She Should Be

September 30 2005
I’ll love everything about her! From the way her smile stretches across her face, to the way her shoulders curve. From the way she looks while she’s sleeping, to her grumpy mood when she wakes up. Every little thing that makes her who she is, that’s what I’ll fall for.

Lately, for some reason, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what “she should be”. What will my wife be like? Where this came from, I’m not really sure. Maybe it’s just where I am.

Sometimes when I stop, I think about her. This all never crossed my mind much until this summer. Some time ago I found myself in a place I really didn’t want to be. Heart-broken and scared of what I really needed to do, I knew it was time for some things to change. God was screaming to let him be number one, but at the time, someone else filled the spot. So I spent my time since then learning who God was, both in my life and in the lives of others. I knew him, but I had to fall in love with him. I had to get to know him on that personal level. So, needless to say, my focus was and is completely on him and not on dating or anything of the sort. Lately though, I started to wonder when that “focus” will include someone else.

I know before you can decide on what “she/he should be”, you have to fall in love with the one who sculpted them, the one who designed their every fingerprint, their every emotion, and every corner of their heart. To truly understand what human love can be you have to learn to truly love the one who designed them to fall in love with you.

I know she is there. Hopefully, she is praying for me, just as I pray for her. Maybe she even thinks about me when she stops to look at the stars too. In the mean time it’s my responsibility to act in a way that would make her proud and would show her I love her. After all, actions do speak louder than words. I don’t want to have to apologize for my past one day.

One day I’ll look at her and I’ll know. One day I’ll live at rest, at position number two, in someone else’s life. I’ll know that He sculpted her for me. Ill finally see that He designed her hand to perfectly fit in mine.

I look forward to building memories with her. I’ll look forward to the slow dances, weird inside jokes, and long conversations. I look forward to finally realizing that she’s the one I want in the rocking chair that’s right beside me on the front porch when we’re ninety. When we’ve lived life to the fullest and now all we have to do is sit there and reminisce, she’s the one I want to talk to.

I’m very content with Jesus though. He is truly, all I need. The point of life is to become someone, not to find someone. Who you become last through eternity, who you find does not. In the end, only one relationship matters.

olivia carter

September 30 2005
very poetically beautiful. lots of goodpoints.

Robert Lewis

September 30 2005
aww, you big teddy bear


September 30 2005
that really puts a smile on my face. you are going to make some girl VERY VERY VERY VERY happy. You are such a gentleman!! Yay.


September 30 2005
I'm in Ellen's group.


September 30 2005
Oh by the way, very awesome and sweet entry! I'm sure your princess is waiting for you!


September 30 2005
"To truly understand what human love can be you have to learn to truly love the one who designed them to fall in love with you." ...well said. and so true. and i'll agree with aimee, there are a lot of us at that spot right now. God is definitely teaching me patience and focus on Him.


September 30 2005
that was amazing. You are gonna make some girl so lucky some day. You are a man of God. I know God has some awesome things in store for you!!!!


September 30 2005
i like your picture collage thing.

Bethany Bratcher

September 30 2005
All I can say is wow-that gave me serious goosebumps. Props to you for making Jesus first in your life, and as everyone else has said, your princess is waiting and she will be so lucky to have you!


October 01 2005
:o) well i guess i should've known u would've posted on here as well...but you know my 2 cents are on myspace...


October 01 2005
Your entry is so sweet!Yeh Im trying to put all my focus on God, but I know what you mean , its kinda like you want another human being to be there to love and be loved. That is so hard to try to be patient for that other person in your life. I know what you mean. ~Sarah~

Kirsten Bowles

October 02 2005
Yeah you sure are

Tricia Romano

October 05 2005
that was really sweet. I don't know many people, men especially, that think like that anymore. It's refreshing. lol

Carrie McComas

October 05 2005
I'm there. Exact same thing has permeated my life lately. Good to know I'm not alone.

jeff martin

October 10 2005
yeah dude, so i definately read this after posting my blog that's almost identicle.... freaky... cya tonight at jade's place

Matt Fisher

October 19 2005
I think just about every college guy is in the same positoin you are. We all want to wait for the one that He has in store fo rus but we wouldn't mind if He introduced to each other now. If we can't understand how He loves us how can we love each other?