle!)
Plays: right
Turned Pro: 1998
Seeded: #1
Career Matches Won: 361
Career Matches Lost: 119
Career Prize Money: $16,681,423 (That means he's loaded ;) )
Grand Slam Wins: Australian Open 2004, Wimbledon 2003 and 2004, and US Open 2004.

Have I bored you enough? haha. I'm so bored too. That's why this was fun to me, lol. Well, I'm gonna go now. For real this time. I'm moving to Egypt to live in the Valley of the Kinds and I'm never EVER coming back. C-ya!
-Dana :)

i called it!

June 20 2005
so a few weeks ago i came up with this plan that I told my mom about. and it was to start a conservative clothes line one day. because, I think there are some clothes that are cute, but keep you covered. this if for girls mostly. guys keep everything covered. lol. just no speedos. and so I was all into it, thought it was going to be awesome. and then...a few days later mom sees on the news or something that someone had said the new fall fashion line was going to be conservative! ugh, that's the 3rd (?) maybe more...time that I've called what the next season's look is going to be. rar. why can't I be the trendsetter. it always gets set after I think it up but before i completely start wearing it. this stinks. but i guess it's cool at the same time.


June 20 2005
this is a blog


June 20 2005
the other day me and my friend Jen were in the back [at work] and we were talking about our favorite word...and we decided that "beautiful" is our absolute favorite word. i mean really, what girl doesnt love to be told they are beautiful?

i love words. they can be so encouraging and at times very sad. and its amazing that a persons words are taken, not only by what they say but by the way [tone] they say it.

im rambling. sorry!



June 20 2005
Well this is my first official entry to the PhuseBox page. I started one before but I didn't remember my username or password so I started a new one! I miss everyone at home and wish I could send all you all down here to hang out. I've been really busy with ministry and have come to the conclusion that I could do this for the rest of my life.

Today we stopped by this assisted living where Phil has some friends there. There is like 5 of them and they all live in this little house. It's so cute. But there is this one old man named James and he tells jokes and riddles. It's hilarious.

I am really excited because my parents and sister are coming this weekend and I get to show them around Charleston and all the cool places there is to go.

I really wish I could hook up my camera to this computer to show you all the pictures that I have taken.

Well you guys are awesome and miss you bunches.

Wimbledon: Federer takes first win!

June 20 2005

photo from dana_the_best
I'm so excited it's Wimbledon season :) and already my favorite male player has won a match! Roger Federer, from Sweden, is the number one seeded male player in the world. And despite he lose in the finals to Nadal at the French Open, I'm sure he can pull through on this one! Oh and he is sooo hott esp. when he plays, hehe.

Anyway, here is some random fact about Wimbledon:
1877 was the year of the first Wimbledon championships.
Wimbledon was not played during each of the World Wars.
Though it is held in England, the last Britain to win the men's was Fred Perry in 1936.
The last British women's singles win was Virginia Wade in 1977.
Roger Federer won last year and the year before. Could this be his third year in a row?

Well, that's about it for now. I'll talk to you all soon!
-Dana :)

pray for me

June 20 2005
I jus need ya'll to pray for me. I woke up this morning with a really sharp pain in my right around my appendix. It's gotten worse as the day has gone on. My mom is takin me to the doctor this afternoon jus to get me checked out and make sure everything is ok. She thinks it may very well be appendicitis...which is not good. So could everyone jus please pray that everything checks out ok. Thanx. ByE


June 20 2005
so i thought i would start one of these things since i became soo bored with xanga, but still not too for sure if i will use it, but we will have a great day!!! love you all, Rachel


June 20 2005
babysitting tonite! it'll be tons of fun!! these kids are awesome!!

well.. i better go finish my homework, boy i feel stupid saying that...i mean it's SUMMER!



