Shopping = TEH DEVIL!!!

August 01 2005

Yeah, yeah, so I purposefully mispelled "the." Bite me.

The biggest problem with shopping? I have to do it to get stuff. Doesn't that suck? I don't mind getting new clothes or shoes or anything - that stuff's all fantastic. [I am a clothes whore, deep down in my heart of hearts.]

I just don't like the pain of realizing that you're a larger size than you thought you were, being too self concious to buy certain kinds of clothes or from certain stores, lusting after awesome clothes in stores that insist on making every size up to the size right below yours, finding stuff that actually fits but looks like crizzap, and just generally SUCKING at shopping.

I'm serious: I need girl lessons. Shopping, hair, makeup: in all of these areas I have either been a massive failure or had somewhat less than mediocre success.


But I've still got to do it sometime this week. Hopefully, with a faithful friend whom I can trust not to let me settle for anything fugly just because I'm discouraged, I can acutally manage to find some cool clothes. Jane has volunteered for this daunting task, bless her heart. I think Michacco is going to assist her. Godspeed to them. Don't be surprised if they come home with suspicious red stains on their hands and clothes and my body is found with shopping bags full of ugly clothes in a dumpster behind the mall.


August 01 2005
are you implying that we would take part in the death of the one and only wonderful sarah vermillion? psh! nuh uh! not this cowboy

Abby Dee

August 01 2005
oh how i love to shoppe... until i look at the size tag -_-


August 01 2005
Sounds... Morbid...

Stephanie Levine

August 01 2005
I love/& miss you. I bet you could pick out the best outfits. COME ON, you picked out the best dresses for me. I would give you tips, but I could use a few myself.

Alice Eatherton

August 01 2005
Oh darling! Don't you know that you are PERFECT the way you are! And personally, I like you w/o any clothes anyway. *wink*