as brian king once said, "sweet mother of something holy"

May 26 2006


No joke.  70-somethings for the six weeks grades and a NINETY-FREAKIN'-FIVE on my final!  (That is without a curve, thanksverymuch!)

That leaves me with a cool 75 for my semester average.  Can you say 'C', anyone?  *crazy dance of happiness*

Unfortunately... *cough*  Daniel isn't as forgiving as Denning.  My makeup work made almost no headway in my six weeks grades.  I scored the highest on the final - A SEVENTY-EIGHT.  Yeah, the highest grade is a middle C and she won't curve it.

What does this leave me with for my semester grade?Sixty-eight.

If she'd curve the final, even just up to a B, I'd be passing.

Son of a mother.

However, Daniel has told me that it would be absolutely rediculous for me to fail and have to take the semester over again because I am not dumb, I just don't apply myself.  So... I got me another stack of makeup work and as of Tuesday I will be passing and free from science for the rest of my time in Rutherford County Schools.

So... can we say, "Huzzah?"


May 26 2006
YAY!! don't you love teachers that don't curve grades and the highest grade is so low its crazy. Teachers, are out to hurt us! :-)


May 26 2006

Maja Opacic

May 31 2006
Daniel's crazy!

Maja Opacic

May 31 2006
Oh, I almost forgot: HUZZAH!