A Word on Friendship

January 12 2006
"True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance." –Henry David Thoreau

I have learned a lot about friendship during the last few weeks. I have learned that even the people in your life that you think are the most reliable can turn their back on you in an instant without any logical reason. I have learned that no matter how hard you try to resolve things, some things still may not be resolved. I have learned that sometimes, you have to go through life with mystery, not really knowing what is going on. I have learned that the people that have to convince you that you can trust them are often the ones that you cannot trust in life. I have learned that some friends are opportunists, taking what they can get for now and then moving on when something better comes. I have learned that friends sometimes wear masks, and you are unable to see their true identity until conflict arises. I guess trust is sometimes overratted.


Rachael Moore

January 12 2006
amen. true story.


January 12 2006
that is so true.


January 12 2006
i feel ya man, people are so unreliable... but again, they are people...


January 12 2006
Yeah, I hate it when stuff like that happens. It is hard to know who your true friends are, especially when the ones you thought you could trust turn their back on you and stab you in the back. But, you can't let stuff like that get you down. There is a purpose for why things like this happen. I just always hope that in some way God is or will be glorified when all is said and done. Pray for your friends...the ones who have hurt you and have not hurt you. Pray for yourself that God will be with you and give you an understanding heart. This is hard stuff, but stay strong! God bless!


January 12 2006
sorry, man, think we've all been there before. i've just learned you gotta keep on lovin'em regardless. lookin forward to the new layout for church's website. Jason, Stephanie, "Joshy", and me were trying to guess on it all day!


January 12 2006

Kim Possible

January 12 2006
Very true... there are people out there that display their most human side... and hopefully you walk away from those knowing a little more about what friendship is not... but then there are those people that come along that completly change your view of true friendship, the kind CHrist portrayed. THose people leave an impression on you that last forever... Those teach you a little more about what Christ is calling us all to.

Jennifer Hood

January 12 2006
these are things that we all learn at some point in life, but don't ever give up on friendship - the true ones make it all worthwhile. i wish i had the right words to "make it all better," but an i love you always seems to help - so, i love you!

Michael Dyson

January 12 2006
wellll...in the immortal words of simple plan...welcome to my life...jk...but seriously i completely know what you are going through...in all of my relationships i always seem to know when i reach that point where im as close to one person as im going to get...but for some reason i always seem to trust ppl too much to believe that my instincts are wrong and that i am in control of the relationship...often times though in my life God uses my failed friendships as the most valuable tools in redefining myself as a better person and a stronger Christian...hope that all makes since...stay strong


January 12 2006
Betrayal is a hard one to get over, but sometimes life is about being the bigger person and sticking to your convictions regardless of what's been done to you. Turn the other cheek, and all that jazz. Sorry for the poopiness that has apparently gone on. :(


January 13 2006
True friendships are hard to find. Trust and faith, in each other, is earned. Everyone needs friends, but not everyone is friendly. People want to trust but not everyone is trust worthy. Sometimes we have to take a step back and just breath for a second. God is in control and he will take care of us.

Marybeth Jensen

January 13 2006
Mmm...I'm knew on phusebox, just got one, and I'm wondering....I'm signed on on AIM, but it says that i'm offline...am i doing something wrong, or is it just being weird?

Marybeth Jensen

January 13 2006
hmm, that is odd, but, it's all good. And yes, so far, I am enjoying phusebox. There were a few things that I couldn't figure out now, but it's cool.


January 14 2006
will you please tell me how to delete my phusebox?

Donald Allen

January 14 2006
that is true.... for realz Thanks for the comment about the song, i worked pretty hard on it........

Belinda Willmoth

January 16 2006
yep. trusting humans . . . they fail us. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength . . . Is. 40:31.


January 18 2006
i don't liek not knowing where things are going somettimes especailly when they are life changing..i like to know the whole big puzzle...but that NEVER HAPPENS!

Marybeth Jensen

January 18 2006
Why is it called a blog instead of a post? that's a weird name.


January 20 2006
HELP! I added a wedding pic that I tried to make my profile pic, and it suddenly brought up a picture of three random people I've never seen before in my life. Is there a way to add a pic that I already have hosted instead of uploading it to phusebox? I don't see an option to use another URL anymore... :(

Laura Polis

January 20 2006
Mac's cost money. . .that I don't have. . .and I paid for it not to break. . .stupid warrenty, does me no good