Boro Goodbyes

June 06 2005
Well, guys. I am guessing this will be my last post from the Boro that I have known as my home for almost 11 years. Tomorrow morning, I leave for New York City. Tomorrow really begins a new chapter in my life. It is an opportunity that I embrace fully.

I am going to miss almost everything about Murfreesboro including my wonderfull family, my great friends, the Belle Aire Youth group, etc...

things i will miss the most:
- hanging out with my siblings late at night and laughing so hard we cry or until mom comes out in her nightgown to scold us for waking up the neighbors
- making joke after joke with jason taylor... while WE and we alone laugh and coming up with great insiders like the Napoleon Dynamite Gospel
- stars
- sitting under the stars, talking with amazing people
- driving down a country road with my windows down, music blarring, and the sun approaching sunset status
- youth trips
- the tech team at diversion
- chris madison and his randomness
- yards of green grass
- not knowing if murfreesboro is too small or too big
- sunday meals... friends... random discusions... and throwing food
- turtle-man
- my mom caring for me when a girl breaks my heart
- my brother and his randomness
- listening to andy davis while with someone that appreciates it as much as i do
- late-night starbucks with friends
- acclaim
- hanging out on the steps... anyone that has been to my house knows what this means
- my huge window in my room
- seeing my family every day
- living with my family
- living in a city where people know me almost wherever i go
- creative team
- taking a break from work and playing piano on the grand at church
- my big back yard
- scene-it
- throwing a baseball with my dad or brother
- roller-blading
- eating on the deck in the summer time
- birthday parties
- my little sister's randomness
- bethany's late-night hyper moods
- my jaguars
- wednesday night meals at belle aire with tech talk
- knowing that there is always someone there for me if i need them

Yes, tomorrow will be the biggest change of my life. I am leaving everything I have known since I was in 4th grade and entering a new life.

Pray for me as I go.

You guys mean the world to me. I will see you soon!
-Nathan Moore

Rachael Moore

June 07 2005
i'm gonna miss a lot of those things too...

Bethany Bratcher

June 07 2005
and now I am officially crying. I am glad I get to go with you. I think it makes you leaving a little easier. But the plane ride home from NYC will be brutal-I can already tell. We will miss you more than you will ever know


June 07 2005
hey Nathan! wish i got to know you sooner cause you rock! Gonna miss you, but i know you'll keep us updated w/what God's doing in NY! you are in our prayers!

Darth Vader

June 07 2005
ill be prayin for u man itll be different when your gone we'll miss you. :(

Jennifer Hood

June 07 2005
It has been such a blessing to get to know you and watch you mature into an incredible man of God. It is so obvious that He is working in your life to magnify His glory. I will miss you and I will be praying daily for you. I can't wait to hear about all the amazing things that God is doing in NY. I love you!!!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 07 2005
Enjoy yourself, bro! I shall see you again! Much love and prayer! -Graham


June 07 2005
I am so excited for you! I really will miss you TONS next year :( nathan is my favorite new yorker!:)

Rebekah Minor

June 07 2005
bye nathan...i will see you soon!!! im determined to come up to new york and see a broadway play and do some other fun stuff...but, ill miss more scary tall person to shut the door in my face when i go to sarah's house!!!


June 07 2005
and you have no idea what you mean to me nathan. good luck in everything. i will most definately miss seeing you and working with you in the sound booth. and your random words as we sing and your rapping duck. haha well i guess i will see you later! bye..._kt

Blake Haley

June 07 2005
That made me teary eyed...and you are not even leaving me (since I don't get to see you as it is). What a ride you have before you! out!

elizabeth duncan

June 07 2005
oh, nathan...the internet is such a silly place for me to leave some words for you. but i love you...i feel like you're my brother. i'm very very glad i got to hang out with you last night.

katie nabors

June 07 2005
Nathan--it won't even let me log out. when i click the logout button, it goes to a login screen. even if i close the window, open a new one and visit someone else's phusebox site, i'm still logged in. don't hurry with fixing this...i've got time. and if it won't fix, it's really not that big of a deal! Thank you so very much! :) Good luck in NYC!

Kelly Sullivan

June 07 2005
WOAH. HOLD UP. You're going WHERE? And WHEN? How long has this been in the works?! I'd be jealous if I weren't caught up in a moment of supreme shock. It just -- it just -- gahhh! I'm gonna miss you. You'd better keep in touch or you'll have a herd of angry high schoolers mobbing New York, Starbucks in hand. What are you going to do in NYC, career-wise and all? *Still stunned* But you're going to have a fantastic time -- that's truly an awesome city. (As you know.) Take care of yourself, please, or else. If I didn't have to be somewhere in a few very short minutes, I'd add more. *heart*

Stephen Hamby

June 07 2005
nathan- have a great trip! words can't say what you have meant to me as a friend and mentor. thanks! it will lonesome in the sound booth from here on out! see ya in october- stephen

Carla Simpson

June 07 2005
i hate you for making that post! i was fine until i read it and it just so happens that you've already left! :( nathan i will miss you so much - i know we haven't hung out a lot recently, but you were and will always be one of my best friends. next time i am in new york, i will be giving you a call and we'll hit up one of the MILLION starbucks in NYC. until then, i'll keep a close watch on your family for ya ;) i love you!!!!


June 07 2005
AWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you NOW!!!! Anyhow, I know this is going to be awesome for you...

Rachel Pearl

June 07 2005
Change is awesome. You will have a great time.


June 07 2005
I don't even want to thing about leaving this town...but good luck anyway!! God bless. p.s.- are we ever gonna get to put music on here?


June 07 2005
i go to nardin in bflo... good luck in nyc!!!!

Anna Miller

June 07 2005
Just reading that makes me miss you, lol, and I don't believe we've ever met.


June 07 2005
20 remarks... i guess i make 21. you are a popular kid.

Jason Taylor

June 08 2005
You don't know what a blessing you have been to me and my family. It was God's plan. You joined the communications team workforce at the time when it seemed everything ing my world was falling apart when Christie was extremely sick. Not only helping with all the things here at Belle Aire and takng the website to a level that I could not imagine but being able to laugh with someone who understands the same type of humor as mine. That was a huge stress relief. Thanks for all you do and have done. You are greatly appreciated around here. "Don't be jealous that I have been building a ark - all my life."- Noah Dynamite