*cough* *hack* *snort*

July 31 2006
Well, surprisingly enough, the song went very well.  Much better than I had hoped it would, actually.  However, I'm now dying of the Death Plague of Doom.  My sneezes are setting off seismic activity here (seriously...I just sneezed, and a bottle fell off of my shelf).  Really, it's not too bad - just a sinus infection.  It just kind of killed my appetite, so I'm feeling a little weak (that tends to happen when you don't eat).  Other than that, I'm fine.  Hopefully, this will all clear up in a few days.

James White

July 31 2006
Yeah, I know that feeling. When you have to pause in your chewing to breathe, it's just too exhausting to eat. At least you haven't lost your voice, though.