Dark Side of the Rainbow

July 02 2006

Ever heard of it?  That's what you call that mythical combination of The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.  Urban legend?  I thought so.  I thought so, that is, until I went to see the Belcourt Theatre's late night show of Dark Side of the Rainbow.

Ho-ly crap.

I always thought that it was something that stoners made up.  Because hey, when you've just dropped three tabs of acid, whatever you're looking at will probably match up right along with whatever you're listening to.

But it's real!  I mean, it wasn't second for second, note for note, but whoadang.  90% of the time, whenever the mood or tone of the scene changed, so did the music.

There were some amazing lyrical coincidences too.  Words that don't necissarily directly apply to the scene, but capture the scene's idea and spirit.  If you don't believe me, just watch it for yourself.

The weirdest thing was, when the album was done, they just started it over.  It it still worked!  The music still matched up!

And what started playing the instant Dorothy opened the door to Oz?  And what started playing when she, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion walked up to ask permission to see the Wizard?

"Money".  (Don't get why that's a big deal?  Go look up William Jennings Bryan and his connection to The Wizard of Oz.)

Anyways.  I'm writing this at 2:47 AM.  I'm a little out of it right now.  The point is, this urban legend is true.  And if I ever decide to try drugs when I'm in college, I'm definately staying in, renting the Wizard of Oz, and listening to Dark Side of the Moon.

(Also, to support the independent Belcourt Theatre, my dad and I got nifty Dark Side of the Rainbow t-shirts and posters.  They have flying monkeys on them.)

Aaron Massey

July 02 2006
ha ha, i told you it worked.. : ) anyway, i have not called her... but what i wrot e was about God... but i'm still hoping and praying there... i really really hope rachel likes me.. and i'm glad the week is over... but now scared for next step


July 02 2006
sweet....i'm def. gonna get my pink floyd loving brother and do that sometime...i've wanted to for a while. =) have a great day!

the brian king kenobi

July 02 2006
flying monkeys? do they look like nemanja? ha . . .

Sara Shaban

July 02 2006
we def. did this is spanish class a couple of yrs ago...it really is pretty flippin cool. the music matches perfectly...like when the lady is riding her bike...the music...gosh...its cool.


July 02 2006
I'll have to try that. Sounds really cool.