Lunch Lady Land

October 01 2006
Well I woke up one morning and I woke up to see,
all the pepperoni pizza was a lookin at me,
It screamed why do you burn me and serve me up cold?!
I said I got the spatula just do what you're told.
Then the liver and onions starting joining the fight,
And the chocolote pudding pushed me with all its might,
And the chopped suey slapped me and kicked me in the head
" It's called revenge lunch lady!" said the garlic bread.
I said "What did I do to make you all so mad?"
They said you got flabby arms and your breath is bad.
Then the green beans said you better run and hide.
But then my friend sloppy joe came and joined me side.
He said, if it wasn't for the lunch the lady the kids wouldn't eat ya
You should be shaking your hand and saying "pleased to meet ya."
She gives you a purpose and she gives you a goal,
You should be kissing her feet and kissing her mole.
Now all the angry foods just leave me alone, and we all live together in a happy home.
Thanks to..
Sloppy Joe, Slop, Sloppy Joe.. ....

Jessica Jo

October 01 2006
hahaha. I love it.

Stephen Slate

October 01 2006
the Amazing Sloppy Joe song by Adam Sandler.....from SNL featuring Chris Farely the greatest comedian ever.......nice choice