
September 10 2006

i absolutely HATE it..yes, HATE it..when my friends get so down on themselves.

they think i don't know what they're freakin going through..trust me, i've freakin been there...let me help you...
stop getting so down on yourself and making yourself sound horrible...what you think other people think of you doesn't matter...i've learned that. and 99% of the time, it's not even true...just stuff you've made up in your head.

yes, i still have that voice in my head that tells me i'm worthless, that no one wants to be around me, and makes me wonder why i'm even here..you think i can completely erase that from my mind? no. if i could, it would have been a long time ago.

i just want to help people.
that's all.
is that too much to ask?
apparently so.

Aaron Massey

September 10 2006
that's a good way to be.