Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


it is REALLY going to be okay...

August 26 2005

well today was one of those days, but you know, it is something i am getting used to. i did, however, draw today. and that was a nice therapy time for me. and thankfully i will be going to the leadership retreat tomorrow. which shall be fun. cari is going, so i KNOW that it will be great fun!

so, i made a new friend tonight. his name is sporky.

he's a pretty cool alien. he sure likes to talk on his cell phone though. and in this picture it appears that we have a lot in common, but i was merely trying to be cool....and i am just not as cool as an inch tall green alien named sporky. oh well....

but tonight was pretty good. i talked to two wonderful women, amy and jennifer. thanks guys! you helped a lot!

i would also like to give up a praise shout (haha) to God who is helping me not believe the lies i have believed for so long, find healing, and know that despite the horrible past few weeks i have had that there is hope in the darkness and brokeness. he is faithful and he does have a purpose for it all. and for all of you who have been crying your eyes out, been up all night with thoughts flooding your mind, with lies from worthlessness to thinking you are alone, thinking life just can't get any worse, there is hope in Jesus. you are indeed worth everything that He endured on that cross. and He loves you dearly, with an everlasting love. nothing can separate you from Him. you are His.

and it will be a constant choice to push negative, satan lies away. but with God you can do it. it will take time, and be difficult, but it will be okay and definitely worth it.

so yeah, i am going to go spend time with God and hopefully get some rest. i hope everyone has a great night!

Laura Polis

August 26 2005
I wish I had an alien friend like yours

Hope Anderson

August 26 2005
that's awesome. yes, let's praise His holy name! :)

Jennifer Hood

August 27 2005
hey beautiful! i am so glad we got to hang out last night. i love you!!!

Nathan Moore

August 27 2005
why do aliens always have to have weird names like "sporky"? Why couldn't he just be "bob"?

Matt Beck

August 27 2005
hmm.... "Bob the alien" i like that

Rachael Moore

August 27 2005
okay matt and nathan! i paid good money for that alien! and i am gonna name him something unique. i thought of fred, bob, and albert, but what fun is that? i mean come on! sporks are pretty cool...and thus came sporky. gah you guys just don't understand my coolness!


August 27 2005
i met sporky... interesting...

Bethany Bratcher

August 27 2005
I can see a quiet confidence in you that has not been there before, of couse because you are learning not to believe the lies. Praise God for that!


August 27 2005
sporky is a great name! love ya!


August 27 2005
I like Sporky... he looks like a fun companion.

Jennifer Hood

August 27 2005
sporky is definitely the coolest little alien ever - and his mothership can be found in the back of my car.

Rachael Vance

August 28 2005
hehe..i'm liking the sporky. i haven't seen u in a while..i think...j/k! i haven't. anyways...i hope school will go well for u ! praise God for rachAELs


August 28 2005
wow, i do like sporky. and thanks for the comment, it is sooo true. god will work everything out, and if not, it wasnt suppose to be worked out. so that is great, thanks again for the comment. and i had fun with u this weekend too. its usually a lot of fun out there at the farm, cya at church