A better one, at least I think so....

December 11 2006

This is one of those that I am the
most satisfied with after having finished... I really feel like I got
across what I was trying to say.  And it's pretty cool, because it came
totally from what a friend of mine is going through.  I don't know, God
is good

Proverbs 19:21

My brokenness is
cracked and bleeding,
My preconceived
plan is fleeting,
All that I knew
before today,
Seems repeatedly
crushed with everything You say.

My open heart is
As you're
continually revealing,
A way I won't
foresee until you take my eyes away,
And let them see
that way.

My fragile
thoughts are shattered,
My thoughts ring
with the clatter
Of words against
all that I knew,
Rung with this
plan I only vaguely understand, through You.

My cracked heart
is baking,
In the penetrating
heat of your Son,
I'm done trying to
comprehend your purpose,
For which I've
wrung myself out,
Now I'm undone.
Take my withered
decaying will,
And make it Thine

Rebecca Jensen

December 12 2006
That's really good :-)