My Hero

February 01 2006

I love my little brother so much! He is my hero!!!!! I don't know what I would do without him. He means so much to me. Oh how I love my little man!


February 01 2006
lol* aww that's cute.

Rebecca Jensen

February 01 2006
I love lil brothers!!! I know what you mean! Thank you for your comment... I know I'm not really all that others may see, but what is right is not me, it's God and He is incredible! I don't know how I'd get through stuff without Him! Don't feel like just because you may have messed up in the past that you can't have a relationship with Him that is as strong or even stronger than those around you! God sure knows I've messed up, but what's cool is that He can still use us! It was good to see you last Wednesday, and I hope to be able to see you again soon, I think you and I have a lot more in common than you may think. Anyway hope to see you soon!

Chris Slate,

February 01 2006
yay... i can say i love my little brother too!!! cuz i FINALLY have one... hes about 3 months old... tehe... hey kid... just thought id say hey and thanks for the remark... i hope things are goin good in your life... talk to u later... c ya

Rebecca Jensen

February 01 2006
haha.. hey now don't limit me to scrabble.. haha jk