January 10 2007
This post is about three things.

1. 24 hours until I'll be on the road.  I'll actually be on the road in less than that time, but I know that within that time, I will actually be driving "east" on I-40 back to Cookeville.  Hooray!

2. 24, Season 6, will be premiering on Sunday with a double-header.  Then, on Monday, there will be TWO MORE EPISODES!  Holy cow, I won't be sleeping.  For those of you not already into 24 (which is most of you reading this, I'd wager), you may not want to start with season 6.  Find the older seasons on DVD and catch up; it'll be better for you in the long run.

3. 24 hours until I'll be on the road!  And 24 returns this weekend!


So, now that I'm finished with my channeling of Connie, I say goodbye until tomorrow.