talking on the phone with claire

September 04 2005
-says fool at the same time-
claire: jinx
jamie: ahahahah
claire: SHUT UP
jamie: -giggles-
claire: I SAID SHUT UP!
jamie: -silent-
claire: you're boring me
jamie: it's because I cant
claire: SHUT UP
jamie: -laughs some more-

man how mean is she?
ahahah kidding
you're my best friend :]

oh yeah Claire, people taking pictures
of them kissing their boo-bahs
is so cool.
I dont think you know what you are saying.

p.s;; I love meeting new people :]
it always me makes me so happy..
&&& I love the song
honey & the moon by joseph arthur
< 3
great song.


September 04 2005
haha you know you thought it was funny. puh-leassse. and it's not really that cool... but I mean, whatever floats your boat. -does the 'making fun of hunter's rock on pose' pose- hahahah. i love you.


September 04 2005
claire is the shiznit, ya heard. i love that girl.

Sarah Vermillion

September 04 2005
That is a wonderful conversation.