i think i'll go find something to eat now.

June 21 2005
one of the classes i'm in right now is a grammar class. yes, it's just as much fun as it sounds. so today we were learning something, though i'm not sure what because i hadn't really been listening, and the teacher brought up the phrase "might could" as an example. she, then, proceeded to tell us how ingenious it is that a group of people came up with such a phrase. after the entire class laughed at her for this assertion, she filled us in on why in the world she felt this way. she explained that using "might" or "could" provided a given amount of certainty to the sentence. but what if you wanted to give just a bit less certainty? use them both! apparently, this is a quite remarkable concept. in fact, my teacher even used the word innovative to describe these words being used together. so the next time you hear people saying that they might could do something, don't for one second think that they have a poor grasp on what is considered proper grammar. instead, congratulate them on their superior creativity and inventive use of the english language.


June 21 2005
hmm... im inpressed!!!

Nathan Moore

June 21 2005
...dot dot dot...

Carla Simpson

June 21 2005
OMG THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!! you do know that i say might could all the time!!! somebody once told me it was improper english, but i fought them and turns out it is right!! yay!

Daniel Arnett

June 21 2005
I might could think about that...

Michael Patterson

June 23 2005
oh my begeezus