June 20 2005
yes i realize this is my second post for the day, but hey i'm bored.

i've recently cut back my nails so that i can play guitar. i thought my left hand nails were just so cute, little and magenta pink, so i decided to cut my right hand nails as well. it's weird because they are normally really long and pretty and now i don't know what to do...

this morning my mom and i drove by the place where my sister had her wreck exactly 2 years ago. it sure doesn't feel like 2 years have passed. why is it that when you grow older, everything passes by so much more faster??

I love you.

June 20 2005 is boring and i still love it.

Yesterday, My mom and I just let my dad relax and watch golf * I have to play golf with him next week-woot?*
We went to the mall where I found the best dress in the world. Mmm, I want it- too bad it cost $190. Then, my mom made a big deal/ scene about prom.(Don't ask about it.)
On a good note: My mom said she would pay around 1/2 the cost of breast implants. *score* I doubt I will get them, but it's good to know that considering they cost a lot.

hmm...I think I saw Curly at church, but I'm not sure. Damn, bad vision. I tried not to stare and that's nice of me. I LOVE red hair.

Picnic on Thursday, then bowling, and maybe back to my house for jailbreak(?) & a movie. Details later, tell me if you wanna go.

Question: Do you believe in love?

Last Night

June 20 2005
was movie night at my house..That was fun.

Jason: did you put batteries in it?

me: oh, no, i didnt know i needed them...

Jason's face was priceless along with everyone else...

I can be so blonde sometimes....Anyways we watched After The Sunset. that movie is awesome....actually now after seeing it twice it's becoming one of my favorites...The first time i saw it was......interesting to say the least but it was still fun, a lot more fun than i thought possible. then last night it was really good to watch it with some of my best friends..rach,whit, alex, and jason... The lil birdie in the garage was funny too... my mom was freaking out bc there was a baby bird in the garage and alex came to the rescue.... "what do you want me to get it out with " whitney-" here use this!" everyone-"thats a cup"..but it did work.....alex-"it wont stop looking at me" haha......i guess you woulda just have had to be here for all our lil laughs last night. It was awesomely amazing cept for about 20 mins when i got really mad/sad/angry..just plain emotional..but it wasnt anyones fault that was here....

Well I got a job and I start on Monday...I'm excitied! I'm going to be a waitress..Thanks Meag! I'm also gettin my hair dyed today and im happy bout that...cant wait to be red with heavy blonde highlights again! then dinner tonight with Keri and maybe Bre...should be fun!!!!! Leave some Love guys! *MUAH*


June 20 2005
im bored.... very bored im bout 2 go 2 the pool if any1 wants 2 do nething call me!!!!! i went 2 c peter pan yesterday w/my wasnt in a limo this time lol but it was still REALY cool and the Lost boys were realy hot!!! lol BUT in case i havent told u im taking a break from guys i mean were only in 8th grade and God will find the right 1 4 u he ALREADY has the right 1 4 u and he will bring him 2 ya wen the time is rite!so i dont like ne1 in particular lol i just keep a look out 4 hot guys!!!! tee hee mk byes...
ps the only i dont like about phuse box is there is not html

Just Pull The Trigger, Must I Beg?

June 20 2005
Okay, pretty sure I want to flippin shoot someone. I fucking hate being jealous but I fucking hate it when people piss me off.

I started out freshman year hardly knowing anyone in my choir class very well. But soon me and Sarah became friends. We always IMed each other right when we signed on and we always hung out. I'd go to her house and we'd hangout. We were best friends.

Now here we are, freshman year has ended and we don't even talk. I fucking hate her sometimes. We stopped talking about two months ago maybe. She says I'm too dramatic and she's trying to stay away from drama. EXCUSE ME! She's the one who fucking cut herself to feel the pain because 'she likes pain.' So much fucking bullshit!

I am a very jealous person and she knows that. But she has claimed Sean, MY boyfriend, as her new 'best friend.' It pisses me off. I know she claims not to have real 'best friends,' but it pisses me off that she IMs me and tells me all this funny stuff Sean says. I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR ABOUT IT! If he is her best friend, then what the fuck ever. She tries to have a good girl persona but she isn't! She talks about going to church and realizing that she's not living a good life but she still continues to do stupid shit! Gah I want to fucking scream!

