I need a good laugh!
March 03 2006
What's the funniest thing ya'll have heard lately? I need a serious laugh session!!! If a merry heart is good like a medicine I must be sick and need to be medicated! Laughter is actually good exercise too. NO! That doesn't mean I need anyone to poke me in the ribs! Just a cute little joke or story will do thank you very much!
Rebekah Lewis
March 03 2006
Were you talking about Chris when you said that?... Same on you for naming people on your site...
Rebecca Jensen
March 04 2006
ok... so I get to mtsu the other day, park and go to all my classes. I went to leave and I walked to the parking lot but didn't see my car. THe lot was almost empt because it was late, still I walked around and around, even pressing my panic button. Finally when I thought "my car HAS to be here I'm going crazy because I can't see it." I spotted it in the adjacent lot. I had parked in a teachers spot! luckily I didn't het a ticket. Talk about absent minses.. anyway.. so did I get a giggle? even a smile? :-)
Jeana Lewis
March 04 2006
Ya'll are great! Rebecca, what's minses? Yes, you got a smile - even a chuckle. It sounds like something I would do.
I wouldn't, however, use tobasco sauce for eye drops. no
Thanks Jess, the pics were adorable.
Beka, Chris? What ever do you mean?
Jeana Lewis
March 04 2006
Okay, when I typed that it was "no" for the tobasco not "no thanks Jess." These posts don't post like I post them. They have their own opinion as to how they want to look after I tell them to post.
Rebecca Jensen
March 06 2006
oops not minses... I meant minded... haha... guess there it is again.....
Chris Jensen
March 14 2006
I don't know about that story making me laugh...if anything would in that it is the thought of the spelling errors ;-)