..water is my new best friend!! (sorry meag)

August 28 2006

still not talking about last night..

during service last night, god prompted me to do something. i consider it a major challenge..and i took it.

so the journey started this morning when i woke up and won't be completed until friday night when i go to sleep. yes, a long time...but it's definitely worth it.

pastor nathan preached on obedience last night. AMAZING message. really stepped on my toes, but that's what i needed to hear.

things around here have been crazy, and i've basically been scheduling god for sundays at 10:30AM-12:30PM and 4:30PM-7:30 PM and then on wednesdays from 7-8PM. it's a bad habit that i need to break...soon...so, that's bascially what this week is about i'm guessing...using my time to grow closer to god.

so please, pray for me...especially this week...
i definitely need it..
