jeff martin


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Sappy relationship thingy....

October 10 2005

Yeah, so it seems that an ever so prevalent theme occurs in so many different profiles. It seems to transcend all website barriers from phusebox, to myspace, to facebook, even to the false security offered in pornagraphic sites that are all too prevelant in our culture. The topic of relationships. (Now, in no way am I equating the thought of pornagraphic materials with the true meaning of relationships. However, it must be noted that such examples exist because of the attack on God's perfect plan by a whimsicle attempt to recreate an alternative by Satan while completely failing and only adding hurt and pain to those incapsulated by his cunning trap of deception.) With such a pressence in our generation's culture, I felt compelled to write about it.

Am I in a relationship? No. Am I looking for one? Not really. So, I write this from a single perspective that has aged and evolved for the last 21years, with the exception of 7 months of my sr. year of HS. I don't know if my conclusions (if any) are correct, however I neither claim nor believe that I have a frim grasp on the concept. Like many things on the ever-so-wonderful internet, this is an ill-thought out observation from a small player in the grand scheme of things. I'm not even sure where I want to go with this blog. Oh well, here goes...

So I look around all over campus, and I see the overwhelming phenomenom of college relationships. I see not only the obvious hand holding and occasional making out on the knoll, but also the ramifications of relationships after they are over. And through all of this, I continually see the need for a complete and total reformation of the way that we see relationships. I have no idea how or what we should do to initiate such a restructuring, but I believe whole-heartedly that it has something to do with seeing our relationships through the eyes of the purest of all loves, the Love of God. I see so many relationships that are a fleating attempt to fill the holes and voids in the lives of the participants that it makes me weary to want to be apart of one.

Nevertheless, I find myself yearning for one of my own. One that is focused on the only one worthy of my love and adoration. Of course, that love is for my savior Jesus Christ, the one whom has loved me and my incessant short-comings from the beginning of time. However, I hunger for someone here on Earth who God has set apart for me to help me foster this relationship with my maker. To know someone who is completely in love with another man (Jesus) and I am second to her love for Him. But not only that. I long for a girl who feels the same way about my love for the Lord. A woman, in every since of the word, who understands that her place in my heart is not on the throne, but instead on her knees in constant worship of the King. Right by my side in humble adoration of the ruler of our hearts.

And through all of this, I am reminded of God's grace. Though my heart wants such an earthly companion, I am continually reminded of my dependency on the Lord. I do not contend that I am not like everyother guy. I get lonely just like next guy, and I understand what it is to be single just about better than anybody else. However, I am content with being single, and waiting on the Lord. Which is another blog for another time. If you've gotten this far, then I would like to take the time to thank you for reading one man's, nay boy's, rambling.

In the Shadow of the Cross,


October 10 2005


October 10 2005
That is so awesome. I totally agree. Though I am in a relationship, it definitely wasn't something I was seeking, and it makes me so sad when people seem to revolve their lives around having a relationship. If they seek God first, He'll make everything else fall into place, and that's so much better than any temporary satisfaction they try to find themselves.

James Roberts

October 10 2005
I needed this. The whole relationship thing has been on my mind for about 2 weeks now.


October 10 2005
Not loving God first could be why 66% of the people that get married get a divorse. Yet, I know of some who have survived and are doing great. While you bring up great topics. PDA is annoying and if they want to do it somewhere, don't rub it in other people's faces. Handholding.. okay. Kissing=public=ICK! There's my 2 cents. Anyway, great thoughts! And there is NOTHING wrong with being single. Just means that God has someone out there, waiting just for you! And that should make you want to explode:-)


October 10 2005
Wow is all I can say. I completely agree with you. It's nice to read it from a singles perspective. I do enjoy being single. I know that when the time comes along, God will put someone in my life who He has chosen just for me.