I know this may sound harsh, but I wish Sean wouldn't talk to her. Me being jealous, I tend to follow comments and the such on people's Xangas. I read all the comments she leaves him and the ones he leaves her. It kills me inside to see him say 'Love ya' or 'Hey babe.' I know they're 'friends.' But I want to be the only one he says he loves. I know I am selfish and I'm being a big whiny emo baby about this but I just wish I still had that friendship with her that we used to have and I want my boyfriend to know that I find it weird that they're so close.

Okay that was a major venting post. If I offended anyone I'm sorry, but get over it because those are my feelings.


Photo From SeeRockCity

June 20 2005

photo from SeeRockCity


June 20 2005
today im getting my palate expander(sp?) on today...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


June 20 2005
So out of all the bands and artist on my profile Relient K seems to be the one most ppl put on their profile... *sigh*
They may be excellent, but there are some REALLY GREAT bands and artist on there that a lot of ppl have never even heard of! *Sigh* y'all are missing out...


"Thus from my Lips, by yours, my sin is purge" by As Cities Burn

Gloria Patri
the OTHER nathan

All about my busy, busy Sunday

June 20 2005

I had a salad
A Caesar salad, at that
It was quite tasty

(You know it's a bad sign when you can summarize an entire day in a haiku...)


June 20 2005

I'm off to Impact, to the best week of singing and praise in my life. and meeting new friends, and laughing till my sides hurt, and bonding with people in the never-ending line for ice cream.

i look forward to this camp. partially because i'm ready to be best friends with God again and i'm ready to find what's been missing in my spiritual walk.

thank you for your prayers, it means everything to me...

p.s. i'm VERY tempted to make a group called Virgin Lips Society. :P


June 20 2005
so ive recently been informed that i can only use my cell pone in case of emergency because my parents think we are out or almost out of minutes. so if you call my cell phone, i will probably not answer...but i will call you back as soon as i can get to a phone that cell phone. this sticks...i really do love my cell phone. *tear*

sinuses of doom

June 20 2005
i'm sick. very sick. it sucks.

bonus points to grace for bringing me soup and a storybook.

The Coolest Father's Day Ever

June 19 2005
Okay, I wanted this Father's Day to be particularly awesome for my Dad because it's the first Father's Day that I've been living wih him (I moved in about 6 months ago) since I was about 3 years old. (Parents divorced when I was 3 or 4, for those of you who weren't aware.)

Hahah... *gets country accent* "D-I-V-O-R-C-E: DEEVORCE"

Yeah... I totally went to see that movie with Jane, Grace, and Pilote like, a year + ago. That was when I was still getting to know Grace and when I first met Pilote, actually.

Okay, done with the flashback. FATHER'S DAY.

So I wanted it to be great for him. I was going to get up at un-god o'clock this morning and get donuts from Lamar's for breakfast, get him a really awesome card and write something really sappy and emotional in it.

But I slept in. So that didn't work out.

And Brian (my older brother, who, according to Drew Cook, looks like Osama :-p) was going to do something with us today. But noooo. He doesn't FEEEEEL GOOD. And he's BROOOOKE. Well acutally, he is broke. Illness? Ehhhh whatever.

But sometime in the afternoon my Dad and I finally got off our lazy butts and went to lunch at McAllister's.

Did you know that there is a guy who works there who looks like he could be Michael Cole's long lost twin? Very creepy. And he's there EVERY TIME we go to McAllister's. Creeepy.

Sorry. Anyways, after that we went to see Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith because unlike the rest of the world, we hadn't seen it yet. (My treat, I paid for it! Woot!) And then it was takeout from La Siesta for dinner.

Around 10 PM my Dadoo and I were watching an extremely old episode of The Simpsons that my Dad had taped. Homer ate some cookies. My Dad turned to me and said, "We should make cookies."

". . .Kroger's open."

"Let's go."

