A long time coming

October 08 2008

This presidential election is a pain in the ass.  This is not, however, just because of the empty rhetoric of both sides' candidates, but also because of the idiocy of those who are going to be voting for someone.  Here are a few snippets of conversations I've heard in the last few days:


"Palin's from Alaska.  What's she going to be able to do for me?"

"Obama's a Muslim.  He goes to church to cover it up."

"McCain's so old, he'll die right when he takes office.  Then we'll be stuck with a Canadian."

"Biden is a good candidate."


So, to cut through the crap, I try to watch the debate(s).  They're horrible!


McCain: "This is what I believe and this makes me right.  Senator Obama disagrees, and that makes him wrong."

Obama: "We-we-we-well, what Senator McCain is failing to mention is that he's WRONG!  WRONG WRONG WRONG!  And I want to change things."

Mediator: "Senator Obama, can you answer the question?"

Obama: "Well, Senator McCain, you know...he's a senator, and...well...he's wrong.  You know he voted with the Republicans 90% of the time?  I only voted with Republicans 5% of the time, making me a true, uh, bipartisan."

McCain: "What Senator Obama is trying to say is that I'm a maverick, and he wants to promise empty change.  What we need is a couple of mavericks, like my Vice President and me, to go in there and show Washington what mavericks are really like.  They obviously didn't notice me, but damn!  Palin's hot, so they'll notice her."

Obama: (grins) "My esteemed colleague is a moron because he's not a lawyer.  I'm better than him.  Nah nah nah nah nah nah!" (sticks out tongue)

McCain: "Be careful, Senator Obama.  The last nigger that stuck his tongue out at me didn't survive the Hanoi Hilton.  Let's just say that the gooks were scared of me for a while after that little incident.  All due respect to gooks, of course."