Flyleaf Lyrics

June 10 2006
I could go on and on about how I am continually moved by the lyrics to their songs.  To me, this song is just so, powerful.  Especially the way it's put to music.

Sometimes I'm a selfish fake
You're always a true friend.
I don't deserve you cause      
I'm not there for you
Please forgive me again.

I wanna be there for you.
someone you can come to.
It runs deeper than my bones.
I wanna be there for you.

Swirling shades of blue,
Slow dancing in your sky
The sun kisses the earth.
And I hush my urge to cry.

*Cause I hear the whispered words,
In your masterpiece beautiful
You speak the unspeakable through

Man, that last verse and the bridge are so awesome.  See, this girl's testimony is one of the most incredible I've ever heard. 
I'll post about it later, but basically, if someone's going to feel too dirty for God to love her, it was her.

Guys, no matter what, or how unspeakable it may seem.
He still going so say He loves you.
Okay, that's my serious/spiritual spiel for you ;)

Chris Jensen

June 10 2006
awesome band

Isaiah Jensen

June 11 2006
I really like that song, it is one of my favorites from the CD