jeff martin


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Wow, I am upset

October 17 2005

Mood: very angry

I was typing up a blog on Zephaniah 3:17 and had alot of things down. I felt as if I had alot of good stuff written too. Then, as I was about to finish, something horrible happened. I was holding down the shift key and my figer slipt and ran across the scroll wheel on the mouse. Well, that went through like 18 pages before I knew what happened. I tried to go back and recover what I had written, but to no avail. Wow, I am upset. (that's an understatement) Well, I guess the only thing to do now is to go to bed and sleep it off. Who knows, maybe I'll try it again tomorrow.



October 18 2005
did you try ctrl z? thats how you undo something that you did.


October 18 2005
i'm sure it was a very nice entry because i really love that verse.


October 18 2005
like how you put "mood: very angry" like a myspace post.


October 18 2005
edit*** i forgot to put the word "I" at the beginning of my comment.