So yeah... a poem

December 08 2006
So far beyond what I can fathom is the life I'm living now.
Every moment exceeds all paramaters placed around this finite living house In which I'm caved in for now, though with intermittent escape,
Found deep within the eyes of my loving Savior's face.
He gives me insight into a realm not of my own,
And though I can't take full grasp of it now I will  yet take hold
Of the small bits that He offers me today.
Outside of myself, exceeding my restrictions, is His power, in which I find
Remission for all sins, both past and present too, and peace beyond all measure, a truth that's wholly true,
And without such time with Him I know I could not endure,
All the times I spend surrounded by this morally concocted sewer,
And in such place I know that all answers will be found,
As long as You are always my assister, my strengthed fallen crown.
Conquered by none by submitted to o so many,
You are my servant deliverer, my escape for whom I'm ready
To be with forever and ever, abiding by you, I will find my peace,
Beyond what I could fathom.