Celebrating Cynic (Same Starting Sound Streak)

March 10 2007
Memphis won the C-USA tourney today.  Big surprise.  Now they're just gonna have to win the NCAA tourney.  Woohoo!


I just got back from Memphis where I met up with a few of my high school friends and introduced them to Brittany.  Now, I'm usually not one to balk at another person's spiritual experiences because I have no clue what's going on in their spiritual lives.  Usually.  One thing was said, though, that got me thinking again...

"I've just been so broken by God lately.  I've never felt more humble than I do now; it's like all I can do is praise God all of the time.  I feel so great!"

Sounds nifty, honestly enough.  Except for the referring to the self more than referring to God, that is.  Even that wouldn't be so bad, except that the actions are done by the self.  Rather than "I've just been so broken by God lately," wouldn't it make more sense as "God broke me."?  As I said, I can't judge what others are going through, but I do notice things like that that make me wonder.

Anyway, we had an interesting discussion at the dinner table last night.  A teacher at the Baptist school where I attended for 13 years was reprimanded for referring to Mormons as a cult in a class in which there was a Mormon student.  During my 13 years there, I spent several years being told that my denomination was a cult and my grandparents' denomination was a cult, as well as my aunts, uncles, cousins, and many friends.  We dealt with it.

Anyway, that's not the thing I'm actually a little irritated by.  Mom stated that they (the Mormon family) should not be offended because, by definition, they are a cult.  She then told us that the definition of a cult is a group that doesn't believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  I knew better than to try to explain that Mormons believe in Jesus (she got pissed at me last time I mentioned something even close to that), but I corrected her definition of a cult, using the Merriam-Webster dictionary defnition.  She told me in so many words that I was wrong, forgetting the conversation from about 20 minutes before when I had talked about having just given a presentation in a class about cults.  I think I have a little bit of an idea about the topic, you know?

Anyway, that's enough for now.  Going to sleep.

JM Vajda

March 12 2007
Many people don't like to address the idea that God brings anything but immediately good things. Obviously, God causes disaster for various reasons. So, while people would like to give God the glory for breaking them (giving them a spiritual pruning), they would like to stray away from the idea that God would break anyone. Hence the use of passive voice. That sound accurate?

Nathan Moore

March 14 2007
i was definitely sleeping.