New Endeavour

February 17 2007
So I had an idea for a slightly humorous, mostly satirical essay-ish thing called "WWJD? - What Would Jesus Decide?" in which I would debate different voting methods for the Christ assuming that He was around for the election in 2008.  I think that it shall be fun.

After discussing this with a few people, I also want to write a sequel about in which denomination Jesus would find his "church home."  I figured, "Hey, I spend most of my time complaining about and making fun of politics and Christianity, so why not make a marginally organized effort to create something slightly enjoyable?"

I'll get to it in a few years, I'm sure.

JM Vajda

February 18 2007
The method Jesus would probably use is the current scanning system which they have implemented since the problems of Gore vs Bush with the "hanging chads." :P ... but then again, would Jesus vote? Probably, the whole 'Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's...' ... meh. Thanks for praying to the Almighty, He didn't allow the 8th deadly sin (Panic) to befall me.