


Oakland High School


Tennessee Tech

13 days!

April 19 2006
thats right kids!  13 more days in my high school career.  got the cap & gown yesterdy.  just registered for a dorm.  proms a little over a week away.  registering for classes this monday & tuesday.  so im not even sure why i have to go to school after this monday... oh i guess i need to graduate.


April 19 2006
underlined? i have no idea what you are talking about.

Sarah Vermillion

April 19 2006
Crrrrrazy. I'll miss yous! You know. I'll miss the thirty seconds that I see you about every third or fourth day... :p


April 20 2006
graduating would be a good thing. Lol

Anthony Myers

April 20 2006
I shall miss you sooo much Erin. I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you much this year. Its been so long. I hope you have a great time through college and lead a life that you always wanted.