So we went to Kroger at 10 PM and bought some Break-n-Bake chocolate chunk cookies and a gallon of 1% milk. And we went home and had cookies while we watched old taped episodes of our favorite shows.

And did you know that NBC is finally putting Scrubs out on DVD? Holy crap... must save money.

So yeah, not as picture perfect as I wanted to make it for my Dad. But he seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.


June 19 2005
Mady told me to update so here ya go Mady
this is my update


i'm just kidding

I wouldn't just end on that note

actually....i'm tired

so i guess i will


Quiet again

June 19 2005
Today a youth group of 84 left the base. Just to give you an idea, we have a total of around 50 beds here at the base and already 14 staff living here. So there were people sleeping everywhere. Over a hundred people living in one little building can create a big mess and lots of noise. But the team had a great time doing ministry in the city, and I enjoyed just being around teenagers again. However, we all let out a sigh of relief when they left. Things will be normal again until the next team of 55 comes in a few weeks!

New friends and long days

June 19 2005
So when I decided to come back here to New York, I was acting mostly out of obedience. I knew my place in M'boro was closed and I knew God had opened a door for me in NY. But now that I have been here a few months, it has surpassed my expectations. I have been back for two months, but I feel like I've been here forever.
For anyone who doesn't know, the training school I was supposed to do was cancelled, so my plans majorly changed and I have joined the staff here. That is a two year commitment. I have been given the position of office manager, which I am very flattered to receive a higher position right from the beginning. Past that, I am on three different ministry teams: Smithtown (where we live), urban missions (NYC), and Go Teams (short term foreign trips). So I definitely stay busy.
My friendships here have gotten deeper and I love just hanging out here with everyone. It is different to have a whole new life out here that many of you don't know. I want to bring you all up here or bring them to TN to meet you guys. So if any of you want to make a trip to NY, give me a call and you can stay with me here at the base! (Becca and Rachael, you know I'm talking to you)

batman begins!

June 19 2005
wednesday, meet at the big theater, about 12:45 or so.
movie starts at 1
possibly hit up camino real afterwards...

questions? comments? concerns? confessions?

...sorry about that...i had to let it out...

Today's Vent

June 19 2005
Ok, so to start off, I must say that being from Atlanta, my favorite newspaper will always be the AJC, which i remember reading the comics from every Sunday at Granny's house until i was in the 2nd grade...but as i got older the comics are still the best part, but during the week they have a small section entitled "The Vent" where people write in to complain about everything. well my vent today has 2 points...

1) So I'm at my wonderful job and have to unload a truck which is part of my daily routine, and that is not the complaint, the complaint comes in that I had to unload all 11 pallets, weighting between 1000 and 2800 lbs each, all by myself. Now management knew i was the only one there between dairy, frozen and meat, and one even saw that i was the only one there doing the unloading, so he kindly goes to the other side of receiving and and helps the 4 people on ICS unload their truck...thank you management, i know that i can always count on you to help me when i help you out

2) so i'm sitting outside with someone whom i would probably consider my best friend just enjoying a conversation. now it has been somewhat public knowledge that i have liked her for quite some time but i know that there is no possibility of anything as told by a reliable source, but it seems hard to handle that i can go out and do stuff with her any time and talk about anything and know that there is nothing more between us. I guess sometimes in life you just have to take what you can get and be happy with the relationship you have with someone and don't risk it to take it somewhere that it doesn't need to be.

Thus ends the rants for the day happy reading and good times...

in closing here is a little fact that i read today from my inspirational desk calendar about stupid people and things:
"When cars first came to Tennessee, the city of Memphis passed a statute that a woman could drive only if a man walked in front of the car and waved a red flag to warn pedestrians of approaching danger"

Give Me A Break!

June 19 2005

"We know, we know - comments have been down for too long!!

Rather than wait to hear back from our vendors on how to easily recover the comments, we're just going to re-enable commenting.

We'll be restoring comments from a backup over the next 12 hours. It will take time for your comments to re-appear on your site! Please bear with us - it will take some time, but we figure that this way... at least we can all use the site in the meantime.

