
February 20 2006

No school today. Joy. I'm stuck at home with nothing to do but clean my room cause I have no life. I'm not even dressed yet and it's after 12pm. What an uneventful day. I'm gonna go get something to drink now. Love ya'll!


February 18 2006

Well, MTSU auditions were today. I did pretty good I guess. I was a little sick, and still am. Only now I'm feeling a little more under the weather. The piano player for my audition was not that great. He threw me off and didn't do a good job at folowing me. But it's all over now. Boy how I love to mombo! I don't think I'll get to in West Side Story cause I got moved to a Jet during the big dance scene. Poo. Some one needs to come over and mombo with me.


February 17 2006
I spent yesterday at David Lipscomb singing in the Mid-State choir. It was super fun and crazy! Tomorrow I have college auditions for MTSU, so I'm kinda scared out of my mind. I still have some music to memorize and my voice is shot form singing all day yesterday. Oh well, enough complaining . Wow, I have a prom date now. And today is a half day plus no school on Monday! Yes!!!! I get an extra long voice lesson today!! I love to sing. I've been doing singing stuff a lot lately. I think I might go blonder. Or maybe redo the now faded black on the bottom layer of my hair. I don't know yet. I'm leaning towards blonde. Maybe blonde with the black? I dunno. I'm just going on and on about nothin. I'm worn out from yesterday. I wanna go sleep. Ahh! I keep freaking out about auditions tomorrow!!!!!!!


February 14 2006






February 13 2006

Tomorrow is Valentines Day!

Won't You

by Shel Silverstein

Barbara's eyes are blue as azure

But she is in love with Freddy,

Karen's sweet but Harry has her,

Gentle Jane is going steady.

Carol hates me, so does Mary,

Abigail will not be mine,

Nancy lives too far away...

Won't you be my Valentine?


February 10 2006

I'm so bored. I found out that I have no life after I quit my job. I pace back and forth cause I don't know what to do with myself, there are no sauces to be filled, no meat to prep, or veggies to cut. For those of you who don't know I used to work at Subway. I have college auditions next Saturday!!! I'm to nervous! I've been practising like crazy today but I stopped cause I don't want to strain my voice. I love to sing. Well, this is a random litle bunch of stuff I'm typing. I get to sleep in tomorrow, yeah!  And then study theory with Jackie, my best bud! And now I'm gonna stop cause I doubt anyone is gonna read this anyway.


February 09 2006
Today is my little brother's birthday!! He's growing up so fast! So far today has been pretty super, that extra two hours of sleep was mighty fine! Oh my goodness, lately I have been really excited about God and what he is gonna do in my life! Even though things are rough right now and my future seems uncertain, I have a sense of joy and I know that no matter what God has a plan for me and will see me through. I don't know what He has in store for me, but I can't wait and am full of excitment!! Hurray and Happy Birthday to my little Chad!!


February 08 2006

Look at my fantastic prom dress!

Sorry it's side ways.


February 07 2006
I got a prom dress!!!!!!!!! Unless I find a dress I like better. I'm still gonna look around. But the the one I got today is fantastic!!!! I'm so excited! It's so pretty!


February 07 2006

We had our first West Side Story rehersal last night!!! I really like the dances so far, but wow am I out of shape! The workouts killed me. Well, I guess me and Sports Com will have to meet again! Lol. Thats all for now!


February 06 2006

I met someone last night. I think some things might start making more sense. God is so great!


February 04 2006

Valentines Day is coming up! I don't have a valentine but it's all good. I still LOVE Valentines Day!!!! Me and my friends at school alwalys exchange little Valentines Day gifts and stuff. It's pretty cool and exciting. I always feel so LOVED!  


February 02 2006
I also hate the feeling of having to miss someone who lives 12 minutes away. Ok, I think I'm done now.


February 02 2006

I'm feeling quite down. I hate the feeling of liking a certain someone and them not really knowing you exist. The feeling of thinking you know someone for years and then waking up to see they are suddenly a stranger, of having a life long best friend that turns out to be just an aquaintence(pretty sure I spelled that wrong), the feeling that your life will never be the same because you ruined it, that you are the one that caused all the feelings you hate. Feeling of failure, disapointment, and brokeness, of being lost in a world you used to know so well, of not knowing what to do or where to go. So many feelings that I hate and they've all been flooding me for like 6 months or so. I'm gonna go cry now. Maybe talk to God for a while.

My Hero

February 01 2006

I love my little brother so much! He is my hero!!!!! I don't know what I would do without him. He means so much to me. Oh how I love my little man!


January 31 2006

For some reason my parents keep pushing me away from college and giving me all these other "options". I don't get it. They discourage everything I really want to and get ticked off when I won't settle for less. They constantly confuse me. I have no clue what to do- I guess praying wouldn't hurt.


January 30 2006

Well, I went to Buckle yesterday to pick up a pair of jeans that I got alterated. I tried them on at home and found out that they were too short! That's a first for me!!Well I called them and the manager said I would have to bring them in. Don't think there is much they can do about it. Makes me wanna cry. I paid a lot for them and waited 4-ever to get them fixed and now they don't fit right. I hate my short legs and crappy alteration ladies. Anyways Siegel and Oakland play tom. nite. I mite show up and do a little Siegel Nation dance!

For Jordan

January 28 2006

"Once upon a dream, we were lost in love's embrace.

There we found a perfect place, once uopn a dream.

Once upon a time, like no other time before

Hope was still an open door, Once opon a dream.

And I was unafraid, the dream was so exciting

But now I see it fade

And I am here alone.

Once upon a dream, you were heaven sent to me.

Was it never ment to be? Once upon a dream.

Could we begin again,

Once upon a dream?"

-Jekyll and Hyde the musical


January 27 2006


It's getting closer and closer to prom and I have no clue who I can go with. Everyone is already taken. :( What to do? Maybe I am too worried. Everyone says I will find someone to go with, but it's not looking that way. If only my best friend was still my best friend.


January 26 2006

  Hey!!!! I gots a phusebox! Now what?

West Side Story call backs were today. I didn't make them but I wonder how they went. Everybody is so good! I made dance "call backs" though. But thats as far as I got. whoa is me!