So I said never mind

November 13 2006
Well, I've been reading Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis, and in one part of it, he was talking about how we are supposed to live today like it's our last day because Christ told us such.  Well, it's something I've always struggled with - I want to plan for tomorrow, the next day, and every day after that what classes I'll take, what job I'll have, who I'll marry, how many kids I'll have, when I'll retire, where I'll live...I like to have some sense of certainty about it.
Well, something about how he said it must have struck (or would it be stricken there?) me differently from the other times I've read such things because I actually acted on it for about 40 seconds, which was long enough for me to recant what I said in my last post, plus take care of a few other things.  A lot can happen in 40 seconds, believe you me.  So yeah, Josh was right even before he said anything on the last post.  AND IT'S NOT MY IMPATIENCE.  Just wanted to use that disclaimer.  I'm blaming this one on God instead of me  ;)

Anyway, in less happy news, I was being a moron last night, as I am wont to do, and I was running down the hall (as we tend to do here) with a USB plug-in card for this guy's wireless mouse (I had stolen the card, then told the guy I was faster than him, which I was), so he was chasing me.  Well, in the middle of our hallway, for some stupid reason, the floor drops two steps, so there are two stairs on either side of this drop.  When I dropped (surprise, surprise), my knee made that poopy popping sound and I hit the ground hard, unleasing a torrential downpour of less-than-kind words about the floor's parentage.  Anyway, needless to say, my walking has once again been hindered.  Bah.

Jeana Lewis

November 14 2006
I've heard it said that we should live like there's no tomorrow but plan like we'll live to be 100. Sounds like good advice to me :o)