We're working around the clock to get the comments back onto site ASAP. We're very sorry for this, and will keep you posted on updates as soon as we have them!

UPDATE 12:45 pm, EST: It's taking longer than we had hoped to re-activate comments. Our first plan didn't work, but we have some alternative paths we're taking now. As soon as we have a sense of timeframe, we'll post an update"


laughable. that's all. more features to PhuseBox coming soon (and you can leave comments, unlike xanga's current position)...

Canoe... ing... Yeah, I don't exactly know how to spell that.

June 19 2005
So i went cano...e...i... yeah, you get it. My canoe was the only one that didn't flip, by the current or by another person, so, I am God. JK. But, me and John did do our share of flipping. I did get sunburned... kinda bad. My leg feels like its on fire. And the inside of my ears got burned. Thats like, the weirdest place to get burned.

Anyway, I spoke with krista, and she was so torn up, that I said that I would date her for a while and see if my feelings for her changed. I am going to meet with her tomorrow and we are going to talk for a while.

Well, I guess I'll catch yall later.
Peace out.


June 19 2005
hmm...not really sure what to right....

evan and i watched "closer" (interesting...) and then he met my familty...luckily, he fit in well...then we went to the playground at times.

nothing huge going on right now, nothing super duper special....but, my friend shashank DOES get back from college in a few days! yay! he's cool (only friends, of course)

_bekah way

June 19 2005
I have the best friends a girl could ask for. Even if they aren't great Christians....I wouldn't trade them for the world. All of them have my back all the time. I love the feeling I get when I am around them. My friends are the greatest. When you screw up so much, and they love you regardless....that is such a great feeling.

So this is for all of you. If you feel that we are friends, I cherish you so much. Thank you for being there, smiling your great smile, loving me like you do. Always know that I love each and every one of you.

Thanks.....for everything.

this is reality. this is my reality.

June 19 2005

My soul, my heart, screams for something more, the One Who is more.

You don't know what you want. The One Whom you seek cannot truly fulfill

I desire a father's love, a father's friendship.

Your father left you. Your Heavenly Father cannot fill his place.

But, my friends, my mentors...

What, you think they really care about you? You actually think they love you as much as you think you love them?

They are a gift.

A gift that you have abused. Look at you. Everything you do is to get their attention. You have forgotten your God.

No! I love Him. He loves me more than anything. He is my Friend, my King!

Look at how you fall short on your part of what you call this "friendship". You disappoint the One you call Abba.

Lord God, please save me! Free my being from the chains that bind me! Please! I want to be set free!

You don't mean it. Every cry of pain is just an excuse to get someone to pity you. You don't want freedom. You never did.

Save me...before the darkness consumes me...please...

You are the creator of your own darkness! You bind yourself in these chains. You are a fool. He will not act on your behalf because He knows your cries for help are false.

No, I'm not false. I don't want to be false. I...I want to love my God. I want to serve Him!

Even now, your mind seeks out your friends. You have forsaken your God.

O God! Hear me! Free me from my struggle everlasting.

You will never be free. I will kill your soul and heart. You will fall.


A Vision of Heaven

June 19 2005
God tends to paint pictures for me of what his kingdom will be like. I love the creativity that he puts in me because I know that if it was just me, I would be so boring with stuff. He paints these ideas in my head though that I know come from Him. It's so cool. God gave me a vision of heaven. Imagine yourself walking toward the gates. The gates open, and there before you is Jesus Christ standing on a gold road. He's smiling and tears are actually flowing from HIS FACE!!! Both of you are crying. You run up and embrace him...It seems like years before you let go of him. You tell him about your life, and all of the experiences. He just simply smiles and says, "I'm proud of you and I love you so much child....You were worth dying for." After a while he says it's time you met the Father, and he steps out of the way....

