Russell Rodden


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In A Relationship


Oakland High School


Lee University

Favorite Books

Every Man

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Long Time No Post

January 02 2006
Yeah.  So I've been doing well so far.  How is everyone else?  My grandparents have been happily married for 56 years and that is amazing.  I can't wait to have a great marriage like that.  I realize that there will be bumps and things but with God's help and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I know that I will have a great marriage.  So enough of that mushy stuff.  I seem to be good at spending money and I'm just about ready to get a job.  It sucks when your money doesn't replenish itself.  What do you guys think?

Rebecca Jensen

January 03 2006
Aren't grandparants awesome! Mine have been married 53 years as of last month and they still flirt! As for the money I know I sure wish mine did! If that happened I could go to Lee this year, but I am going to try for fall of 07.

Paul Morgan

January 03 2006
I think.... I think..... I think I'm perfect


January 06 2006
wow 56 years thats so awesome! *manda bear >comment back hoe