Why I Can't Argue Some Topics

August 03 2006
I'm finding through time that there are more and more topics that I once could argue with anyone about for days on end without growing weary.  Nowadays, I can no longer do this on such a wide variety of topics.  It's not that I'm unprepared - I've had more time to do more research and have grown more educated on the topics.  The fact is, the arguments are worthless.  It is fruitless to argue with people.  While one out of every so many billion people may be convinced, it's a good chance that that person is not the one who wants to argue.  They're the ones who want to listen.  So instead of debating, I've been doing more of a monologuous expression of ideas which occur to me.  This leads to no frustration derived of confrontation and a chance to express what I want to express without being sidetracked by other issues.

By the way, I had some brief inspiration today and wrote a little bit of a chapter of a book that shall never be completed.  Read the excerpt anyway and let me know what you think of it.  http://zeal.i8.com is the website, and just click on the "001.doc" link to download.  It's only 3 pages, so that's not bad at all.