I know everyone has their own idea of what heaven might be like, but that's just one perspective. When you guys think of heaven what do you think of? It will be cool to hear the eternal worship of a Father who is so intimate with us. We are like ants trying to understand the universe. It's beyond comprehension. God, I love you so much. Thank you for everything....

the adventures of la and car

June 19 2005
who would have thought that a simple trip to marble slab could turn out to be sooo much fun. let's rewind....i called laura-anne tonight just as she was getting back in town, and the two of us decided that we needed some marble slab in our lives. the only problem is that neither of us have any money. especially not any money to blow on something like ice cream. luckily, we didn't let that stop us. i searched my room and found a few dollars in change to get us started, then i headed over to la's. we put all of my change plus her handfuls of nickels into a cup and hoped for the best. we drive on over to marble slab only to see that it costs $3.59 for just one thing. being slightly discouraged, we went back out to the car to check around for more loose change. we searched all the purses in the car, checked the cupholders that were full of trash, tried the center console, the floor in both the front and back, and even dug through the trunk. every time we found more change we screamed all super loud and got some quite interesting looks from passersby, but it was well worth it because we ended up with $8.43!! unfortuntely, we still had a problem. la may have a knack for math, but that doesn't mean she's flawless. she definitely made an error in figuring out exactly how much we needed so we thought we were still about a quarter short. we had only one option.....the parking lot. we started by just looking near the car, but before long we had covered pretty much the whole parking lot and we'd made our way over to bed, bath, and beyond. needless to say, we really wanted our ice cream. as we made our way back towards marble slab, we began to realize our defeat. but i so brilliantly suggested that we go back inside and see if there was anything cheaper on the menu. we looked and looked with no luck. la had just turned to me and insisted that we didn't have enough money when out of the blue, super nice guy behind the counter asks how much we have. we told him and he assured us that it was enough. we coudn't believe our ears! could we really be on our way to enjoying the yummy goodness that is marble slab?!?! we even had him check it on the register and sure enough, la had made a math error and we did indeed have enough money. so this super nice guy, zac, helped la while some other guy helped me and we ended up with our yummy yummy ice cream. then it was time to pay. each of us only had one unoccupied hand, so zac had to help us count out all of our change. as we're all counting, he makes us feel a bit better by letting us know that he, too, has a change jar that decided whether or not he can make a purchase. there was an instant bond based on the poverty that we all share. la even told him about us searching the parking lot for change for about 10 minutes. he laughed pretty hard at us for that one, but then he let us know that anytime we want some ice cream, he could help us out. he told us to just bring in whatever money we had and he'd make up the difference. yeah, he so thought we were cute. so anyway, we ended up with our ice cream, no more money, and an offer from zac to help us out anytime we're a little too low on cash to afford marble slab. though our little trip to ice cream heaven turned out to take over an hour, it was a fabulous start to a night full of a whole lot of laughs!!!!


June 19 2005

TeXAs Is SoO SoON!!! I lEaVe wEdNeSdAy! aNd i HaVEn't eVEn sTaRTeD 2 pACk yEt! lOL aFtER tAt wE gO 2 FloRIda aNd mAtT mEeTs uS tHeRE! HaHA hE gOtTa WoRK.

wElL i GoTta PaCk


the best weekend EVER!

June 19 2005
wow the funiest times at emily`s house!we had a dance cool is that?!!??!?!well ya i think it was the most fun EVER!!me and amy and emily have all seen the real sides off each other as of this weekend...we are like the kewlest people i know!!well we all decide that our pimp corey is gonna drive us everywhere casue he said he would and we all cant wait!!well i love you guys.....

My God How Great Thou Art!

June 19 2005
hmm.... so today was good. . . I awoke this morning a little drowsy i'll admit, i was at BJ's till late watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". I knew good and well i had to be up kinda early for church, but i couldn't resist watching a classic like that. You don't just get that opportunity every day. . .

