
December 08 2005

scratch that last post. garret, i beat it. i just got 710 points at solitaire. heck ya


garret shaw

December 08 2005

when i saw garret say he got 705 points playing solitare, i said to my self "i've never kept score playing solitaire, but i'll start, i'm i'm going to beat him. well, i scored 700. i was so close. garret, you better watch out, i'm comin close.



December 07 2005

shoot, i'm tired. we went to bed at like 4 this morning. that was after me and greg (a guy i met last night playing monopoly) teamed up and won monopoly. we teamed up cause we were getting messed over because we were the last two to roll and werent getting anything and by the time it was over it was us two against the other 5 playing (they teamed up be up because we were doing so good) we only had the rail roads and the red ones. man we were good.

so that was over at like 1:30 and then me and the guys went and played football till about 3, then we went to bed at like 4.

we were at the guys basketball game last night (me, alex, david, and abhinav) and it was like 8:30pm and a girl behind me said something about how she had to go and take a test. and i was like, oh no, i have to take and turn in a test by 9. the arena is about mile from my dorm, so i take off runnin and i ran to the library to grab a computer, i take the test, and turn it in and then i looked and it said it accepted the test at 8:58 pm, i was like dang, i'm good. and i made an A, so it's all good.

i gotta study like a beast today, dang i hate that. and i gotta do some homework, but not a lot of homework.

so my birthday is in like 11 days. heck ya.



December 04 2005

got a spanish test tommorow. got alot of english to do. last night was crazy. played some frisbee with the guys at like 2 in the morning, went to taco bell at like 2:30, sat in the hall and at it and then went to bed. it was cool.

me and heat woke up and then drove 20 miles doing 90 the whole way just so that we could get some favolis (sp). it was some good times.

i gotta study later tonight. that sucks. i'm worried about some stuff thats comin up later today, but it'll be ok.

i cant wait till christmas break. actually, as long as i make it through tuesday, i'll be ok.

off to the library now.

me and candace at jazz fest. i cant wait till may


December 03 2005

i used to make the best out of everything, and no matter what came my way i didnt care and i was happy. but after so much a person can only brush off so much and make the best out of it all. just sometimes, i wish that people would see that. i'm sure that at times i bring some of it on my self, but not all the times. oh well.

this week has had it's ups and downs.

shannon moran called to check up on my today after she knew that i was upset last night, and i appreciate that. thanks shannon

i got homework i have to do this weekend, blah.

i dont know if it's just me or what, but do you have to give your best friend a reason to get together with you, ecspecially atfter they've known you've been upset


birthdays, dinner, flagilation, and bball

December 01 2005

so my two sisters and really good friend of mine had birthdays today. but this will probably say it was posted the day after.

those two girls had thier birthdays today, and so did young, but unfourtionately i dont have a picture of her, i dont think.

me and whitney had dinner at our adopted familys house tonight, it was pretty dang good. and they gave us christmas presants. so that was coo. it's the WOW 2006 cd and the voices of the faithful beth moore book, so thats awesome.

later on to night, there was some flagilation going on, "tooting" if you want to put it that way.

we played bball tonight, it was fun. chelsea cut me with her fingernails, it was pretty funny.

oh ya, my parents got mad at me tonight for the excessive txt messaging. not really mad, but up set.



November 29 2005

last night was fun, except for writing the papers, but thats ok cause thats how college goes, right? i got alot to do this week, it sucks, but i'll get it done.

theres some pics of my new car, sorry it tood so long to get them up here.

theres some pics of my cousins from russia. their cute kids.

this weather is crazy, i'm not forsure whats going on with it. 

well i'm waisting time, i need to get going.



November 28 2005

i'm at the library, about to start a paper. ya, all the college students out there have been where i am right now. well... not in this exact place, but close. it's raning like crazy, and i'll probably have a ticket when i go back out side, but thats ok, i didnt want to have to walk forever in the rain, even though i'll probably have to when i go to park my car. but i guess i could just sleep in my car... na.

today was ok. some one told me that i've changed, but then again they dont realize how much of a beating my self esteem has taken lately. in a way it could've been avoided, but it would of been hard.


break, finals

November 27 2005

well i finally made it back. break was great for the most part. we went to dr. vanzants house last night, it was pretty dang cool.

the food was good, i enjoyed it. my brothers werent able to come in, but john was able to come in on friday night so that was cool.

i feel like i've hurt some friendships along the way this weekend, but it was in advertantly (sp). so i'm sorry.

i'm pretty tired right now, and i'm doing a horrible job typing, so i dont know whats up with that. oh well. i forgot how comfortable my bed is at home. i'll be back home in a few weeks, it'll be fun

finals, oh man, i dont even want to begin to think about that.



