
December 03 2005

i used to make the best out of everything, and no matter what came my way i didnt care and i was happy. but after so much a person can only brush off so much and make the best out of it all. just sometimes, i wish that people would see that. i'm sure that at times i bring some of it on my self, but not all the times. oh well.

this week has had it's ups and downs.

shannon moran called to check up on my today after she knew that i was upset last night, and i appreciate that. thanks shannon

i got homework i have to do this weekend, blah.

i dont know if it's just me or what, but do you have to give your best friend a reason to get together with you, ecspecially atfter they've known you've been upset



December 03 2005
ummm...my answer to your question (the one about best friends)....is a resounding yes....and it stinks.