Phusebox Craziness + Girl

January 28 2007
So Phusebox is all crazy lately.  I mean, things, they be a-changing.  Kind of exciting, yet, at the same time, I'm wondering if the Phuse experience will be the same.  It'll probably be better, though this is already what I would consider the best blogging site of the whole


The whole girl situation is going great.  I'm actually a bit surprised at how good things are going.  Now, those of you that really know me know that I have issues with commitment - within a few weeks of dating a girl, I'm thinking about the possibility of a wedding.  Well, this one is no different, except for the fact that we're still together after 2.5 months.  This matches my college record of time spent dating a girl, so I'm both excited and nervous as this is when poopy things would tend to start happening.
At the same time, I'm a little bit more confident in our abilities to tolerate one another due to a recently discovered situation - time spent together is not a constant, but a variable.  What I mean, in effect, is that, mathematically, I've spent more time in conversation/presence/whatever...I've spent more time with her than any other girl I've dated.
Mathematically: I spent x hours per day with Kari for 6 months on average (this includes time spent on the phone, etc.).  I've spent approximately 4x hours per day with Brittany for 1.5 months (not including time on the phone or instant messenger, which makes up the month of Christmas break).  Already, I've spent more time with Brittany than with Kari.  If this rate continues to be maintained, one year with her would be comparable to four years with Kari, except happier since it's with Brittany instead of the angry ho.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now.