November 24 2005

i have the craziest feeling right now



November 22 2005

i just erased the pics off of my digital camera. i didnt want to, it still had the pictures on there from the last few days of school. the bon-fires, the party at ashley and nolans house, which was one of the best parties, and from graduation. ya, they are on my computer and all, but still, it makes me sad.

i'm comin home tommorow. shannon said she cant hang out like we had planned on, and i dont mind, i understand, but it makes me sad. i seriously thought about comin home tonight, but it wasnt going to work out.

i played in a poker tournament tonight, i didnt get good cards, i stayed in as long as possible, but it didnt work out for me this time, oh well.

i think i'm going to make a cd for the trip home tommorow, it should be good.


sisters; today

November 20 2005

for those of yall who dont know, i have two brothers. but i also have two sisters, and their twins. i love em to death.

i've known amy and rachel for it seems like forever. their like sisters to me. i saw amy today and it made me so happy. i cant wait till i get to go home and spend some time with them. it always seemed like when i needed someone to talk to while at school, they were there. they were there when i didnt need someone. not only have i gone to school with them forever, i've gone to church with them too. if it wasnt for them, i would be crazy right now. i wish they were up here with me, but then again i could be down there with them.

i was doing laundry today, and the machine apparently didnt have a spin cycle and my clothes were dripping wet, so i rung them out in the trash can. ya, thats right, the trash can. think about that for a second.

i found this quote: "Sarcasm is jelousy in in bold disuise." ~ Gary B. Wright.  i didnt have to think about this at all to realize that this guy was right. but i remembered back to when i used to be really sarcastic, and then it clicked. when i started to like me for me, i stopped being sarcastic, so it is the truth, or at least it is for me.


julie brockwell is awesome

November 19 2005

i know, i know, two posts in a row, thats a little much, but this one deserves a post all in it's own.

tonight when i was walkin in, i noticed i had an extra piece of mail in the box other than the junk mail that i've let pile up in there. i noticed it was blue, and i was like heck ya, someone sent me a package. when i opened it up, i noticed it wasnt a package, it was a blue envelope from where someone sent me a card.

julie brockwell is the coolest!

getting mail is so awesome, and julie sent me the nicest card. it's so amazing how just by doing something simple like sending a letter so someone can mean so much to someone else. not just the letter, but letting someone know how much they mean to you, or just how your there for the other person.

thank you julie


November 18 2005

you know how sometimes you miss how things used to be, and how sometimes you miss certain people. well i miss both, at the same time. and i also miss how some people used to be. oh well. it's ok.

it seems to me that i've messed some things up lately, but at times i dont think it's been just me thats messed up.

harry potter was tight. it seemed to me like they left out alot of important stuff. but thats ok.

vandy game tommorow, should be pretty crazy.



November 18 2005

i'm loving this cold weather. i wore my leather jacket today, i love that thing. this... lets say good looking girl for lack of what else i want to say, was staring at me with a smile during breakfast this morning. she kept looking turning away everytime she saw that i noticed her. it was funny. too bad she was with another girl and i was in too much of a hurry to talk to her.

spanish quiz this morning blew. oh well. i got a worksheet in math today, it shouldnt be too bad. i dont think any of my classes will be cancled on wensday, so the earliest i could probably leave is 2, but probably later. cant wait till i go home. i'll get to see all my friends.

i wouldnt mind doing some trap shooting over the break. maybe i'll go with some of my cousins, it'll be fun. johns coming home i think, maybe we'll go. but i think he was wanting me to go and do some duck hunting, sounds fun, but i dont know, i'd rather stay home and hang with everyone.

sometimes i get those feelings where i really wanna go home, but then, at times, i dont want to. it's not that i'm homesick, but.... i dont know. i feel like if i was at home, i'd wanna be here.



November 16 2005

today was pretty good. finally finished up that english paper. i just now got done with another paper, i waited pretty late to start though. i still need to proofread it though. i think that i'm going to be up all night though cause david gave me some chili tonight and i ate it like 30 minuetes ago. i can feel it working against me if you know what i mean.

i'm loving this weather

(from right to left) me, aimee d., amy a., jason, and some guy i dont know


class schedule

November 16 2005

just registered for classes, oh bizzle. right now i have 15 hours.

chem 110  MW 10:10-11 (and a bunch of labs and what not during the week)

Econ 201 TR  9:40-10:55 (lab on monday at 1:30

english 102 TR 11:10-12_25

math MWF 12:20-1:10

art sculpture F 2:30-4:25 (this class should be tight)

waitlist: history of rock, spanish 211

well i'm tired cause i had to wake up extra early to take care of all this, blah.

