Part 2: Christians, What Do You Think?

March 29 2007
Thanks for everyone's responses on the last post...

Ok. So, continuing on with this hypothetical situation,

1. What if they guy that decided to never become a Christian actually would have become a Christian later in life if he was not "bothered" by the door-to-door evangelism? And what if the person that DID become a Christian as a result of you would have anyways later in life as well? Is it worth it?

2. Also, Is it worth it if you pushed 50 people to decide never become a Christian (who would have otherwise) just for 1 person to become a Christian right then?

Ok, and I know that this might open up a whole discusion on predesitination. That is not what this is about... whether we have free will or God has predestined everything is beside the point in relation to these questions - at least for this discussion.

What are your thoughts?

Randy Lewis

March 29 2007
God tells us to go and tell people about Jesus. If we do this, following the Holy Spirit's leading, we have done what we were commanded to do. The rest is entirely up to the Holy Spirit. How many people do you suppose went to church with a friend, and because they were offended by something at the church, they decided to never become a Christian? It's no different. Or how many have decided not to become a Christian because those Christians are handing out tracts again in front of the store? Again, it's no different. Our methods are only subject to the Holy Spirit's approval. And that could be different for every Christian. If we don't do what we are called to do, we may be held responsible for some of the ones who never heard about Jesus, because they were supposed to be ours to tell. Also, we have no way of knowing who will become a Christian and who will not. The only thing we know for sure is that we are supposed to tell them.


March 29 2007
That is tuff and I will not answer it with a long thing mainly because I don't like for people to post long things because I get destracted and don't wanna read it all....anywho I think I would wait if 50 other people would become christians later and for the first one I would....well I would go along with it.


March 29 2007
In the situation of #1 then I would have to say no, it would not be worth it in that case. I don't think that's the way it would work necessarily, but since that's what you're going with then no. If #2 is like #1 in regards to all 51 or most of the 51 coming to Christ eventually in life then I would also have to say no. But if #2 is more like the question you posed last time and is more open, then it may be worth it. I'm not sure if that made sense though... ha ha...

Rebecca Jensen

March 29 2007
Ok... for what it's worth (ie very little) here's my humble opinion... We are supposed to practice discernment and God will direct our paths. I could go into a long analytical post but simply. If we are where God wants us to be, doing what He wants us to do it will be what brings glory to His name. God desires for all to come to Him, thus He knows what's best. If He tells you to go to Russia and preach and instead you go and knock on doors in the 'burro because you are 'spreading His word' then you will be responsible for whatever damage you cause and you shouldn't be doing it. However, if God urges you to go door to door right here right now then it is what He has planned and He will work it for the best and you have done as you should.

Rebecca Jensen

March 29 2007
Wow... sorry I was going to go for short and sweet and thought I had... you should see the long version ;-)

Rebecca Jensen

March 29 2007
Oh the point I forgot to put on there (sorry I'm posting again) is that it is not for us to decide you don't know if that one person is going to lead millions to Christ or if the fifty will make no impact... or vice-versa... God knows. We don't. Listen to and follow Him.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

March 29 2007
Simple fact is that we DONT know the future, who would or wouldnt become a Christian anyway. God does, we dont. That said, spreading the word is our responsibility, and doing so in love and Truth. We have no control over the response that comes. I think that the situation is mildly flawed in that regard. We simply have to do our best based on Scripture first, and discernment and convictions second. I cant really get into anything else without diving into Election, so I'll shut up now, lol.


March 30 2007
easy. we are told to preach the Word. it doesn't matter how, when, or where. Just do it. granted, we should do it in a tasteful manner...we aren't a religion that is forced to "convert the infadels"

BJ Hunt

April 03 2007
the one for the many...never the many for the one. our God is all about investing in his people. we are always called to preach the word, yes, but in context.

Maja Opacic

April 05 2007
This is random... can you please help me cancel my account?

John Baker

April 08 2007
Maja, I believe I work with your sister if her name is Amber. Nathan, at your request I won't get into total depravity or election, which handicaps any answer I can give. Anyway, John 3:18 shows us the the sin of unbelief is for the unbeliever to bear. While a lot of factors go into a person's decision for not believing, I can't buy the theory that the main one is witnessing techniques. Love of the world, arrogance, and other human traits play a much larger role in unbelief. However, I agree with Rebecca above in having to listen to God's will in when/where to witness. Romans 10:14-15 speaks a great volume on this topic in just two verses.


April 12 2007
#1 is irrelevant because you can't know what will happen in the future and you can't live your life watching every step you take in case something goes wrong. If that's the case, you will never do anything, and to do nothing is worse than to at least try. #2 Is kinda like #1 in that you can't try to predict the future, but also you are doing something wrong if you are pushing people away like that.