Link of the Day

April 13 2006
When the United States goes to the moon, they study rock formations, bring back samples, take data on climate, etc...

When Europe goes to the moon, they want to plant flowers?!

Seriously guys... could your research and development money not be spent on something more revolutionary. You know, I hear they are still looking for a cure for cancer... Anyone? oh, sorry. I did not mean to disturb your gardening...


beth cooper

April 13 2006
well maybe they want it to be pretty when people start living on the moon! lol. and maybe planting flowers on the moon is the first step to curing cancer. ya never know!


April 13 2006
i agree w/ said person above, plus this is slowly helping us figure out a way to prehaps one day move up there.


April 13 2006
Beautifying the moon... wow... can the moon's soil even sustain life? Does the moon have soil?

Nathan Moore

April 13 2006
I guess we *they* will find out...

Sarah Vermillion

April 13 2006
I dunno. I think planting flowers on the moon is a freakin' cool idea. I mean, imagine if they could find a way to make the moon support life. That would be pretty darn revolutionary.

Brent Walker

April 13 2006
who cares about living on the moon?...i sure dont. I agree with nathan, lets find the cure for cancer.

Elissa Supyo

April 13 2006
can you plant flowers in cheese? cheese is good. so are flowers. but mixed together it's like napoleon dynamite marries dolly parton. separated, good. together, grievously disturbing. you should become some rocket scientist. that way we'd already have a cure for cancer.


April 13 2006

Brandon Ray

April 13 2006