
November 09 2005

so its 2 in the AM hours and why am i up, thats right, anthropology. i can now tell you why there is miscommunication between the different sexs, and even different races, which i've also learned in anthropology that there really isnt such a thing as a different race, but thats a whole nother post.

 i can tell you how different languages have formed over the centuries, even ebonics, ya, thats right, ebonics.

 i can tell you about status and stratification, but the question is, can you tell me?

i can tell  you about different marriages and what not for different cultures, such as why in tibet 3 brothers might marry one wife and share her. patrillenial (sp) polygyny, thats whats its called.

and did you know that there are 6 different ways to classify kinship. we use the eskimo system, the hawaiin system is pretty easy, but the sudanese system is pain, but i got the iriqouis and omaha system down pretty easily, they work off of patrilenial and matrilenial discent while the crow system works off of a bilineal discent.

so have i confused you yet? intrigued you?

i can tell you about modern day polygyny(polygyny is the marriage of one man to many women, but sometimes can be vice versa such as the thing with tibet) which makes since to me now, but i still believe it is wrong. and i believe thats how aids got started way back in the day after i read that section.

i can tell you alot more, but i'll wait, or you can just ask. theres some pretty crazy stuff i could tell you.

does all this really matter though, no, but it makes for some interesting reading. i'm going to bed. hopefully i'll sleep better tonight. last night sucked. :( but oh well.

anyone wanna go to winter wonder slam. the line up is toby mac, matthew west, grits, barlow girl, john rueban.



November 10 2005
I think AIDS started when someone had relations with a monkey, but I could be wrong... I just thought I heard that somewhere. Anyhow, definitely does sound kinda interesting, though I'm not sure I'd want to learn all that in one night!