i just.... cried...

March 01 2006

WOW... im such a city gurl... but my family is moving to the country... and when we went out there i walked to the middle of our 9 acre back yard... and just looked up... i dont remember the last time i saw the stars so clear... and i did the only thing i could think of to do... i cried... then i talked to my daddy and told him how i was doing... and then i got on my knees ... and prayed... i've never felt so close to the sky... like i could reach up and grap a star... then i just layed there in the middle of this huge field w/ all the little buggies... and snakes... and dirt... and i cried... it felt good... it was AMAZING!! 

N E WAYZ!...

so my b-day is April 11th... and i want a party a somewhat big party...  and i think im gunna have a bon fire im my huge back yard and almost everyone will be invited... wienies, marshmellows, music and all my friends... yah i think thats what i'll do...  n e other suggetions... let me know!!!

i dont think i've ever met n e one quite like him...and i dont think i ever will... he treats me better then most of the boyfriends i've had(though he isnt my b/f...(i wish he was) )... hmmm dakota....

Super Ste

March 01 2006
it's nice to have a good cry. everyone needs them... sorry you have to move to the country though.<br>a congrats with dakota! hehe.<br><3


March 01 2006
ill have a dakota with a side of kisses

brandi gates

March 02 2006
I can't believe you are in love with my brother.uuuugggghhhhh