After Charles' class, which is always awesome, we had a guest speaker in Big Church that blessed my heart! He spoke a topic i often need to hear: The affects of an audacious christian. If we fully understand what we are now that we have been paid for by the blood of our savior, how could we not live audaciously in this life? To live a christian life as anything other than audacious is possibly this biggest understatement and injustice in the history of man! The creator of the universe sent his SON to die on a cross... for me (justin vance) He put this stars in the sky and knows each of them by name. He's seen the depths of my heart and loves me the same!!!
I don't think I'll ever get over it! It never ceases to blow me away! For what other purpose could i live my life for? If there were ever a reason to live life audaciously, this is it! It has been discovered!

soo. . . after lunch and some time with dad, i headed back to church for a hardcore game of unltimate friz... after running to the point of a good sweat and an accomplished feeling of excercise i boarded the little ford focus headed for home. Not knowing to listen or expecting to hear from God, my only focus was getting home to a home-cooked meal, compliments of my mama.

Now tonight i strike the keys with a heart filled with humbleness. Driving down the "4-lane" one foot hanging out the window (i cut a toe in ultimate), i looked in my rearview mirror. Over the last few minutes God had chosen to paint an amazing sunset then decided to show it to me! I almost ran off the road staring at it. Strong pinks laced with streaks of white and orange accented perfectly the deep blue spread across the sky. Then it hit me, where i was and what i was doing. I didn't deserve to be in my car, i didn't deserve to be coming home to a family, much less a meal. I didn't deserve to be able to enjoy a sunset like i was. I didn't deserve to have the breath in my body that, for some reason, God chose to put there this morning.

What i deserve is death and nothing less! But through His unrelenting grace and faithful, mind-blowing love, He made me a new creation, now identified, not in my sin, but it the cross of Jesus! This concept is truly motivation to live an audacious life for Christ!

The sunset event was a good capoff to something that had been dwelling in my heart. Like an answer from the Father to a quite voice i had been hearing all day. Something i could never completely understand, but live my life for!

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

And when I think, that God,
His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"


June 19 2005
hey guys--
i dont have a CLUE of what im doing with this... just xanga has way to many management problems... so im trying this :] hope yall are having a *great* day!!!

crime scenes, bad drivers, and the best sunset ever

June 19 2005
still super excited about 11 months!!! thank you amber for calling and wishing me a happy 11 months! thanks for knowing how important this day, me and God's day, truly is for me! you are great!!!

anywho, so today, after the nuns and all that jazz, i came home and spent some time with God. during this time a thought occured to me. it is father's day. wow. so i looked up, said "happy Father's day, Daddy." today most definetly your Heavenly Father deserves recognition. and for my dad, i drove up nashville to cook him dinner. it was really nice. i went on a walk down to the railroad tracks with my grandma to take pictures... then here comes my uncle flying up the road in his great big van... hmmmm.... i want to finish taking pictures i think and he is just ruining it...well actually, the thing is, he saved our lives... just a block over a woman walking got shot randomly by some yeah, that was enough picture taking for me. haha. that is east nashville for ya... on the way home i was able to look in my rearview mirror at the perfect sunset. amazing. good music and great art all around me.

so it has been one interesting day all around. church was even super fun because of the guest speaker we had! that made my day. haha. well that is all folks. i bid you farewell for now. don't forget to wish the BEST dad EVER a happy father's day!!!

Life as usual

June 19 2005
Life's so cool! I went to Andi's b-day party yesterday and saw bunches of ppl I haven't seen in a long time... learned what a publican is today (chief tax collector)... played drums lots... drove my grand rent's car... ooo I did rec at VBS all week... Meredith is the coolest kindergardner ever lol. Welp, off to listen to music... God bless!

Gloria Patri
the OTEHR nathan

Leavin' on a jet plane -- er, car that is. In a car.

June 19 2005
Well, I'm leaving in anywhere from 2 seconds to 45 minutes from now.

See you sexy beasts in three weeks. Don't have too much fun without me. ;)


one word!!

June 19 2005

No Idea What I am Doing.

June 19 2005
I have nooo idea what I'm doing. So. If yall wanna help me that would be fabulous.