coffee equals wisdom.

May 06 2006

so i woke up at 6 o'clock this morning. and was wide awake.

this surprises some of you. the rest of you are merely shaking your heads. (actually, all of you are probably shaking your heads, but that's neither here nor there.)

so i got out of bed, fixed myself a lovely plate full of french toast (oui, oui!), poured a glass of milk, and set about brewing a steaming cup of coffee.

finishing my breakfast, i put my dishes in the sink and sat alone (no one else in this house ever wakes up before 7:30) with my warm cup of glory, thinking.

in my short 18 years on this fair planet, i have found that the most profound thoughts usually come to people in one of the three following places:

1) the shower (i have no idea why . . .)

2) anywhere with friends at any time between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning. (these profound thoughts, if recorded, are generally far less profound the following morning.)

and . . .

3) sitting alone over a cup of coffee.

this post, if you haven't guessed already (and if you haven't given up on reading my rambling thoughts), deals with number 3.

as i sat drinking the aromatic brew some of us have come to call "liquid Jesus," i did, in fact, have a very profound thought:

if God wanted you to be like napoleon, you would have been born napoleon.

now, before most of you say "what the heck?!" allow me to rephrase it so that it is applicable to the general public who couldn't care less about my beloved french (well, corsican, really) emperor:

if God wanted you to be like someone else, you would have been born someone else.

there's a lot in that.

if God wanted everyone to be the same (to think the same, to hold the same beliefs or convictions) there wouldn't be such diversity on our little planet.

basically, if God wanted us to all be the same, we would be.

and how boring would that be?

(the appropriate answer at this point would be, "pretty darn.")

so my advice to you this morning:

be yourself.

there's only one of you. and there's only ever going to be one of you. (unless they start playing around with this whole cloning mess, but that's another post entirely.)

so don't be afraid of what other people will think. don't be afraid to share what you think. don't be afraid of who you are.

because God made you that way.

and if anyone's going to love you for who you are, He is.

and who else matters?

this has been caffeinated wisdom with your host, the brian. thank you for reading.


May 06 2006
Very nice.


May 06 2006
I really needed that! thanks!

Ben Wicks

May 06 2006
Brian King. You don't need to hit enter four times every time you complete a phrase. By the way, the whole "be yourself" bit sounds great, but most people don't even know who they are to begin with. The best I think you can hope to tell someone is, "don't try to be like other people."

Sara Shaban

May 06 2006
I love you for this.


May 06 2006
thanks brian! :o) exactly what i needed and exactly what i've been dealing with :o)


May 06 2006
we don't talk. but that is good. and were learning about napolean in shelton's class..

Sarah Vermillion

May 06 2006
Hooray for deep thoughts. As for deep thinking in the shower... I'm not sure. I think it's because it's one of the few things that is completely routine for most people. I mean, pretty much every shower is the exact same, so you never have to concentrate on what you're doing. Instead, your mind wanders and thinks deep thoughts.

Eric Bean

May 07 2006
The fact that God's opinion of me is greater than anyone else's is something I often don't stop to think about. Incidentally, a multiple-hour run is also a good time to think deep thoughts.


May 07 2006

Carrie McComas

May 07 2006
First, loving the new profile pic--it's nice to see you from a different angle, specifically one that does not require me to take on a new posture. Second, I agree with Ms. Vermillion that the thoughts in the shower are simply because you are alone (hopefully) and in a routine. I also believe that it is a form of cosmic joke because the only chance you have of recording those thoughts is writing them in the steam on the shower door...

Jessica Sanders

May 07 2006
I get what you are saying. . .very interesting. btw--sorry i missed your call Sat--I was sleeping--dreaming of someone. *sigh* ~Jessica

Ben Wicks

May 09 2006
Uh oh, Jessica and I commented on the same post. I bet this is a violation of my probation or something.


May 11 2006
I enjoyed reading that. This caught me: "if God wanted everyone to be the same (to think the same, to hold the same beliefs or convictions) there wouldn't be such diversity on our little planet." What do you think, then, about Christianity? Does that mean it isn't for everyone or can be interpreted differently and still be right? Just curious. I like the way you write.