yesterday was alright, last night was........ different



November 14 2005

today has had it's ups and downs. right now i'm down cause i feel like i'm about to pass out, not good at all



November 13 2005

i feel like i've been popped and deflated

i talked to shannon peterson the other day, it was nice.

sometimes i wish..... it was still going on. if i had really believed everyone that told me that life flies by, i probably would of done some things differently, but who lives in the past right.

some people think they know whats going on and why i act the way i do sometimes. but they dont ask why, they dont seem to truly care, assumptions are made, and thats not cool.


it makes sense

November 12 2005

it all makes sense now. castro had JFK killed, and the government knows it. they just didnt do anything because if they did we would of started WWIII with russia. even until this day they would come after us if we invaded cuba on a major extent.

about to go to the game, it'll be fun. going to a play tonight, that'll be cool.


banana peel eaten champ

November 10 2005

i dont feel too good right now, and it could be because heath and i went head to head and ate a banana peel. and when i said we went head to head, i mean we both took a bite at the same time to see who would stop first. we both finished it. now i dont feel good, but it doesnt mean thats the cause.

today was pretty good. the lab went good. the anthropology test was ok. i got a math test tommorow, but i'll overcome it. i need to do good though. i didnt go to the game tonight, the lady vols game, i wish i had. i'll probably go to the guys basketball game tommorow night though. keep in mind tommorow is really friday for me, even though this post will show up as friday.



November 09 2005

so its 2 in the AM hours and why am i up, thats right, anthropology. i can now tell you why there is miscommunication between the different sexs, and even different races, which i've also learned in anthropology that there really isnt such a thing as a different race, but thats a whole nother post.

 i can tell you how different languages have formed over the centuries, even ebonics, ya, thats right, ebonics.

 i can tell you about status and stratification, but the question is, can you tell me?

i can tell  you about different marriages and what not for different cultures, such as why in tibet 3 brothers might marry one wife and share her. patrillenial (sp) polygyny, thats whats its called.

and did you know that there are 6 different ways to classify kinship. we use the eskimo system, the hawaiin system is pretty easy, but the sudanese system is pain, but i got the iriqouis and omaha system down pretty easily, they work off of patrilenial and matrilenial discent while the crow system works off of a bilineal discent.

so have i confused you yet? intrigued you?

i can tell you about modern day polygyny(polygyny is the marriage of one man to many women, but sometimes can be vice versa such as the thing with tibet) which makes since to me now, but i still believe it is wrong. and i believe thats how aids got started way back in the day after i read that section.

i can tell you alot more, but i'll wait, or you can just ask. theres some pretty crazy stuff i could tell you.

does all this really matter though, no, but it makes for some interesting reading. i'm going to bed. hopefully i'll sleep better tonight. last night sucked. :( but oh well.

anyone wanna go to winter wonder slam. the line up is toby mac, matthew west, grits, barlow girl, john rueban.



November 08 2005

my english class just got cancled again, for the second time in a row. i'm pretty sure that entitles me to a refund.

so the fan i bought donw on the strip for like 3 dollars i think has seen it's better days. i might have to invest in a new on, it's so hot in the dorms.

i went down to cookville last night to eat dinner with young, it was some good fun.

i got a quiz in a couple of hours, a test on thursday and friday.

we have a game on saturday, will we win, who knows. i think we're going to loose to vandy.



November 06 2005

theres so many things that i need to get out, but putting them on here is not the thing to do.

church was good, i'm glad i went this morning. i took a nap when i got back, really i just now woke up, but the important thing to realize is that i didnt get back till like 2.

last night was pretty cool, except for when the Vols lost, but oh well, i think we all saw that one coming. i got to talk to shannon moran last night for like 2 hours. that was basically the highlight of the weekend. it was definately cool. i went and saw "saw 2" friday night, it was pretty good. dont know which was better, the first or the second. they definately left it to where there could be a third one.

i got homework to do, blah. definatley got some major reading to do.

look at those studs


i wish i could put the music on here...

November 04 2005

"sweet jesus" by all star united

Sweet Jesus, wash over me
Would come and sweep me off of my feet, please
It's been two long weeks since You've heard me speak
And I was hoping that You might like to meet me
I heard You heal the broken hearted
Even those who've been discarded
Oh how I need You
I need to hear You say
Need to hear You say

Don't worry now
Don't worry how
Everything just seems to all work out
Would You sing me now to sleep

Sweet Jesus, wash over me
Would come and sweep me off of my feet, please
It's been far too long since I've sang Your song
And I was hoping that You might like to meet me
I heard You heal the broken hearted
Even those who've been discarded
Oh how I need You
I need to hear You say
Need to hear You say

Don't worry now
Don't worry how
Everything just seems to all work out
Would You sing me now to sleep