halloween always sucks at my house...

October 31 2005

well, turns out that my little sister has lice...yes, i said lice...i
made it a point to make sure my mom checked my head...she didn't see
anything, but i'm washing my hair with some kind of stuff that kills
them just in case...it really freaked me out because my mom said that
hannah used my brush yesterday...so i was like flipping out...well, at
least it didn't happen after christmas when my sister and i are sharing
a room...man..i would have been cleaning every single thing in our

for the past three years, i've been sick on halloween...the one year that i'm not, my sister gets lice and freaks me out...grr...i hate halloween...but on the other hand, it's matt's birthday...hard to believe he's 14 now...still acts like he's 8...

anyways...going to the appointed halloween party tonight...well, i
guess that's what they're calling it...didn't have a costume, then
remembered that i had to be a nun for the variety show, so...you can
probably guess what i'll be wearing tonight...haha...might even freak
some people out...

but yeah...i hope that everyone's doing alright tonight...be safe while
out in the dangerous neighborhoods, and don't get caught rolling
someone's house...

mucho love!


Chris Slate,

October 31 2005
hmm its halloween... im gonna go get wasted... haha...c ya