Richard Minnick
Relationship Status
Oakland high
Tennesse Technology Center
God, friends, hockey, basketball, bowling, white-water rafting, soccer, video games, architecture
Favorite Music
christian rock, christian hip hop
Favorite Books
left behind series
Even through the hard times.....
March 05 2007
have you ever allowed your emotions take control of you...i have... i got involved with a girl who i felt, thought, deep down she was the one for me. just recently we broke it off. i am still remembering the time we spent together. though it is hard i must let go and give God my everything, I'm surrendering my all. even through the hard times God is there to meet us in the good and the bad times. by going through what i have, the circumstances made me stronger. i thank God for it all. just remember... there is a real God who cares about you so much that he gave is only begotten son to die on an old rugged cross for all mankind.