
July 02 2005
In case you were wondering, here is 24 Ways to lace your shoes... be creative.


Rachael Moore

July 02 2005
will dement (his user name is that or will) is having problems uploading pictures... i told him i would tell you. you should be his friend anyhow, he is pretty cool. and those are some crazy ways to tie shoes... somebody must have been very bored when coming up with all those. see ya tomorrow!!!

Rachael Robertson

July 02 2005
omg.. that is pretty interesting...

Sarah Vermillion

July 02 2005
My goodness. That's fascinating.


July 03 2005
how long are you home for? just the weekend?

Darth Vader

July 03 2005
JUST LEAVE!!! just playin your a cool guy

Crystal Pittard

July 03 2005
Hey Nathan! It was good to see you at church.. have a great week~