
August 12 2006
i guess it's time to move on from that last post..
although it hurts..i'll never move on from that face.

apparently fine arts was amazing! my girls allie, laura, mags, and audrey WON with their small vocal ensemble. oh my goodness...i heard through like forty different texts (haha...maybe not that many, but it seemed like it) and was crying all the way back here in tennessee...the first year i don't go, something out of this world happens...ugh... =] it's all good, cause EVERYONE knows turning point now! hah! lol..i still love you guys over at fwc though..it was hard this year not bein with you guys...REALLY hard.

so, school is starting back up. really not looking forward to it, but i'm 1/4 of the way done with it all...then college hits...hehe...

but yeah, i'm doin pretty good.
i've been having major tension headaches...borderline migranes and they've been killing my head. pray for that, and also a friend of mine is having some problems and he's basically been blocked off from everything but school/work...so yeah, please, please, please be praying for him. church is a big thing in his life, and he can't go. he just needs prayer right now...that's all we can do.

well, i must be going.

OH YEAH...i need answers...now! lol...okay...

should i...
[   ] wait for my hair to be long enough to donate
[   ] cut it NOW!!!

okay...please, please, please let me know...i'm havin a hard time deciding...ugh

if i did get it cut, it'd look like this:


August 12 2006
silly becca! i LOVE you! it's always a nice though to donate....but i've known alot of people who tried it but never had the freakinpatience to keep up with the hair... i'd like your hair shorter..

Jessica Jo

August 12 2006
I missed you too my Becca. I love you.