I never thought it would happen..

December 06 2005

I decided to come home for a night since classes are over with and as soon as I walk in the door, I see the Daily News Journal laying on the kitchen counter and what is on the front page? Complaints about another Wal-Mart being built in Murfreesboro.

Of all places, I figured no one here would ever complain about Wal-Mart. For God's sake people just let them build the store. It's helping you out so you don't have to drive across town to the other Wal-Marts. They're trying to make money and I'm sorry if you don't want a Wal-Mart or any other kind of store right in your back yard but when you've got a city expanding as rapidly as Murfreesboro, you'd have to expect it to happen sooner or later. If you don't want to deal with it, then move out to the country, move to another part of the city, or just deal with it and go on. This would be different if there were only 20,000 people in town but there's close to 80,000 and it's still growing. Deal with it because it's inevitable.

My dad has worked for Wal-Mart for 25 years and most of those 25 years came as the store manager at the Wal-Mart by the mall. He has worked his butt off for a company that went from nothing to the biggest in America and I'll be damned if all of these people want to try and stop the company that my father works for from expanding and trying to make a profit. He has put up with more crap than anyone I know and he deserves a break from all of this but no, you people insist in complaining and I'm sick of it.

I'm sick and tired of hearing how big it is and how much they hate it and how they won't shop there. Get over it. If you don't like it, go to Target. If you're tired of working for them and complain about wages and all that then find another job.

Wal-Mart has fed me, clothed me, paid for my car, our house, and me going to college and it is what holds my family together and I'll be damned if someone tries to take that away from me.

I had to vent and get all of that out..


December 06 2005
oooo fun! where is it?

Jason Thacker

December 06 2005
Maybe they should think about putting it somewhere else.


December 06 2005
Well, personally, I think they should forget the Wal-Mart and build another Target, because there is only one of those, and as you mentioned, that's the alternative. A lot of people are also upset because of the Chinese labor... it's mostly an economical issue- not so much that people just don't like it.


December 06 2005
i like the idea of another tagret- heck can they just build us one of each in the middle of campus?