

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Siegel High


God, School (some what), intelligent conversation, books, music, theatre, shopping, road tripping with my buddies, chocolate, obviously updating my two online journals, dancing, singing, politics, mock trial, riding horses, writing poetry and stories, working on my scrap book, taking random pictures, watching movies, muddin, spendin what little time I'm given with the love of my life, trying to keep my life under control .freefever { This layout is from } body, body.bodyContent { background-image:url(''); background-position:Top Left; background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment:scroll; cursor:Default; background-color:white; scrollbar-face-color:FF6666 !important; scrollbar-track-color:FF0000 !important; scrollbar-arrow-color:FFFFFF !important; scrollbar-shadow-color:FFFFFF !important; scrollbar-3dlight-color:FFFFFF !important; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFFFFF !important; } table, tr, td {background:transparent; border:0px;} input {background-color:transparent !important;} td, span, div, input, a, table td div div font, body, body.bodyContent div table tbody, body.bodyContent tr td font { color:FFFFFF !important; font-family: "Georgia" !important; } td, span, div, input, table td div div font, body, body.bodyContent div table tbody, body.bodyContent tr td font { color:FFFFFF !important; } body, body.bodyContent, div, p, strong, td, .text, .blacktext10, .blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall:link, a.searchlinkSmall:visited, .btext, .redbtext, .nametext { color:FFFFFF !important; } a { cursor:Default !important; color:FFFFFF !important; } a:hover { cursor:Default ; color:FF9999 !important; } img {border:0px;} body, body.bodyContent, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important} div.msmnet{position:absolute;right:5px;top:35px;border:1px solid rgb(128, 128, 128);background:url( repeat-x 0 0 ;padding:0;margin:0;}div.msmnet ul{list-style:none;padding:5px;margin:0;}div.msmnet ul li{padding:2px;}div.msmnet ul li a:link, div.msmnet ul li a:visited{color:rgb(128, 128, 128);font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;}div.msmnet ul li a:hover, div.msmnet ul li a:active{background-color:rgb(128, 128, 128);color:white;text-decoration:none;font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;} MySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace CodesMySpace Backgrounds

Troops in Iraq respond to Kerry...

November 01 2006


For those of you who haven't heard about this, I'll explain. John Kerry made the following remark in a speech he was giving to a group of students in California: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Just Me

November 04 2006
haha. yay for them....havent talked to u in a LONG while. just thought i'd check in and see how u are and such.