
April 26 2006
You got to leave me now, you got to go alone
You got to chase a dream, one that's all your own
Before it slips away
When you're flyin' high, take my heart along
I'll be the harmony to every lonely song
That you learn to play

When you're soarin' through the air
I'll be your solid ground
Take every chance you dare
I'll still be there
When you come back down
When you come back down

I'll keep lookin' up awaitin' your return

My greatest fear will be that you will crash and burn
And I won't feel your fire

I'll be the other hand that always holds the line
Connectin' in between your sweet heart and mine
I'm strung out on that wire

And I'll be on the other end
To hear you when you call
Angel, you were born to fly
And if you get too high
I'll catch you when you fall
I'll catch you when you fall

Your memory's the sunshine every new day brings
I know the sky is calling.

well...4th day being sick and i feel so gross. im sick of laying in bed.. BUT..

i have rediscovered that i have the worlds best - best friend forever and ever (BFFAE..ha:-))

Emily Windham brought me lilies today.. i think they make me feel better than the medicine does..

if you didnt hear about it...invisible children was on Oprah today...the three guys that went to Uganda were on the show..it was awesome...if you dont have anything going on this weekend..make sure you go to invisiblechildren.com and get involved in the Global Night Commute in Franklin..we will be meeting at the target in the cool springs area saturday the 29th at 8..


Emily W.

April 26 2006
i figured lilies would be helpful! i love you very much!! hope you're feeling better! 2 days til the ultimate movie marathon. 3 days til we help change the world!!


April 26 2006
Your mom told me how sick you were - I hope you feel better soon! <3 <3

Bethany Bratcher

April 26 2006
hope you feel better soon :)


April 27 2006
ooooh, me too, me too!!! i want you to get lots and lots better! and i recognise that song; who is it?


April 27 2006
Get Well soon! Sending happy thoughts your way!