Easter time!

April 13 2006
   Easter is Sunday! I'm so excited!! I don't think I've ever been this excited about Easter before. Everytime I think about it I get all happy. Like when I think of how Jesus died for us on the cross its more of a sadder but thankful feeling kinda sorta. Cause He died because of my and everyone elses sins, but when I think of Him rising from the grave it makes my wanna shout! He is so great and wonderful and beautiful and forgiving and worthy of everything I have! I can't stop thinking about it and how truly wonderful He is. It's crazy. I'm gonna stop now cause I'm not good at writing how I feel, expecially (sp?) when I don't know how to describe it. lol I hope everybody has a great day and a fantastic Easter!!!


April 09 2006
Everytime something is going great I always do something or say something to totoally mess it all up. I try so hard and then lose everything. I must be pretty dumb to think that I can ever get this right and be happy.


April 08 2006

Wow.That storm last night was amazing. I love to watch storms, they are so powerfull and magical. I just wish they weren't so dangerous and destructive. But oh how I love the rain, thunder and lightning. It's all so beautiful. Like music almost. It's so breath taking. There's not really any good way for me to describe it.

Just Breath

April 06 2006

" 2am and I'm tryin to write down this song......(?)

....if I can get it all down on paper.

It's no longer inside of me

threating the life it belongs to.

And I feel like I'm naked in front of a crowd

Cause these words are my diary screaming out loud.

And I know that you'll use them however you want to."

I love this song. I miss quoted it though, I can't remember exactly how it goes. I'll figure it out and then post all of it later.


April 04 2006
   : (


April 01 2006

Should I go blonde? I'm thinking some blonde high lights. Then my hair would be 3 different shades. No one really tells me if I should or not- except for my dad.

Anyways, Chris and I picked out a tux today. I really hope it matches my dress. I'm sure it will all be good. Hmmm, I have a head ache.

Me and my mom cut all the monkey grass today. Now I have nothing to do. Spring break is almost over. :( I was enjoying my time off. Oh well, not too much longer till graduation. w00t w00t!!

A poem I wrote a few nights ago.

March 27 2006

Why do I still hurt inside?

These feelings should be gone by now.

Why do I still love to hear him speak?

He should be just another voice by now.

Why is it when I close my eyes he is still there?

He should just be a distant memory by now.

Why do I still cry for him?

My tears should be done by now.

And why do I still write about him???

I should be sleeping by now.


March 27 2006

First day of spring break! Today me and Paul picked out a song for Fine Arts, went to Pizza Hut, and then went to Wal Mart. Later me and Jackie went to the Green Way. We walked 4 miles and climed on all the rocks. We were jumping across the river on rocks and on the way back I slipped and fell. If it wasn't for Brady holding me I would have been a gonner! What adventures will tomorrow bring??


March 23 2006
I have a ton of term paper stuff due tomorrow moring, I have no cule how I'm gonna get it all done. Pretty sure I'm gonna fail this mess. I'm so stressed! : (


March 20 2006

I love New York! It is so magical. China Town, Time Square, the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty, Broadway shows, pigons, Central Park, hot dogs from street venders, 5th Avenue, taxi cabs, traffic jams and tall buildings everywhere, I love it all! I'm for sure going back the next chance that I get. I had such a good time and made so many memories with my friends. It was a weekend I will never forget.


March 16 2006

Yesterday life threw a crazy at me. I'm so confused. It's nothing bad really, just frustrating. It would be cool if ya'll could pray for me. I don't know what to do! --pout face-- I think I will do nothing and focus on God. I know he will give me peace and help me in this crazy situation. Well, I'm off to New York tomorrow morning! : )

Chex Mix!

March 14 2006

    Today when I opened my lunch bag I saw that my mom had packed me chex mix (yes, my mom still packs my lunch). I hate chex mix therefore I was ever so slightly disappointed. But to my surprise, as I opened the ziplock bag the scent of chocolate filled my desk area. My chex mix had frosted chex pieces, marshmallow bits, and various pretzel shapes covered in cocoa. And I can't leave out those yummy vanilla bread sticks! Wow was that chex mix good. The first chex mix I've ever enjoyed eating. It's limited edition Winter Cocoa Chex Mix. What a happy surprise!


March 13 2006

So, I spent yesterday with a certain friend and had an awesome time. It was the best day ever that I've had in a long while.


March 09 2006

No school tomorrow = much sleep for me.

I love sleeping in! I might get to see a play Saturday and on Sunday I'm gonna see Siegel's play. I'm so excited!!

New York in one week! I'm so happy!!


March 06 2006

No school Friday~w00t! w00t!~

We had West Side Story rehersal today.

The mambo is gonna be totally awesome!

I'm excited out of my mind!!

I had a voice lesson today,and what fun it was.

I'm trying to pick out a song for the big

senior recital. I think I'll just add a verse or

two to a certain song and sing that.

There is a song my mom used to sing to me

When I was little so I'm gonna think about

singing that for her.

Wow, less than 3 months and I'm done

with school. Till college that is. What fun that

will be. Well, good night to you all.


March 05 2006

A lost child tries to find her way home.

Her fathers at the door but she feels so alone.

She feels the tears start to run down her face.

Some how her life seems so far out of place.

A broken girl tries to pick up her life.

Her father watches as he gives her the knife.

She feels so cold and dead when he is around.

Tries not to fall but then he pushes her down.

A blind father tries to put her to blame.

His daughter's attitude is always so lame.

He doesn't know what reallly goes on.

It's way to late because her love for him is gone.


March 04 2006

So, Siegel beat Oakland a few nights ago.... In your face Paulinski!!! : )


March 01 2006

Chris Slate has awesome hair!!! Speaking of hair, my friend Ben says he would let me cut his! I wonder just how serious he was. lol The last time I cut Chad's hair he said he would never let me touch it again. Paul, that silly half Jew, has super awesome hair too. I'm getting my hair cut soon. Well bye!

For Jordan 11/4/05

February 27 2006

I will go where you go, I will stay with you.

Just don't leave me alone, you're my dream come true.

Why don't you love me now, tell me what I've done.

I love you, always will. You are like the sun,

always there in my heart, burning bright and clear.

Life goes on filled with pain, still I want you near.

An empty kiss, a search for words. I need somethng more.

Watching you, missing you. I am always yours.


February 27 2006
Yesterday was horrible, but yester-night was amazing. People that can turn your bad days into a good days are so awesome. And God is even awesome-er!!!


February 26 2006
So last night was the 3rd night in a row that I cried myself to sleep. Its been a few weeks since I've been that down.What's wrong with me? I'll explain later, some other day maybe.


February 25 2006

Last night I went and saw Empty Chair play in a show. They are so awesome. I got to meet most of them and they are fantastic guys. I know the bass player, Ben, and he's super cool. One of the guys, I forgot his name, was in chior in high school and I had seen him around Mid-State and stuff before, so that was cool. I didn't get home last night till about 1:30. I'm pretty tired. I love weekends!- Life is like a super crazy roller coaster. Or like Now and Later candy, or like sweet and sour sauce-going good and bad at the same time. Good is sweet and bad is sour. Ok, I quit now.


February 23 2006
I cried myself to sleep last night.


February 22 2006

My Bro and his band made it to The Battle of the Bands at Rockettown!!!!!!

10 bands were chosen out of about 70! Buy tickets from me!!!!!!


February 21 2006

I got hurt by someone yesterday. Very bad. I won't ever be quite the same. Yeah, it hurts pretty bad.